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Burnt Mill

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Sometimes you see candles that are just too good for words - sorry I am lost for words! Oh no, I found some..... Awesome! Gorgeous! Fabulous!

I love that brown one hiding at the back right there, what is that affect called? It looks like it's been chiseled out of wood :cheesy2:. Love those crackles :wink2:

Great job.


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the brown one on the right is a combo of things

first I did white chunks with a white main pour

I then took brown liquid dye and dripped some in

but it had set up a little too much so it didn't go down as far as I would have liked.

So then I did what I call a spin candle or in some books is called marble

I heat up a pot of boiling water then shave off some block dye into. I use the extra wick(didn't trim yet) to hold it upside down and I spin the candle then dip it in a few times. I may also add more dye or in other colors if needed to get the look I want.

You can play with the how hot the water is to get some cool effects. Hotter makes it blended more. I also have tried using liquid dye but didn't like it, as much I ended up having to rub off a lot of extra dye that I never have to do with the block dyes. You can also just dip it in without the spin.

I would post a picture of more like that style but I don't have that option here. I have a link to my website in my profile if you want to see some more.

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Thanks for sharing pictures and techniques of your beautiful candles. They are all really stunning - quite a few different styles and the colours are great. The dipping in hot water technique creates some stunning candles - especially the brown one in the second pic and I love the chunk candle with the stars and butterflies.

I have a question about one of the candles, if you do not mind sharing, - in the first photo, there is a fantastic green candle on the left next to the crackle pillars. It looks like the top is rustic and the bottom has a great mottle "snowflake" effect (vibrant green). How is that effect achieved. Do you pour the first two layers really cool and then the last hot? Appreciate your input.:smiley2:

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yes that green one is just poured colder for the top 2 layers and then just regular hot temp for the last one

all the same wax just added more color as I went down the layers


Thanks for the reply Misty. Rustics can be a real trial and error and I was just wondering though, if I pour the last layer fairly hot, will that not heat up the rest of the mould and destroy the frosting/rustic effect? I find that sometimes I have to use a cold cloth around the bottom part of my mould so that I keep the frosting if I pour the next layers hotter and sometimes it does not work. Do you only pour the last layer once the previous layer is really set up? Thanks, Sarah.

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Thanks for the reply Misty. Rustics can be a real trial and error and I was just wondering though, if I pour the last layer fairly hot, will that not heat up the rest of the mould and destroy the frosting/rustic effect? I find that sometimes I have to use a cold cloth around the bottom part of my mould so that I keep the frosting if I pour the next layers hotter and sometimes it does not work. Do you only pour the last layer once the previous layer is really set up? Thanks, Sarah.

I have never had a problem with it messing up the rustic look of the other layers. I do let those layers set up some before pouring the next one. I have had layers blend before when I didn't let it set up enough and the wax was maybe too hot. It then went through the layer and blended it with the one below.

I use the freezer sometimes to speed up the setting of the layers, but not always. Never used a cold cloth myself.

I think with everything you can't be afraid to experiment. If it messed up or doesn't look good you can either make it into chunks, remelt or try the spin. the spin has saved a number of so so candles for me including that brown one in the first picture.

and feel free to ask any questions

I know I learned how to do many things by reading books, seeing other people's pictures and asking them questions myself.


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