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Wick too large/too small

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How wide is the jar and what shape? How much wax is in the jar? What sizes have you tried? How much FO are you using? How long are you burning during your test period? How many burns have you done on the candle? Are you trimming your wicks before test burning? Is there hangup on the jar? If so, how much?

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when I tested the CB advance I was using LX and RRD wicks. I would use between 7 and 8% FO. Make sure you are letting it burn for about 4 hours and then by the 3rd burn it should all catch up.

I agree with stella more info would be helpful so you can get better replies

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FYI when I think mine are tunneling I let them go cause CB has a tendancy of burning down rather then out if that makes since. On the 3 inch wide I would do like an LX 20 (if you have LX) cause I know my 3.5 inch ones I have to do an lX 26 LX 28.

When I was beginning I went through wicks like crazy cause I didnt think the one I was using would work....well a little more time under my belt lol I realized to let them burn at least 1/2 down before I really judged them. Burn for at least 4 hours.

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I was working on a wholesale order and decided to make one extra of each scent.Glad I did..the pine scent w/a cd14 startd tunneling and I freaked out..but I just let it keep burning and it did eventually catch on the 3rd burn!HTH!


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Sounds like an air pocket to me. CB-Advanced is the Ecosoya flavor that's particularly prone to get them. We used to solve this by adding a small amount of stearic acid, but they changed the wax since the last time I used it so I don't know if that still works.

What's your pour temperature? You might be able to solve this by pouring differently or changing the cooling conditions.

You might also try doing a search in the Vegetable Wax Forum. I know there are some references there to this problem in connection with CBA.

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I love you guys!!!!! You were right, well except for the candy cane one, but the other candle I was talking about - I re-lit it, and it has been burning fo about two and a half hours and although the meltpool is not as big as I would like it to be, the wax is melting and the wick is no longer tunneling. And... the scent throw is awesome.... banana nut bread! Making me hungry!!!! So I will burn the thing again tomorrow and go from there. Thanks for all your help, it really is working. I now 3 "other" candles which have passed a second burn by me and off to friends for their test burns. Thanks!

The candy cane one the wick just kept going out.

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