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Candle Barn in Lancaster, PA.

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While up in PA last week visiting my wife's family we journeyed to the Lancaster area to get some good Amish food, etc @ Kitchen Kettle, eat pretzels, etc.

Anyways, we journeyed to The Candle Barn, a hopping place since they make their candles on site and sell them. Well, I was a little disappointed. Their candle store had mostly home decor stuff (my wife said it was mostly candles a few years ago) and their own homemade candles had great cold throw but weak hot throw. We purchased a nice snicker doodle container candle to try out and left it burning for a few hours the other day. Meh on the scent when i t was burning, although it had a most excellent melt pool.

People were buying stuff up like it was going out of style there too! I guess since it was Saturday after Thanksgiving and all.

I enjoyed perusing the store and using my new found CandleTech.com knowledge to 'judge' candles and look at them..hehe.. I felt like a snob. :wink2:

A bummer in the fact their factory was closed for tours that day. Would have been nice to see how they pour their candles...

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I've never been to the Candle Barn, but Kitchen Kettle Village's food is to die for! I'll never forget the vanilla ice cream I had there from a push cart outside. Amish made. It was the best I've ever tasted. I mean absolutely, to die for!

Here's some pictures of they're manufacturing setup, on their website. They look like a pretty big business. http://www.oldcandlebarn.com/manufacturing.htm

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I am hearing you.I am another snob. I have never been to Candle Barn but my former friend chose another huge company over mine. I mean huge like the Candle Barn. Guess what I heard her complaints all the time on the phone and got sick of it. IF I said I need to work on few orders this week she would kinda make a sigh like I am sick of you and the candles. Plain jealous.She wanted to do craft shows.

So now we are not friends.I was way to sick of her.I gave her candles and tarts.She came to my house once with $2.00.Wanted candles and tarts.I ended up giving her some for that. THen she just for no reason said her husband would buy them at a big company on his way home from work. Three

times she has said she was coming to get some candles but never shows. She is out of my life.I have better things to do.

It is not my candles because I have friends who go to places who are suppliers and have big operations and they tell me my candles smell the best. I don't worry about the big companies.I also was told that huge company had very small selection of different(scented)candles and tarts.


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So you toured the town of Intercourse!!!

(Yes. That is the towns name) LOL Great little place..

Did you happen to eat at the Kling House Restaurant, their chicken salad is delicious! They also serve you pepper jam mixed with cream cheese and you spread that on oyster crackers..YUMMY!!!..:D

When I was there the candle factory was closed that day too:undecided.

A few years back I went there, and they were dipping tapers. No pouring..

I didn't buy a candle to try, but they sure had lots to choose from..

But as Valien said, they do carry a lot more rustic items for your home then they did a few years back...

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This is exactly where my obsession began. My husband and I drove there and we stayed in Intercourse right across the street from the Candle Barn. We watched an Amish woman dip tapers, but there was no pouring. I bought many candles on my trip and they were ok. I bought grubby ones and an apothecary candle. I don't remember if it had a good throw or not, but it was wicked super hot! I tried to wash the jar and keep it as a keepsake, but when I washed it with soap and water the jar broke all over my hands, just shattered. No I wasn't cut, just surprised. :shocked2: I would love to go back to Lancaster. It's a great place and the food is awesome!

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Candle Barn is famous for their tapers. I buy my tapers from them. If you go in, it diesnt have much of a smell to me. I dont think their things are very fragrant, but they do a good business. I go to the tour everytime I go there...in fact going there tomorrow! They are always dipping 95% of the time. I think their store is amazing...such wonderful displays!

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One of my customers here at work has gotten lots of candles from the Candle Barn, I'd never heard of it (I am very sheltered and even though I am close by, I've only been to parts of Lancaster a few times...lol...)

Anyway, the thing she dwelled on the most when talking about their jars, was the SOOT.

She also said that there is like, a LOT of smoke lingering in the air IN the store?!!? She said she thought ALL candles burned that way!!! :tongue2::o

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