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Anyone know premiere wicks? (C3)

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I've searched and haven't found anything except for a reference to a tin, in the forum.

I'm budgeting out the month right now, and am putting together my list of things that I can pick up locally in my walk in supplier.

I'm going to use C3 and the supplier suggested premiere wicks. She said they work well in this wax and she carries them, or htp's.

My jar is going to be a 4 1/2" tall, 2 1/2" diameter Madison jar. 12 0z.

I wanted to test the C3 first for practice of pouring, and get a feel for the consistency, and work on having it set up right, so at first don't plan on using my USA or fo. I want to get to know the wax itself, before I add anything. Just to get a feel for the pouring, and not sure if I'm planning the approach right.

Also, this is what I'm thinking as a wick selection, and want someone to double check me please.

I have these in mind, to pick up....

WI-725   Votives   1-2" Container 2-3" Pillar       
WI-730 1-2" Container 2-3" Pillar
WI-735 1-2" Container 2-3" Pillar 2-3" Container
WI-740 2-3" Pillar 2-3" Container
WI-745 2-3" Pillar 2-3" Container
WI-750 2-3" Pillar 2-3" Container
WI-755 2-3" Pillar 2-3" Container 3-4" Pillar 3-4" Container
WI-760 2-3" Pillar 2-3" Container 3-4" Pillar 3-4" Container
WI-765 2-3" Pillar 2-3" Container 3-4" Pillar 3-4" Container
WI-767 2-3" Pillar 2-3" Container 3-4" Pillar 3-4" Container
WI-770 2-3" Container 3-4" Pillar 3-4" Container
WI-775 3-4" Pillar 3-4" Container
WI-777 3-4" Pillar 3-4" Container

I got those recommendations from http://www.wicknclip.com/recommendations.html#p700 and have read here somewhere, that they're pretty accurate for soy on that site.

I was figuring, if I buy the sampler, it's really going to be much more in the end. Their sampler costs like 6.25 and has 5 of each. The straight packs have like 25 each, and are 1.90.

I know I should just buy the sampler packs, but if I luck out and have the right wick with my own selection, and can use the others after, I think it's more economical to have this selection.

Be honest please. And keep in mind I have a little 5 year old not in school yet, that I have to tote around and try not to go into place with pretty glass around, all that often! LOL On some days, I have a 5 and 7 year old, who drive mommy to drink while we drive in the car or have to go into stores together. LOL

I figured, now keep in mind I'm trusting my suppliers judgment who uses my wax and these wicks herself, that if I had that assortment, one has got to do it, and if I ever have a bigger jar, the low end might be good to use multiple wicks, so they won't go to waste.

Depending on the FO's I'm going to use, I realize I might have to wick up or down, and think I might benefit from this approach.

What do you think? Please be honest. I can take it. :)

Also, is it best to test my jar using the full amount of wax, with no FO? I want to get the hang of pouring, so undecided on whether or not to do tests in this jar with wicking, on un-fo'd wax.

I want to do as many baby steps as possible, but don't want to drive myself into unnecessary insanity either, so I really would appreciate some guidance. I've seen it mentioned here that to test with FO is best. Would do it in as little quantity as possible though if I do that, but I realize a small amount of wax, in a bigger jar, might react differently.

I'm confused kind of, and know there's going to be no magic to make this work on the first attempt. The best I can do, is just hope my testing on these jars goes well, with a base wick with lesser amounts, as a guide as to what to wick up or down on when I test with it full.

Maybe have the glass cut in half, or see if she has a 4 oz straight sided with the same diameter, that I can do tests in?

Will it be up or down the next size would go, if I went from a cut same size, to a bigger one later? Should I even worry?

It's just getting so close to my wax at this point, and don't want to think the wrong way if I don't have to.

Thank you in advance for any advice you might have. :)

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I use CDN wicks in C3 from JBN and love them.

When you test containers, don't use a sustainer base - just poke the wicks in when the wax is slushy (so they will stand up). If you need to change wicks, it's a simple matter of pulling the old one and inserting another.

The test containers should contain the FO and dyes you intend to use because those variables affect the burn. Fill the candle and burn it all the way to the bitter end unless the candle is terribly overwicked. Each burn should last about 1 hour per inch of container diameter. The candle should be cooled between test burns and the wick trimmed to 1/4". Every time you make a candle with a new FO or dye, or a new batch of wax or a different container, you should test it. That's a LOT of testing and we understand it's a PITA, but that's the way it is. :D

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I was going to use cdn's. I've seen so much good about them. It was either cdn's or htp's that I had first chosen. That was before I found out I could buy them locally, so I asked when I spoke to someone at my local place, and she said that she uses and recommends the premiere cotton wicks. They're braided and do a great job on her soy candles, and she uses the same thing I'm going to use. I think I'll order a sampler of cd's and cdn's though, to have on hand in case I go crazy trying to get the premiere's to work. I can always try her htp's before I decide to to the more expensive stuff.

Thank you Stella for your advice! I know if I have too many problems, I'm going to reach for the cdn's. I want to give the cdn's and the htp's a shot, just to hope to save on shipping, but I won't totally drive myself insane if they fight me too hard, and won't think twice about using cdn's.

I think I'm just going to order sample packs of cdn's right now, just to have them on hand, and get what I can figure for 2 1/2 diameter on the premiere and the htp's as well.

Thanks too for the test wicking advice! I'll be sure to use that method. Thank you very, very much! :)

Guess full blown is the only way to test then. 1 complete candle as underfilled as I can do it without being too far from the top. Thank you! I don't want to go wasting products unneccassarily, so had to ask. Thank you for the advice! :)

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I'm confussed, (nothing new I know) :D I thought wicknclip gave out free sample packs?

Is your supplier charging you for sample packs? If they are then just call wick N clip yourself and get them for free. Then when you have a better idea you can order from your supplier instead of directly from them.

Karen B

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The wick-it premeire wicks are from a company in NJ. I got a bunch of samples from them. I have many left that you're welcome to have. Just pm me to discuss shipping. Also Wick It will also send you free samples (you pay shipping).

I tested a few sizes these wicks in one size jar and some votives and they all mushroomed. I also had a hard time getting a full melt pool. Personally I was not impressed. I did use them in some C-3 but came to the decision that that also was not the soy wax for me.

The disadvantages I found to using Wick It:

First off the samples - they gave me a lot of sizes of their premiere wicks but only 3 of each which I thought was ridiculous. You cannot really test with so few although they do state that they will send you more free samples upon request to do more testing.

Secondly you can only order in batches of 1,000. Their prices are decent but how often do you need 1,000 of one type of wick especially when talking soy. The FOs often require different size wicks so you can't really pinpoint to one size wick for each container. I spoke with a rep from thejarstore and they said they made a deal with wick-it to carry their premeire wicks, So soon you be able to purchase them in smaller quantities at thejarstore.

I'm not looking to bash the company or their wicks. They did seem very friendly and good customer service. You asked for honesty and this is just one persons humble opinion.



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Karen, I am buying the wicks through a local supplier up this way in NH, and she probably would give me some samples for free, but I can't depend on that. The sampler packs she sells is like buying 3 packs of wicks if you divide it up, so figured just to buy 3 packs instead of what I think I'll need, would be better.

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JacquiO, Thank you! I can't pm you yet, but will email you! I'd be happy to take them off your hands! I have to work with C3 if I want to not pay shipping. No other soy wax in the area up this way.

Email sent to you through the one in your email through this board option. :)

Thank you!

Will also call for those samples, through Wick It. Thank you all for the advice! :)

LOL that Wick It place isn't all that far from where I grew up.

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Guest Candelishis

I like wickit's premier 700 wicks. I don't like the 1000 minimum order. I asked the girl (starts with a J?) if I could mix n match, like do 3 sizes of 333 each, or even 500 of 2 sizes, but nope. Gotta be 1000 of each size. they're not expensive, but I don't want to spend 100 bucks on 4000 wicks when I change jars from time to time. So I ordered from a retailer. I probably got half as many wicks as I would have for the money, but I didn't have thousands of wicks sitting around. Maybe someday if I have a big wholesale order or my website or retail locations get a little busier, I'll order thousands...lol..

But they are great wicks, I like them a lot, wickit just needs to change their policies a little, IMO.

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It will take a while to get the samples from Wick it...but well worth the wait, they send a lot of wicks and enough of each size to really test them. They ask that you pay $4.60 for shipping, but they send the wicks out whether you pay it or not...at least that's what their email stated. If you like them, there are other places you can buy them in 50 - 100 packs.

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Well Natural Artisan has the premiere wicks if anyone wants to order small quantities. That's where I'm going to get them from. :)

I filled out the form on Wick It site and it didn't say anything about any shipping. I hit the samples thing, and entered the info, and hit sumbit and it said it was done. No mention of any shipping. I don't care though, will gladly pay shipping to try some wicks out. It didn't ask me what I wanted to sample either. Just asked me what wax I use and stuff. My name and address and phone number.

100 dollars worth of wicks at one pop is a lot to pay for just one type.

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Personally... and maybe it's just me since I've never seen anyone else mention this... but I wouldn't hold your breath on being able to just one type of wick all the time.

I started with cds and found they worked great with some fo's and not with others. The worked great in some jars, but not others. It's really frustrating to be in the middle of testing and find out that the supplier you're dealing with doesn't carry the type of wicks you many want to test with.

Also, I didn't see alot of people here using premier wicks and if you've got questions, it's going to be much more useful to you if people have had experience with the wicks you're going to be using. By all means order the premiers...but maybe budget somewhere to try some and get some of the others.

I hate ordering clear across the country for wicks with shipping the way it is, but I'm glad I've got the selection I have. I have htp, rrd, lx, cd, and some zinc.

I am very happy with my end result candles and my clients love them, but I'm always trying to improve if possible. I learn something new about my candles, the wax, the color, the fo everytime I test a different wick. And as much as I HATE testing ( as we've all seen me say that off and on here) it's still intriguing to see how changing slight conditions with effect the outcome of a candle. Some out come being good, some... not so much.

Anyways... best of luck and enjoy. Besides walking my dogs, pouring candles is the only time my husband says I'm not uptight.:D


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I filled out the form on Wick It site and it didn't say anything about any shipping. I hit the samples thing, and entered the info, and hit sumbit and it said it was done. No mention of any shipping. I don't care though, will gladly pay shipping to try some wicks out. It didn't ask me what I wanted to sample either. Just asked me what wax I use and stuff. My name and address and phone number.

They didn't charge me shipping when I ordered their sample packet way back when, so I think you are "good to go"! LOL We received a box with a sample of ALL of their wick sizes! Good Luck!

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Locally, I can get htp's as well. I'm going to pick up a sampler of the htp's too. I noticed from my searching, that not too many people here use premiere's, and it does make me nervous! LOL I am really going to look into what sized htp I should be using for a 2 1/2 diameter jar, so if I have problems with the premiere's I can move onto the htp's with more advice available to me, then won't hesitate at dumping them both and just going for the cdn's.

That's great that they send samples with no shipping now! Very nice, considering the cost of shipping these days! :)

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Well, if in doubt, ask your supplier. I emailed Laura yesterday to check and see what diameter her 12 oz Madison jars are, since I saw on another site, that the same jars have a 3 inch diameter, and since her site doesn't have the dimension, decided to email her. She says they have a 3 inch diameter. I'm still going to use them, but I do realize they will be more challanging as 3 inches is said to be the point where wicking gets hard. She did give me a hint though, where to start in both htp's and the premieres!

So, I'm going to pick up a selection of both, starting from those sizes and see what I can do when I finally get to pouring my first test jar.

I figured out the month's budget, and see I have now have the funds clear to go ahead and buy my wax and walk in supplies. I'm scared. I want to do this so bad, but I'm a little frightened, I have to admit. LOL I'm also at the same time, very excited and am going to get my order together right now!!! Yay!!! :)

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We also use premier 700's with our C-3 and they work very nicely with it. We tested various others and liked the 700's the best. We make 3 basic size candles in our line, so ordering the 1000 is not difficult for us, plus it is really nice that we can order them to the length that we need. For all the odd sizes that we need we get them (I think) from soycandle.com. Good luck, I think you will like them if you try them. Jessica at wickit is very helpful, if you need a smaller quanitity she will help you find them from one of their distributors. I think that is why they can't offer them in smaller quanities, they are a manufacterer, not a distributor. Good luck with all of your testing. Fun, fun. fun.

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Thanks for the advice both of you! Good to know someone loves these wicks!

Do either of you use a 3 inch container to wick with these? I have to do testing and find something that works with my fo I know, and don't want any fast track answers as I know there'll be none, but as a general starting point for a 3 inch diameter straight sided 4 3/4 inch jar, what premiere would you pick up first if digging into your toolbox? I'm going to order a selection, but want to avoid the low area if I can so I don't have to pay too much money when I pick up my wicks. I'm already well over a hundred with my next supplies with wax and some dye and fo and wicks, and glass and caps. Well over. Christmas coming and just would love to know which number to generally start at when choosing my selection.

My supplier suggested a 760 or higher, which I trust her word. She uses them herself so she would know, but looking for any other advice from users of these wicks on where to start as well. :)

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Thank you very, very much!!! I'll keep that in mind when I order my tons of wicks and while doing extensive testing! :)

The last thing I'm planning on with this, is it being easy. Just wondering what's a general starting point to start spending money at. Thank you!! :)

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OK I just managed to find some information on a site that sells a candle kit with premiere wicks in it. Using the exact same wax I am, and even some of the FO's possibly. Both containers are in the ballpark of what my sized jar is in diameter only. The 9 oz hex and the 6 oz tins are in the kit and the hex is 3 inches wide, with the mouth being smaller of course, which is going to give a different air current and stuff I realize. They only include the pr-775's in their kit.

Yay and thank you again all who helped me get this one slightly figured out, at where to start. I now feel like I have a low and mid point, and possible high for fo's that don't burn easily in my selected jar. Still going to spend a ton but will have samplers just in case I need much lower and higher as well, and will go from there! Yay!!! :)


*off to place my order for wax* :D

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest LightofDawn

I have been doing a little bit of testing with the Premier wicks and C3. So far I have been able to use a 767 in most of my tumblers that have a 2 1/2" inch inside diameter. Occasionally I have been able to go down to a 760.

I am still trying to wick the Madison jars. However, based on Kandlekrazy's suggestion it looks like I may be trying to seriously overwick this jar. I have tried 790-798 in this jar with no success.

I have also tested a few honey pot jars with a inside diameter of 3 1/2" and I have had the best success with an HTP1212 in this jar.



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