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Centering Wick Help

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Well I use the wick centering tool, but before that someone had given me a great tip and that was to trace the bottom of my container on to paper and then to measure the exact center and make a dot, then place your jar on top and you will have a perfect wick. I would highly recommend investing in the tool,much faster! and no thinking to do it! Hope this helps!


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Anyone have any nifty tips on getting the wick tab centered in the base of the jar?



I have a file I can send you if you like. I call it The Candle Target. It's only useful if you can see through the bottom of your jar but it's set up like a huge set of crosshairs. The concentric circles are 1/2" apart, with tick marks on the quarter inch. Since we can't attach that kind of file here, I guess I'd have to email it to you privately. Just let me know.


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I have the setter centering tool, and even flush there's still too much wiggle room and it doesn't always get centered. I do better with sighting it on the colored/covered containers and with the glass, the logo's are always centered (so far) so I stick it on that.

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I have a file I can send you if you like. I call it The Candle Target. It's only useful if you can see through the bottom of your jar but it's set up like a huge set of crosshairs. The concentric circles are 1/2" apart, with tick marks on the quarter inch. Since we can't attach that kind of file here, I guess I'd have to email it to you privately. Just let me know.


Thanks so much Ronnie. I got your attachment and tried it out last night. It was a BIG help.

Candletech members are the best!!! I joined back in 2003 when there were less than 200 members. Now it's over 7,000 strong and I wouldn't go anywhere else for candle making advice.

I love candletech!

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I have a file I can send you if you like. I call it The Candle Target. It's only useful if you can see through the bottom of your jar but it's set up like a huge set of crosshairs. The concentric circles are 1/2" apart, with tick marks on the quarter inch. Since we can't attach that kind of file here, I guess I'd have to email it to you privately. Just let me know.


Can you email me a copy of the file? lamic@comcast.net


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Sorry folks! I just sent it to the two of you that requested it. I has several PM's as well asking for it and as far as I know I've sent all those as well. I lost track of this thread and missed these two requests .. my apologies :) If anyone else needs it, please PM just to make sure I don't miss it

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