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Kathy Ireland Soy Candles

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It looked like a little bigger than 15oz jar, but why not just use a jar that fits the candle. Why go bigger and then have the amount look shorted. Now they did smell okay, but the packaging was terrible. I hate when those candle co do that . I try to fill mine as much as possible. I don't want anyone to feel shorted.

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You posted just what I have wanted to do for a month. Been busy with orders. I saw these candles a month ago at Walgreen's. So Another place they are being sold. Now if we were to walk in a major store and want to put our candles they would say we only work with corporate and they make the decisions.I wasn't even allowed to put a fundraiser flyer up without corporate permission. It is about the name. Movie stars or whatever and you have a the big major companies sell for you. Not that I am in competition because my customers would not want to pay that for a jar candle.

Yes Big Lots candles but guess where the jars are? I see them at the Dollar Tree. In fact the ones I want to make my carpet freshener in. Well none of us have the money to start a big factory and none of us have the pull or name to buy those jars at the manufacturer so we will buy them at retail cost at the Dollar Tree. :cry2:

Some people just never have enough money.


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If I remember correctly, Kathy Ireland's line is produced by Hanna's Candles in Arkansas...they private label for many other companies. I've purchased several (from different lines) out of curiosity and they all burned badly with no throw...

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I was sure it was the way it was(bad product) but people buy them. Just like my Frebreeze Candle.It cracked after 2 hours of burning but still people will buy.I am like most of you.Want to try one and that would be it. Although not for $19.99.My $7.99 for Frebreeze was bad enough for a few hours and not worth it.

I cannot believe it.Those are the same jars for $1.00 at the Dollar Tree and then almost 1 lb of wax and scent.High cost of $19.99. Now I know how many ounces my carpet freshener would be. I figured that jar was about 16 ounces.


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I actually like my Febreeze candles :grin2:

I have had no issues with them and will literally let them burn for 6+ hours.

I have never seen these candles yall are talking about but I don't normally buy candles from Walgreen's anyways as I know I am pretty much not going to get a quality candle lol!

However...and don't string me up and beat me for this..I am a Partylite fanatic let me tell you :D

But I do so love going to craft fairs and getting candles there as well and have learned what to look for thanks so much to you guys!!

I am just now getting a kick out of the Glade candles with the "essential oils" in them..peach is my favorite...now what eo will produce that scent??


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If I remember correctly, Kathy Ireland's line is produced by Hanna's Candles in Arkansas...they private label for many other companies.

Yes, Kathy Irelands line is made by Hanna's Candles either in Fayetteville or Tonitown Arkansas. Ginger

A few months ago I bought a darling gel candle at Wally's World (produced by Hanna's) Cold throw was great 'Apple Spice'...yum. It had apple slice imbeds and was in the cutest jar ever so I bought it for my newly re-decorated bathroom. Got it home, trimmed the wick, lit it up and went about my business. Fast forward a few minutes, walk into the bathroom to find a thick, heavy, steady stream of dark black smoke shooting upward. Not just little puffs of smoke here and there, but serious black smoke. I actually wrote to Walmart to suggest they pull these off their shelves, but I don't know what happened with that...oh well, it looks 'purdy'.

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Ok, this may be a bit of a highjack comment, lol...

Been wanting to share a recent experience and wasn't sure how/where to go about it. But it relates!:D

I was recently given a gift- a really nice heavy black laquer box. Inside it was compartmentalized into four quadrants. Each quadrant had a 5oz votive in it. Each votive was in it's own basic glass votive holder. Yeah... it was pretty. Yeah, it felt fancy cuz of the weight... little gold circle detail on the front of the lid flap. They kind of smell like vanilla, but not sure. It's so weak. So I flip the box over to see if there is a scent label...


Label says:


Gold Ring Collection

(blah blah blah

blah blah....)

MSRP $67.00

Now A: I know most retailers sell for less than the MSRP and B: I KNOW the friend who bought it for me did NOT spend anywhere FREAKING NEAR this price. It would have had to have been on sale for half off and then on another half of half of half end of season red tag sale, lol.

But now, armed with the knowledge of how 'fancy' these candles were supposed to be I took a really good look at them. Interestingly, 3 of the four had multiple bubles in one spot. Looked like where the shrink wrap was not quite closed up and the heat got through? But as a consumer, even if I had that kind of money to waste on freaking votives.... i'd have looked at that and went 'Ew. That's not right'.

I've so far burned one and of course as expected, no throw at all. And the flame remained a in a constant excess of an inch.

I know there are a lot of these stories that people can and have shared. It just always surprises me how much money people will spend on something because of a name. :rolleyes2 :confused:

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Ah-soy, I think I bought the same one. In fact I bought three. They are so cute and I loved the jar and lid. It smelled so good. Spicy Apple. Then I lit it. Gawd, it smelled like kerosene. I figured it was either just me or a fluke so I lit the other one. Same thing. So, the third one is in my closet and as long as I don't light it, it smells pretty good hidden in there. :rolleyes2

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