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What does mushrooming look like

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if i'm correct in my thinking a mushroomed wick looks like a mushroom, as it burns the wick does not burn away and it get's larger on the end like a mushroom cap....don't quote me on that, it's just what i believe and what i'd call many of candles i've bought and burned have done.

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So are store bought candles made wrong because I get that sometimes even on candles I buy from WalMart or other stores. I also get soot on the jar as the candle burns down, close to the bottom. Is a small amount of soot and mushrooming expected and accepted?

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here's a link...


here's a keyword: "mushrooming"

here's some links I found doing that search:







etc. etc.

eta: mushrooming is very, very important to some chandlers. Not as important to others. Everyone has their picture or vision of a perfect candle... it isn't the same for everyone. Personally, mushrooming is lower on the list of pet peeves. To each their own.

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As the candle addict that I am, (sorry, dont mean to hijack anyone's screen name) I'm okay with mushrooms. To me, it's a good indication that it is time to trim the wick. Even a wick that hasnt mushroomed by that time should be trimmed. If you see a wick that is glowing on the end, it's clear that it is not supporting ignition like the rest of the wick that is. (gawd, hope that made sense)

As a "power burner" I trim wicks while they are burning. If you try this and trim a burning mushroom you will notice how much cleaner and brighter the flame gets. Likely even hotter but I dont have equipment to test that.

Or even if you are just trimming a glowing wick end. If it was "self trimming" you would end up with those little bits of wick either falling into the wax or on your walls and furniture as soot.

A candle is a fire in any case and you must have soot somewhere. At least if it's in the mushroom, it is in a place where you can catch it and dispose of it how you wish. I have noticed that candles that mushroom dont soot the glass of container candles nearly as much. Maybe other's experience is different.

I just think of a mushroom as a way of localizing much of the soot in a place that is easy to get at. They also sorta look like the stamens on a flower, all in black of course.

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So are store bought candles made wrong because I get that sometimes even on candles I buy from WalMart or other stores. I also get soot on the jar as the candle burns down, close to the bottom. Is a small amount of soot and mushrooming expected and accepted?

Mass manufactured candles are frequently not made with the same careful standards as handmade candles.

Soot is not acceptable. Mushrooming is somewhat optional depending on how bad and how long the candle is burned before it begins to occur.

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Actually I was talking to some of my co-workers and asked them what they thought when it happened. They said that if I did my best to prevent it and still had a small amount of mushrooming, as long as I had some kind of information that let them know to trim the wick and the jars didn't turn black, they didn't mind. Which makes me feel a little better. I am a perfectionist when it comes to things I make (not just candles) and will try to keep the mushrooms down. Thanks for your info, and yes, I have been using the search feature for the last 2 days. Love that thing!

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