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Why is glass glow sold out again!? UGH

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I know it is frustrating. I bought 2 cases the last time so I would have some on hand.

I am sure they are doing the best they can to replenish it. It is such a great wax and everyone wants it.

Maybe try and explain to your customer that this is a rare palm wax that is not readily available in the US at this time. Not sure if rare is the correct terminology but you get my drift. Explain that it is produced in another country, etc. The candles will be well worth the wait.

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Thanks guys. I did tell my customer that the wax is currently sold out due to the popularity of the wax. She does like the wax and the fact that it's natural...

On a personal note... I love this wax and wanted more after I initially tried it, just couldn't get more bc I lost my job a few weeks back and am starting a new job on Tuesday... using my credit cards for supplies...shifting balances to zero APR card... so it took a few weeks to get that down... blah. And now it's not available. Just frustrating.

Oh well. I coulda ordered the wax sooner, but I have a family and we have to eat... lol.

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I guess this is the result of really good customer service and a really hot product. CS has built a really good customer base and they really like the palm wax. I wonder if any of the other palm wax suppliers are having the same problem???


I call that bad customer service. I am a business owner and just like my customer I expect my suppliers to have what I need when I need it. If they can not they should not offer it for sale, running out once in a great while is fine but running out regularly like CS has done is just plain bad business. It hurts everyone that is depending on them right down to the end user. Especially when said items can not be got easily else where. Every time I have heard they have run out of that wax has made me think less and less of them.

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I call that bad customer service. I am a business owner and just like my customer I expect my suppliers to have what I need when I need it. ... Every time I have heard they have run out of that wax has made me think less and less of them.

I wish you would reconsider forming an opinion of them based on only one of the products they carry. There are so many pluses to this company. They are always working on introducing and evaluating new FOs; offer very reasonable shipping prices; ship promptly; and have a knowledgable staff that answer questions. It's very seldom they run out of any of their other products.

I am sure you have had an unexpected run on a certain item you've made at least once...and you did your best to ensure it did not happen again by ordering more materials. I think that CS also had increased their order - BUT CS either did not expect such an increased demand or were limited by their supplier. Jakalex explained it; she ordered two cases ... not that she needed it right now ... but wanted to have inventory on hand. There is no way CS can predict what the demand will be - especially if there is a "I gotta stock up" fever! There is no past sales basis for it. Someone who may have bought only a 10# bag to test months ago has now purchased 50# or 150#. Having "runs" on a commodity is nothing new.

I do sympathize with others who are facing the busy season without this wax available now; I am one of them. But, whatever the holdup, I would give them the rest of the year to work out this problem with such a relatively new product. Although they are higher up the food chain then we are - they aren't the manufacturer. Who knows what problems they are trying to resolve? The expected delivery date is November 1st according to their site. Bet people will be stalking the site. Maybe they ordered one case in the past but will be ready to pounce with 2 or 3 case orders so they don't run out! And CS may just sell out again if that happens.

I respect your point of view but hope you can also see mine!

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It is very disappointing(violetsexoticcandles) and I don't disagree with that point of view. I am sure there are reasons that we don't know of as to why they keep running out. There may certainly be more demand for their palm wax than other suppliers palm wax and they weren't ready for the big surge in the demand for palm wax.

I should have re-worded my post as it is kind of misleading. My point being that CS has built a strong customer base based on their customer service. They definately do not have bad customer service they are just having a difficult time getting the inventory for a new product in check. I believe that they will get it under control. You just can't out guess the buying public or in this case candle makers.


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I never said I would not order from them or any thing else my opinion because of this problem they have about not keeping this wax in stock or getting it back in stock in a reasonable time frame is lower than it was. I am less trusting of them.

Look at it this way I call you up and I ask to have 1000 candles made for me and I want them in 3 to 4 weeks and so you run over to your supplier and try to get the wax to only find out that they are out and it could be a few weeks to get it to you. So you have no option but to come back to me and explain that they are out of that wax and you can not get the candles to me in that time frame. Do you want to know what I am going to do at this point? Go elsewhere because I need those candles.

After that happened you would not be so happy and would be looking for another supplier also. You would be less trusting of that supplier after that also because they would have not only cost you a lot of money but most likely a wholesale account and some bad word of mouth about being unreliable supplier of candles.

I do under stand running out and I do understand having a run on things these things happen but I look at it like this once shame on you twice shame on me there wil be no second time.

I do not believe in being blindly loyal to any supplier that mean what ever I can get from them I better have two other sources for it if I am going to offer it up for sale as more than a retail item.

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I have to say that when I was on their site yesterday, it wasn't only the glass glow that was out (it was just that the glass glow was the wax I needed). I didn't look at the other types of waxes available other than the palm, but most if not all of the palm waxes were sold out, with the exception of the tortoiseshell wax, which is much more expensive.

I don't know how long they've been selling it, but in the past as an assistant manager, I was responsible for taking inventory nightly and determining what was needed to order based on the past week or month's sales, so we would not run out.

That being said, they should have predicted need based on past sales and considered the fact that, given the growing popularity of palm wax with their customers, they should have perhaps ordered more than what had sold before. It's a bit of a risk, but due to what has happened (they sold out so fast a lot of us can't get the wax) now, it's a lesson that should be learned.

Who knows- maybe they are having problems meeting the needs of their customers because of a supplier issue. Can't say without actually asking them. But it would be nice to know that on Nov 1st, I can go on their site and order a case.



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It's because they did not order sufficient quantity to take care of the customer demand (particularly of this season) and have to wait on a slow boat from Malaysia to receive more. :wink2: IGI and nearly every other supplier I know of is receiving their stuff from the same place - and the boats are slow. We will probably see more shortages as the use of palm oil increases for biofuel and other purposes. So when it comes in stock, buy it when you can!

Don't feel like the lone ranger - I missed it too, dammit! :undecided

Make some pillars while you wait. :D

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so i guess the next question would be does anyone else sell glass glow?
IGI and nearly every other supplier I know of is receiving their stuff from the same place

You could search for the IGI wax - perhaps a supplier somewhere still has some; if not, see the dates above.:wink2:

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Hello Candletech community,

As active candletech readers ourselves, this thread caught our attention and we wanted to let everybody know exactly what is happening with our Palm wax.

Firstly, a little background on the structure of the Palm wax agreement. Only two companies in North America are contractually able to purchase palm wax directly from the supplier – Candlescience and IGI. We carry some of the same products, but we also carry a couple that IGI does not – i.e Frost and Tortoise.

When we initially tested the palm we were very excited about the performance, but were concerned about our ability to get ample supply, especially since we intentionally do not import many products. We sent a Candlescience owner to Indonesia to inspect the factory to make sure they could meet quoted production times and environmental pledges they made. We also had an owner of the palm manufacturer visit us in North Carolina to produce an agreement and also discuss manufacturing. In total, we spent over 3 months fully investigating the supply chain in order to insure the availability of the new palm wax. Regrettably though, the production times quoted to us have not been met, especially since the volume of wax has been much more that any party anticipated.

Please be assured that our stock outage on palm is absolutely not a result of poor forecasts or improper ordering. We have developed custom software that anticipates demand based on sales and allows us to keep over 99% of skus in stock for same day shipment. The lack of palm wax in North America (Candlescience, IGI, and those we sell to) is strictly based on production capacity. We have our next container set to arrive the first week in November – weeks ahead of any other available material. We have several additional containers on the way, and have adjusted our ordering quantity and schedule to many times those that even our inventory system calculates we’ll need. Until then, we’ll do what we’ve been doing – air freighting product skid by skid (as produced, and at a significant financial loss) in order to keep product available to our customers.

We remain obsessed with product availability and will continue to work night and day to provide the products, pricing and service that so many customers have come to expect. Please also understand that this update is not an excuse – we feel there is no excuse for stock outages – but rather the honest explanation of what happened. This allows our customers and the community to make their own decisions based on the facts. Also, please always feel free to contact us directly if you’d like more information. We love to communicate though Candletech, but have had similar posts deleted. When you speak to us directly, you can always be assured the full truth – whether good or bad.

Thanks again for all the support. We truly appreciate your business, and pledge to continue improving our products, pricing and service.

Kind Regards,



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Thanks for coming on, Dan. It means a lot to us when suppliers are actively working with us to resolve issues. :D

Ditto! So that means they are in the same boat (no pun intended) as the rest of us...waiting on a manufacturer! Thanks for the explanation.

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I hope they get it straightened out by the time I'm ready to go live (in a year or so LOL) cause I'd love to try the product but would n't want to come to depend on something that's not dependable. KWIM? So good luck to Candlescience and here's looking forward to good news someday.

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