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newbie! question about soy

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Hi all, newbie here. just wanted to pop in.. my friend signed me up to this site so we could learn how to make candles. i just started making candles 2 weeks ago and sold some candles at a craft show! yay!!!!they are so easy to make.. no wonder theres so many candle companies that work from home! everybody loves my candles its so vary exciting because it was just a hobby and now im doing a candle line with a rep in town. but i had a question for you experts because a gal paid for 10 of each scent, i think i have 20 sents so far. she wants half soy and parifin for her store. i have been using store bought parifin wax should i try soy since a lot of customers were asking if it was soy or not but they didnt seem to mind. its called IGI 6006. thank you friends, and hope to get lets of helpful info on this site. have a wonderful evening!

many blessings


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Hi Shirley! Wow.. I almost feel sorry for you having to face the onslaught of response that you're probably about to get. I don't feel comfortable at all answering your questions because I think all of that "helpful info" that you hope to get on this site is something that you really need to get by reading what you can here over and over again. That's all I want to tell you really.

I've seen this happen time and time and time again.. I've jumped on the bandwagon time and time and time again.. and it just never seems to make a difference. People who want to make haste out of candlemaking make haste out of it from the first moment to the last and there's just nothing we can say to make a difference. So.. if you really want to learn... read. Start at the thread for newbies in the general candle making section (I think) and don't stop until you realize that you don't know a THING about making candles yet and you want to learn!! When you come to that realization, I'm more than ready to help you and many others will be too! :) But right now, while you think it's easy and feel that you're making a candle good enough to sell after 2 weeks, I don't have much to say that's gonna help! Good luck to ya!

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Yah Prairieannie I'd like to sign up for your fan club too.:cool2:

Welcome Shirley. There are people at every level of expertise on this board and you will find some of the warmest, funniest and generous people here.

I can see someone deciding, after reading the board for an hour or so that it would all be so much easier to just go buy their candles. However there are other needs that must be fuflilled; that need to create something of your own, that need to create more of what you love.

Enjoy yourself. And please note that people do care a great deal about selling a safe candle. They have done months, if not years of testing and refining to get their products just right. They have great advice to share.

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You have only been making candles for 2 weeks and already have sold some:shocked2: .Im happy for you BUT i myself and countless others have tested candles for months to come up with a safe candle. You simply dont melt the wax ,wick,stir the fo and dye and then sell. please practice and test some more before you sell to general public, give some to friends and family and tell them they are testers and to write doiwn for you what happens during the course of the burning candle. Good luck

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I am not an expert at all but have tried a bunch of different tests like everyone said and I assumed that you tested some of yours before you sold them to see how they burned as well as the scent and you felt confident enought to go for it and that is wonderful!!! That is awesome!

Tell us how you started? Yes, I would test soy before you sell it on a shelf.

Just make sure you put those labels on bottoms of jars about candle safety too.

Let us know what happens.;)

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2 weeks and selling? Wow! I just answered a question form for my insurance and one of the questions was how long I tested my product. You may want to take that into consideration if you are planning to get product liabilty insurance. There is a lot of information here using the search feature. I am sure you will find many useful topics that will cover just about everything you can think of including 6006. Good luck to you!

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Hi, welcome to the board, but is this some kind of JOKE!!:tiptoe: Candlemaking easy! Selling after two weeks! What type of candles are you making and I don´t understand the comment re: working with a rep? Thank you to Praireannie for being so gracious and giving you a sound bit of advice. I just know you are NOT going to sit and read through pages of advice here like I did day after day when I first started. I do not usually make a comment on this type of thread, but my blood pressure seriously rose when I read this. Take some time out, do some research, do some TESTING, have fun and good luck.

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Candles seem easy. But as you get into it, it gets harder. I have done this for 9 years and am learning all the time. So get ready. You are lucky that you had a candle that looked good enough to sell. Now I wonder how they will burn. The customer doesn't know that you just started. So you may have a problem once they burn them. If you want to add soy to your wax, this gets into a new ball game. Soy is hard to work with. You have to test a lot. It requires bigger wicks, some scents can not be used with this wax. If it was me, I would stick with parrifin for awhile. It is the easiest to learn on. Or maybe find a preblended soy/parrifin to work with. Hope we can help you. We have all been through a lot, and it takes time to get it right. Start out slow.

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i just started making candles 2 weeks ago and sold some candles at a craft show! yay!!!!they are so easy to make.. no wonder theres so many candle companies that work from home! everybody loves my candles its so vary exciting because it was just a hobby and now im doing a candle line with a rep in town

Shirley, welcome, but I hope you are kidding us...:shocked2:

If you are not pulling our legs, PLEASE do a LOT of reading because there is no way you should be selling ANY product you have only been manufacturing for two weeks! Making QUALITY candles is NOT easy!! It would take me longer than two weeks just to test 10 scents, let alone get the wicking correct, etc. You are getting the cart WAAAAAY before the horse and now you've got a line and an in-town rep? GIMME A BREAK!!!:rolleyes2:confused::laugh2:

Get product liability insurance quick and lots of it! ;)

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