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I scheduled a craft show three weeks ago. Now the forcast is for a low of 40 and high of 48 with a 70 percent chance of showers. Would you go? It was 25 entry fee. Outdoor only as the event is outdoors. Would you go or just say no and not show? i think personally it would look bad on my company for me not to show. I have drop clothes and sides for my tent if needed.

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I'd go. Around here, the weatherman is only right about 50% of the time. It would depend if 'showers' in your area meant heavy rain that lasts all day or if it's a stop/start/stop again.

I've done some of my best outdoor shows with miserable weather. If you've got candles, light one and your booth looks cheery. If you've got soap, talk about nice long hot showers/baths...

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I had to back out of a 2 day show that I've done for several years the first weekend of November. My FIL had just passed away a few days before and with the funeral and then cleaning out his apartment at the retirement village (they charged extra for each day his things were still there) it was just not possible for me to do it. I called the woman in charge and she was very sympathetic and said not to worry about it. Thanked me for calling ahead of time so she could put someone else in my spot.

The Saturday morning of the show I was just getting my coat on to leave for the apartment...the phone rang. I have caller ID and saw that it was from the community center. I answered and she said...just checking to make sure you are coming. I said...Becky don't you remember me calling you on Monday. She almost swallowed the phone and could not get done apologizing. She said she had written it down but failed to put the note with the show layout. I said....I will see you next year and she said yes we want you here.

Now...all of that said...not going because of the weather. I'm not sure how promoters feel since you DO sign up knowing it's held rain/shine/hot/cold. I set up in a blowing rain storm one time and after about an hour they told everyone to pack up and go home. They invited all of us who showed up to their fall show and we didn't have to pay.


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Hubby is making every excuse in the world NOT to go. He wants to go hunting and says we would have to put everything in the back of the truck and if it rains from point A to point B everything will end up wet. He's right but I know deep down he doesn't want to deal with it and the weather is a cop out.........sigh.......I give up. I don't know what to do.......I figure if it's the weekend after thanksgiving maybe there will be folks out. They r having a night lighted parade as well.

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You said it -- the weather is just a cop out. I think it comes down to reputation and I would go as well. What you can do is get in contact with the show organizer, reassure them that you will be attending, but ask if they anticipate continuing if it starts to pour, lightning, etc...

On the bright side -- the weather may make other vendors skip out, which could potentially be more traffic for you!

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momtohaley - You wrote what I am sitting here thinking. I have a 2 day outside show and the wind is blowing, it is cold and rain is forecast. DH is encouraging me to go ( I think since he just handed me his new coaching coat to wear since he said it will never get cold enough for him to wear it at a game). I have an Excursion so all of my stuff is safe from weather and the vehicle is all packed and ready.

But I am going regardless since I signed up and it is being held where there is a regular Farmers Market and I want to check that part out too. I have side walls for my canopy and weights so it shouldn't blow away. I just HATE being cold. I am such a weinie. I don't mind heat at all but I am SO COLD NATURED.

We must be somewhere close since the temperatures are the same here as you stated. Hopefully we aren't going to the same show. :D Anyway, I guess we should both get dressed in layers and head out early. Might be the best show of the season.

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That is the weather report for our location. set up starts at 8 and the show is from 12 til 8pm. No early teardowns they say. I figure it's on sidewalk so can't get too wet (product wise) but cold and rain mix....I dont know. Just went to my folks. My folks are 45 mins from the show site. My house is an hour and a half away from my parents. Thus, the show is a little over 2 hr drive. Hubby is going hunting. Wouldn't let or help me pack supplies said I could drive back if I wanted to get it. So, I'd end up driving to get supplies, tomorrow evening (if we go) and then driving back, etc.................I hope it's worth it is all I can say. Hubby says it's up to me but it's all my priority of what I want to do but he won't leave deercamp to help me...........SIGH...no offense guys, but.....MEN what can I say?

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I am straight north of Halletsville on Hwy 290. I am going to Bastrop for a 2 day show. Our weather forecast is now saying cloudy for Friday and raining on Saturday so maybe I can get one good day out of this but it is COLD. Yes anything below 60 is COLD to me. As long as I can put the sidewalls up and keep out of the wind I guess I can survive although I am glad it doesn't last until 8 p.m. Dark and COLD.

Good luck to you and I concur about MEN. I have 2 that work for me and one is perfect and the other one- we just say men and look at him and shake our heads. My DS and DH will be playing and coaching football Friday night and HOPEFULLY they will have a reason to be working on football for NEXT week on Saturday so I am on my own totally.

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Will you be able to park your vehicle right at your booth? If not, do you have your products packed in plastic storage containers? If you have to store cardboard boxes of candles under your tables and it rains the bottom of your boxes will get wet...even with sides. I learned the hard way...set up at a street fair held in June and the weather was hot and humid. Late afternoon a brief thunderstorm moved through. I had boxes stacked under my tables and the ones on the bottom got soaked. You don't want the bottom to drop out and all of your stuff ruined or broken.


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momtohaley - I survived my Friday show with no rain, just cold but did well. Now tomorrow (Saturday) is supposed to rain. If it is clear when I get up in the morning I will go back, if raining I will stay home. SHow planners told us all that if it is raining tomorrow they don't expect any of us to show up.

Here's hoping for clear weather or if I am real tired in the morning - RAIN.:D

Good luck with your show.

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I am in a dilemma too.I have a show next week-end and so far the last 4 shows have been not good at all.I signed up early for this one.I was across from a lady who is charge of the one coming up and she said join us.I told her it was going to be hard. I have no one and I mean no one who will help me set up.Husband works 7 days a week.Granddaughter sat with me today but my husband loaded the trailer and got the stuff in and we set it all up.I mean candles, tart warmers and totes of tarts are HEAVY. Then must be there 2 hours early because we are not able to set up night before.This is the only show that is like that and see no way I can do it.Granddaughter will not be here next week and I had a hard time gettng her up to go this week-end.

I have a new sales rep that is having a party today(Sunday) and I must be ready for big orders.I have been told she has alot of people coming. I am also doing a brochure for her and must get that done and in the mail because she has one company and maybe more companies interested in buying from her.

So I need some big time HELP.I understand how you feel.I do some October outdoor sales and do go to them but take a heater with me and wear long johns and socks and coat. For rain if Lighting I will be out of there. To dangerous.

For friends helping well once a friend helped but between her wanting to do shows and also her husband she was told pretty much she needed to be with family. Strange after the first craft season with me she wanted to do crafts. I might be able to get one person who lives in that town to come but really she is not well and hate to ask. She did sit a few hours for me a month ago but no setting it up.

Will see how the party goes for sales rep and will see if someone will be there with me that mornng but right now it looks gloomy.I have always showed and never took down early if the show is bad. The show I did this week-end people left and it was bad. This week-end show is only 8 miles away from the next week-end show.

Any suggestions?Should I go with all the heavy lifting and no help.ALL and I mean all others not only have help to set up but they have people who sit with them all day.


I see how you feel believe me.This is the first time I have been in this situation. I even have other crafters tell me they want it all ready set and go the morning of.ME TOO!!!!!!! Some of them do not have heavy lifting.

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I ended up not going. The weather was too bad and my in laws who were going to watch my daughter had to make an unexpected trip to the hardware store to get supplies to repair the bathroom. Then long story short, my brother got in some type of trouble...still not sure what and hubby is in the process now of bailing him out so hubby was of no help this weekend. It rained all day and I believe it was canceled anyway.

As for your dilema Lynn, have you thought of getting a dolly to help you move stuff from your truck/car to the set up site? Then you could unload at your site and take the empty containers back to the vehicle. I know it's a lot of work, but it's better than packing everything and you can just slide the boxes off the dolly instead of having to completely lift everything. It's hard not having help but u will find that sometimes those at the shows will offer help. My hubby does when he sees women trying to do it all by themself. many shows offer relief people to sit in your booth so you can go potty, etc....I don't give or trust them with my cash but at least someone is watching your booth for a few minutes. You may check into that as well.

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We have a dolly and a cart. For the dolly it is so heavy and after putting a few boxes it is hard to handle.I am a small person. Short too. For the cart my friend and I used it once.Of course a incline and as she was going up I had to grab the boxes of candles as they were falling.People around but no help.Everyone else was so busy setting up themselves. That is the way it is going to be that morning. When husband unloads the trailer it takes about a half hour and he moves fast.Then I set up and about another hour or more.So it is very time consuming. I was told they were marking booths on Friday night. I will call the organizer and she MIGHT let me go that night. All I can do.

I am not sure how this building is laid out yet but do know the show this last

week-end husband had a time.It was stairs and had to go down those with the dolly.Tearing down thank goodness was another door to go through and a big incline.He did make it though but WOW it was hard on him. If my husband is getting beat down from it you can imagine what all we have and how heavy. I have looked around at what others have and it takes sometimes 3 and 4 people. Never just 1 person.

I will see but so far not likely. I have been doing shows almost every week-end since mid Sept.Also did a few summer shows.It is hard. That lugging.

Husband has about had it too. Shows have been dwindling and also no one is making any money. It is the economy. I do give chances and go when I don't expect alot in sales. The organizers come around to talk to us and try to find other ways but not sure there are other ways.We crafters want to get out and we want to help the groups involved but some are getting real tired.


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I set up and tear down all by myself. I have a dolly and I manage. I help other people setup and tear down and they help me. At my last show there were 3 women all by themselves on the back row. I was one of them. We watched each others booths for potty breaks and helped each other set up our canopies and then take them down. We had never seen each other before but we helped each other out. i am almost 60 and I can load and unload with the best of them. I guess I am just an independent sort.

My favorite show this year was sponsored by a local volunteer fire department and all of the volunteer firemen were on hand to help carry your stuff inside and then in the end they were there to carry it back out. Love that show.

Don't get me wrong. I DO NOT like to set up for shows. It is just tiring and soap is heavy too. I like to use the red Coca Cola heavy plastic carrying cases. I got some last year when I bought cases of bottled drinks from a fundraiser. They stack and can be carried on the dolly very easily. Then I can lift them one at a time into the vehicle. I wish I had some more of them. May have to buy some more drinks from a fundraiser.

Doing craft shows is hard. Hmmm. Now I wonder why I do it after reading this. Oh well. I guess I have to get rid of all of that soap somehow.

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I set up solo and I am also 60. Takes some organizing. I pack everything in totes or crates. Both stack easily on a dolly. I only had one show where I could set up the night before. All the others are set up the morning of the show. Means loading the truck the night before. Several of the same crafters are at the same shows and we watch each others tables for potty breaks. I wish I had someone who would go with me but it's not in the cards right now. You just have to figure out how to efficiently unload and set up. I have unloading and set ups down to 2 hrs now.

Believe me I am exhausted by the time I get home and get unloaded. The real killers have been with two shows on one week end. Take a deep breath, two aspirin and go for it.

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I cannot load candles the night before or it would be much easier. The soy will frost by morning. The weather thing. Even in my basement I bring them up as soon as they start hardening. I don't think we have tables so those would have to be brought in also. This past week-end there werent any either.I asked about some at the last minute but she said none were left. Bring my own. Thank goodness it was set up the night before.

I am going to try. I have done this show before with no help in carrying.The place only had 12 crafters(in each building) but people went to 4 different locations. I took my car and didn't take alot since only 2 tables but it took 8 trips to my car and back.IF someone was near the door they opened it. Others were set up already and were sitting and talking to one another.

I never worry about potty breaks. I watch other booths and they watch mine. Most of the time none of us need to worry.We are back before a customer comes.

My granddaughter is a help but she doesnt want to get up earlier to get there. I was lucky to get her up this week-end after we set up night before. Not sure she will be visiting this week-end but if she does she will help.

The organizer will not be there. She is leaving that morning for vacation. One other lady is in charge of it by herself that day.

If I go I will take bare necessities. Just hope not my big heavy tables. I am calling this week to find out more. Like if tables will be provided etc.

Believe me my husband pitches in and helps others and I do when I see they need it but most of the time and about all the time friends, family, spouses are with the crafter. I would say 95 % of the time. Rarely see someone alone.

If it just so happened 3 ladies all alone and pitched in to help one another that is good. Not that way around here. People are together.


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Miss a show because of bad weather??? Nevahhhh...

I set up and vend at many shows, alone. Lots of times there are students or staff, who will help unload trailers, etc. and I do let them help with everything, except moving my candles. I move those myself. Many places have a cart or dolly you can use, if you don't own one.

I operate a 10x20 booth, candles, critters, gourmet foods offering samples, etc. Collapsable shelving and a wooden bakers rack are part of the display. It's tons of work, but has been very lucrative.

I gave up using the dolly thing a long time ago, and invested in a cart that has four rubber wheels, like a large wagon, for toting stuff into shows. It's much easier to use and it saves wear on your back. Believe me, it has been well worth the $125 investment as well as the purchase of a 5x8 small trailer.

This year my daughter joined me for most of my shows from September 7th - December 15th (we are booked every weekend) selling her own line of aroma bead sachets, incense, drawer sachets and is now expanding into lip balms. What a welcomed relief to have some help from time to time setting up. I would so love to be her age and know what I do now.... she's 22, I'm 55. ;)

Many vendors have seen slow sales this year, and are only making 60 - 70% of sales that they normally see. On the other hand we've seen record sales in 2 of our largest shows, and the usual or just above amount of sales as previous shows at the other shows. We vend about 30 weekends of shows a year, not including our boutiques or wholesale.

Crafting is NOT an easy job. There is never time for a bad hair day, when dealing with customers. I have a deep passion for my business as it's what I hope to retire into. I've never missed a show, nor have I packed up and left early. I've sat in my craft tent in 100+ degree weather , slid on ice with my trailer to holiday shows, poked tent tops so the water didn't pocket during thunderstorms at outdoors shows and have welcomed customers into my booth with their umbrella's and snow boots in late October shows. It is all part of crafting,, your dedication to your product, your business and your goals.

I've been on the road for almost 10 years and I love it!! I've built many friendships with other crafters and we all take care of each other, especially when someone has to come to a show to vend alone or when someone's car has broken down and arrives late, etc.

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I have to agree with SherriLynn. I usually do a two-day outdoor show. It says very crystal clear on the app that it is outside and will not be cancelled due to the weather. If you have a problem dealing with rain, wind or cold, you should never sign up for an outdoor show period. The promoters spend time organizing and when you don't show, you just left a hole in the show--it looks bad and will cause people to not show the next year.

I have never missed a show and all the shows I do--you would be blacklisted for not showing (among a list of other things). I have sat through rain and winds that I had to hold onto my supports, but I never left early or didn't show up.

Having said that, I did not feel like doing outdoor shows this year, so I did not sign up for ANY. That is the appropriate thing to do.

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I have to agree also about rain,hot weather and cold weather. I do attend in bad weather. I attend cold and rainy shows and take a heater. In summer I take a fan.These are the shows that are just starting craft season. I see some empty booth spaces and wonder WHY but could be many reasons.I will not judge. Amost 2 weeks ago tragedy hit our family with a sudden death.It was my granddaughter 's other grandma. It was traumatic but we both attended a show this past week-end. I ALMOST cancelled the one the week before but went anyway at times in tears.

I am not a quitter but you have to understand that where some do great shows these are not and the organizers feel bad and come around apologizing.That can make a big bearing on some decisions.This will be my 3 rd show in 3 week-ends and only made $40.00 each show. I know unbelievable. Just not real interested in this one particular one this week. I do remember telling the organizer I am not sure. THOUGHT I never sent my payment but found out last week I did.

Now after re-reading my info it says Bring own tables and chairs. Last time tables were provided. When I told her I may not have any help and it was a hint she never said there will be a few around to help you. She was next to me a couple years ago with her few things and never helped me bring one thing in.

SherryLynn.I am glad you are doing great and get some help. I guess if it would be just a couple times I would get someone to help bring in with this particular show but never happens. As I said they are all done and sit and talk. Good luck with your shows coming up. Great your daughter is working with you.My granddaugter is 13 and she and my husband are happy to have her with us when we do a show,.She is creative too and might join us someday with her skills

DI, I did do one show and it was very cold and windy.Tents blew down.It was the second day.The first day I did good. Next day all BUT 5 vendors tore down after tents toppled. I also have never cancelled. Even after the tragic death. Just this one I will. I agree with you on weather.


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Sorry to hear Lynn :( That would be excusable. I really empathize with people about outdoor shows, but they are just that--outdoor and the risks are the weather. I don't enjoy them because in AZ it is usually too hot, or if we have bad weather, the winds are horrendous.

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