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I have another soap making question


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Would this make a good soap? The reason I am asking is I can get the first 3 ingredients free. I talked to the butcher where my daughter works and my BIL is a beekeeper. The Safflower and Coconut is just something I put in the lye calculator. And can change them. Also is beeswax good in soap?

I was going to stay away from tallow and lard but after reading everything here I have changed my mind :wink2:

Tallow 54%

Bees wax 1 %

Lard 25%

Safflower 10%

Coconut 10%

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I don't know about your recipe, but I'm thinking you're kind of heavy on the animal fats? I really like butters in my soaps- cocoa, shea, etc, something conditioning. I do use lard also, but my recipe is only 25 percent lard...


you can ignore me cause I don't soap much lolol... I'm a candle person who fell in here and got addicted QUICK.

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Either that or use this unscented and rebatch it with a lot more butters and such. The beeswax ought to let it come out of the moulds nicely, tho. Maybe if you rebatch you can use some lanolin and/or glycerin and/or grapeseed oil and/or sweet almond and/or herbs and/or shey or other butters as the last poster suggested.

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I don't know about your recipe, but I'm thinking you're kind of heavy on the animal fats? I really like butters in my soaps- cocoa, shea, etc, something conditioning. I do use lard also, but my recipe is only 25 percent lard...


you can ignore me cause I don't soap much lolol... I'm a candle person who fell in here and got addicted QUICK.

LOL I am "addicted" too :D I have only made one batch of soap and it turned out great. It had unrefined shea, PKO, coconut, sweet almond oil, caster, etc... I milled some of it and liked the original batch better.

I just ran 100% beef tallow through the lye calculator and was surprised what I saw... I am not sure what all these numbers mean but isn't this pretty good of the hardness and the conditioning?

hardness 58

cleansing 8

condition 48

bubbly 8

creamy 50

iodine 45

INS 147

Either that or use this unscented and rebatch it with a lot more butters and such. The beeswax ought to let it come out of the moulds nicely, tho. Maybe if you rebatch you can use some lanolin and/or glycerin and/or grapeseed oil and/or sweet almond and/or herbs and/or shey or other butters as the last poster suggested.

I may give that a try. I just didn't like milling it. I liked it best the first time around when it was so easy to pour into the mold instead of spooning it in LOL

Thanks ladies!

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I don't have an impression the lather would be rich and creamy at all. I think it's too loaded with hard oils. The conditioning number is low and the cleansing number is almost non-existent. I think it would be a waste of oils.

If you get them free, great. Try some other kind of combination with them and add more liquids.

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That one looks alot better to me... but you're still a little high on hardness and low on conditioning...


Tallow - 47%

Olive- 30%

Coconut- 20%

Beeswax- 3%

See what those numbers look like to you... if you lower the Tallow you'll do better with cleansing, the coconut can be too drying in high amounts, but the beeswax can offset the softness of the olive oil. If you want more bubbles, go get some castor oil and figure that into the mix too- very nice! They have little bottles in the pharmacy section of WalMart if you want to try it out.

Yes, I start with 1 oz per pound and sometimes go down a bit.


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I don't know how folks can say a recipe is too high in hardness and too low in conditioning without having experience making similar recipes with similar ingredients. Who is in the driver's seat, the soaper or the lye calculator?

In my limited career I haven't seen any magic in making soaps with bloated conditioning numbers. It all depends on your choice of oils. A number in the 40s can be great. One thing I know is if they wanted to make Soapcalc amazingly accurate they could rename the category from "conditioning" to "speed of melting in the shower" lol.

So yeah, most of the time it's a good idea to have enough soft oils in there to balance out the texture, but that second recipe with the 22% OO looks perfectly worth a try, at least to me.

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Using the ingredients you posted:

37% Tallow

25% Lard

25% Safflower

12% Coconut

1% Beeswax

Use a lye discount of 6%. That will add a bit more moisturizing to it. Also, if you use Goat Milk that will add a bit more. But if you use the GM, try to not go over 6% lye.

The only person that can tell if it's a great formula is you.. try it the way you have it.. if it's not to your liking then "fix" it a bit and try again!

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