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70% CCO 30% Shea Butter 20% SF - Amazing!


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Someone was qurious how my soap turned out from this recipe:

70% Coconut Oil 76

30% Refined Shea Butter

20% Super Fat

I did CPHP w/ Sandalwood Vanilla FO. I really love how this turned out. Having used the soap after 48 hrs, my skin feels squeeky clean yet not dry. No aftershower film feeling. Lather is surprisingly creamy and wonderful. I just love it! I used the same body lotion I've been using afterwards but my skin feels so much smoother, soft and supple. I love taking pictures so here's a picture of it. I didn't add any colorant but the soap turned out creamy white.


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I am thrilled that you like it. I like those proportions even at 5% do 20% must be luxurious indeed. I know the CO is very stable, but I'm wondering if the addition of the shea butter will make it more prone to DOS. So I'll be looking for updates !!!!!

Great work!

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I am thrilled that you like it. I like those proportions even at 5% do 20% must be luxurious indeed. I know the CO is very stable, but I'm wondering if the addition of the shea butter will make it more prone to DOS. So I'll be looking for updates !!!!!

Great work!

Thanks! I think I'll have a fit if my babies ever become a victim of DOS :). If DOS does happen, when does it usually occur? Fortunately, I haven't had a problem with it even with my CP 80% OO castille soaps. I store my soaps in my insulated basement shop where it's always cool even when it's 100 degrees outside so hopefully that helps. I shall give you an update w/ pics.

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IME, DOS takes a few months to happen if it does. If you haven't had difficulty with your castile I expect you will be fine. I'm jealous of your basement workshop - of even having a basement (one downside of living near the ocean is no basement...)

Girl, I'll take the ocean anytime. We used to live in Palm Beach Gardens, FL where we were 10 minutes to the beach. Of course now that we live in Utah, I had to come up with a hobby to keep me busy so I don't get depressed :cry2: . Thank goodness for soapmaking, candle tarts, working out and being a mom. Life is good!

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  • 5 months later...

They look great. I'll bet the lather is lovely.

I've never had high percentage shea soaps get DOS and I've used it up to 60% !! I was in a shea soap swap a couple years ago and used 25% shea and 25% pai-naya to equal my 50% required. I still have a bar, and it's still holding it's own! LOL

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Thank you so much for posting and sharing :yay: I am going to make a cucumber soap and just couldn't make up my mind which recipe to use so I may just have to try it with this. It sounds amazing.

ETA: I'm not going to be doing CPHP method just CP. Do you think this will make a difference?

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They look great. I'll bet the lather is lovely.

I've never had high percentage shea soaps get DOS and I've used it up to 60% !! I was in a shea soap swap a couple years ago and used 25% shea and 25% pai-naya to equal my 50% required. I still have a bar, and it's still holding it's own! LOL

I really love shea butter in my soap. Ooh, I bet your soap is incredible -- vintage soap is the best!

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Thank you so much for posting and sharing :yay: I am going to make a cucumber soap and just couldn't make up my mind which recipe to use so I may just have to try it with this. It sounds amazing.

ETA: I'm not going to be doing CPHP method just CP. Do you think this will make a difference?

I don't do CPHP anymore, mainly CP now. I'm actually going to try this recipe again with Coconut Lime Verbena using CP. I say, let's go for it !:)

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I'm with ya on this GF I'm going to my oils and scales right now. :laugh2: Oooops one last thing. I wonder if with high % of SF will it affect my goat milk or should I just use all cucumber puree? I would hate to screw this up so I guess I'll just use all puree until I hear from some of the experts on this.

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Okay I made this but wound up having to HP it. I had seepage of oils not sure if it was fo or oils. If anyone knows what happened I would appreciate any input.

It turned really fugly but as far as the soap itself it's WONDERFUL!! Big bubbly lather and it feels great. :yay:

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  • 3 years later...
Someone was qurious how my soap turned out from this recipe:

70% Coconut Oil 76

30% Refined Shea Butter

20% Super Fat

I did CPHP w/ Sandalwood Vanilla FO. I really love how this turned out. Having used the soap after 48 hrs, my skin feels squeeky clean yet not dry. No aftershower film feeling. Lather is surprisingly creamy and wonderful. I just love it! I used the same body lotion I've been using afterwards but my skin feels so much smoother, soft and supple. I love taking pictures so here's a picture of it. I didn't add any colorant but the soap turned out creamy white.


Dug up this old thread....has anyone tried this recipe? Would it be nice for cphp cupcakes??? What is dos again? My brain isn't working.

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Since that thread, my bread and butter formula is 75/25. 75% coconut oil, 25% whatever - most often cocoa butter but I like shea as well, lard is great, and other things too. ALL my soaps were DOS-less in bad conditions for about a year, but the 25% crisco one did get DOS at that point.

I usually do a 15% superfat.

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my bread and butter formula is 75/25. 75% coconut oil, 25% whatever

CB, I have read many comments here and at other forums that some people think CO is drying and irritating in soaps (not necessarily in lotions)... have you found this to be true? Because of its high myristic & lauric acid content, I had been using less of it in favor of PKO... And, admittedly, because so many folks advised against using a high percentage of it in their products.

I'm curious about this because sometimes one person will make a statement of opinion that gets passed around until it becomes an accepted "fact" with no real basis... In the formulas where I have used it in a higher percentage, I did not find it to be particularly drying to my skin, but I am not a good subject on which to judge because my skin is extremely tolerant of nearly anything... I have used CO (just the oil itself) for years on my skin with no notice of harsh effects...

What's your take on this?

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I'd be willing to take this recipe for a test run - I need to try out some new silicone baking cups anyway!

OH please do and share a pic if you will! I'm dying to do some cp cupcakes but I'm so afraid they will be covered in ash eventually.

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Stella, that is a "rule" I've been trying to educate OUT of soapers. I have old last dry skin, and sensitive at that, and I happy use this formula without problem. It's actually the "break the rules" soap which I found out there years ago except the original is a milk soap with a lower lye discount.

High coconut does not have to mean "drying" in a properly balanced formula.

You MUST let it gel, though, to minimize ash.

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I noticed also that you're superfatting at 20%... Jeeze and I thought I was daring with 10% in my salt bars LOLOL I've been waiting to be whisked off to DOS hell for that...

When you say "properly balanced" I'm not sure if I understand - do you mean balanced with other oils/butters that help balance the fatty acid profile? I've been gelling all my soaps simply because it seemed like that's what the soap wants to do anyway, so who am I to stuff it in the fridge and tell it no...

I am glad to hear someone experienced with soaping challenging that notion about CO... I can understand that some folks are allergic to coconut, but it seemed to me that if the stuff is so awful, why would it be used in so many fine soaps around the world? I don't have a great deal of knowledge on the subject 'cause I'm very new to soaping, but that kinda floored me when I started seeing that... And when I have used it in my own soaps, no one's skin flaked off... I did notice it made my scalp itch a little, but I think that was more a function of not rinsing well enough than the CO content of the soap... It has not made my skin itchy or flaky...

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Dr Dunn's work showed that it was the type of oil, and not the level of superfat/lye discount that impacted DOS. So you probably aren't doomed.

By balanced, I mean that all the components work together (the selection of oils and the level of superfat/lye discount) to lend the soap the qualities you desire.

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