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Soaping with Milk... uh... Breast Milk


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:D just to scare you more... IF it was scientifically documented that breast milk in soap was safe

thats my big issue. Breastmilk is a body fluid and does contain traceamounts of blood. Prove to me saponification process can kill the aids virus and other nasties, then maybe it will lose some of its ICK factor as far as for public sale.

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Hey, considering the huge number of men who've emailed or IM'd me looking for samples of breastmilk, I'm thinking there's a market for it. Would I have sold my BM soap to a strange fellow with a strong curiosity? ... depends on how much he's willing to pay... :D

Before anyone asks why I attract odd requests, I imagine it's because I run a large-ish childbirth website. I get lots of chuckles in my email box!

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Hey, considering the huge number of men who've emailed or IM'd me looking for samples of breastmilk, I'm thinking there's a market for it. Would I have sold my BM soap to a strange fellow with a strong curiosity? ... depends on how much he's willing to pay... :D

Before anyone asks why I attract odd requests, I imagine it's because I run a large-ish childbirth website. I get lots of chuckles in my email box!


Have any of them ever told you what they plan to do w/ the sample?

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:tongue2: is how I sum it up, BUT that's just me. To put another person's (and it is to me body fluid by my definition) fluid on my skin YUK! I have read this on differ groups and was grossed out then and still am. :tongue2: And that comes from someone who breastfed all three of her children and loved it. Funny how some things are acceptable and not others-huh? :D
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I did go back and read everyone's comments and what Penny is going to do for her daughter I think is nice and I don't think that's gross (I know double standard). That would probably be a wonderful castile soap for the baby.

I still think its gross to use a total stranger's milk for the reasons stated above. :tongue2:

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If I was a breastfeeding/new mother and someone offered to create a natural, gentle soap from my breastmilk I think I would be absolutely touched. I don't see anything wrong with it. I mean, people actually make prints of their placentas (I'm not so hot on that idea)... so what's a little breastmilk, you know?

However, to market and sell to others (which I don't think anyone's said they have or suggested/recommended it)... uh, no.

But, as a private thing to use for myself and possibly my baby? You bet!

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I did go back and read everyone's comments and what Penny is going to do for her daughter I think is nice and I don't think that's gross (I know double standard). That would probably be a wonderful castile soap for the baby.

I still think its gross to use a total stranger's milk for the reasons stated above. :tongue2:

Maryann, I don't think that's a double standard. I don't think what Penny plans to do for her daughter is gross, either. That, to me, is yet another thing that will be precious between mom & baby. And made by Gramma...even more special! I think some of us (if not most) would agree that we would (might?) use our own milk on ourselves/babes. For me, bathing in a strangers human fluid...:tongue2: :tongue2: :tongue2:

And yeah, breast milk is FLUID to me...I don't care what they say!

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If I was a breastfeeding/new mother and someone offered to create a natural, gentle soap from my breastmilk I think I would be absolutely touched. I don't see anything wrong with it. I mean, people actually make prints of their placentas (I'm not so hot on that idea)... so what's a little breastmilk, you know?

I also would think it was a nice offer. But I would decline.

The prints of the placenta though - THAT I find beyond ick.

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LOL!!!! :spit: Reminds me of an email I got recently:



Tonight I thought he was acting weird. We had made plans to meet at a

bar to have a drink. I was shopping with my friends all day long, so I

thought he was upset at the fact that I was a bit late, but he made no

comment. Conversation wasn't flowing so I suggested that we go

somewhere quiet so we could talk. He agreed but he kept quiet and

absent. I asked him what was wrong; he said nothing. I asked him if it

was my fault that he was upset. He said it had nothing to do with me

and not to worry. On the way home I told him that I loved him and he

simply smiled and kept driving. I can't explain his behavior. I don't

know why he didn't say "I love you too." When we got home I felt as

if I had lost him, as if he wanted nothing to do with me anymore. He

just sat there and watched TV. He seemed distant and absent. Finally,

I decided to go to bed. About 10 minutes later he came to bed, and to

my surprise he responded to my caress and we made love, but I still

felt that he was distracted and his thoughts were somewhere else. He

fell asleep - I cried. I don't know what to do. I'm almost sure that

his thoughts are with someone else. My life is a disaster.


I shot the worst round of golf in my life today, but at least I got laid.

Now back to your regularly scheduled programming... :tiptoe:

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I had a guy offer me $75 per 8 oz bottle of breast milk once one a forum that I belonged to for new mothers when I had my daughter. Said it was the only kind of milk he could drink because he had digestion problems. He then asked me for a picture of my boobs so he could see where the milk is coming from to make sure I was "clean":laugh2:Total perv!

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Ok, from a guys point of view.... I just cant get past the 30 ounces per night statement !!! WOW My mind wandered and froze up right after I read that, sorry.

(.)(.) :tiptoe:


HA! You should have seen my freezer! I had more milk in there than food that I threw out a lot, very often. I thought about donating it to the milk banks but I hate how much they charge people for milk when they get it free from donations. It's like $16,000 for a 6 month supply!:shocked2:

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Well, I have to say this is certainly a topic I hadn't thought about.

I don't claim to know squat about soap...or breasts....but if the lye would "kill" the bacteria, wouldn't it also "kill" whatever nutrients that made you want to do such a thing in the first place?

If milk is just milk....why bother? Seems like such an ordeal unless there is some real benefit. To do it just to do it seems way ambitious to me.

For those that want to do this,I think it may be a mental thing more than a physical thing?

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