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One of THE MOST awesome candles ive ever seen!!

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You could even do the lightest of blue, that you can still see through, and put fish in it. Do it just do the set up like the gel candles, like Vicky said. Lots of places that sell the embeds for gel candles that would work in these. They would definitely benefit from having the lit warming base.

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Those are pretty, and not too pricey either. ;)

I wonder though, since the embeds are glass, how that would effect the glass jar? Would it make it get any hotter than usual do you think?

I've always thought those glass trinkets were worthless, but now I'm kinda changing my mind. LOL

Very innovative.

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I haven't done gel candles so how would you set up a scene? Are these called embeds? Do you glue them to the bottom of the jar?

Sorry so many questions but I'm a newbie......(less than 2 months) I've been testing and testing candles trying to figure out wick sizing for C-3 and have gone thru two cases of tureens......I figure I'm going to get it down one of these days......

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Those are pretty, and not too pricey either. ;)

I wonder though, since the embeds are glass, how that would effect the glass jar? Would it make it get any hotter than usual do you think?

I've always thought those glass trinkets were worthless, but now I'm kinda changing my mind. LOL

Very innovative.

You know, I think they would probably be ok on the warmers. Only thing I think I would do would be to silicone them down to the glass instead of hot glue. Thinking maybe the hot glue would get to warm on the warmer and allow the glass pieces to slide around. I think maybe silicone would keep them in place. I think Vicky or someone that does gel candles would probably know more about this.

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Gel we don't glue a lot as we set our embeds usually in sand, things like that I would not use sand in these. These I would secure with glue or silicone as soy or paraffin get very thin liquidy. My main concern would be if they fell over some one sticking thier fingers in the hot wax trying to straighten them up that is kind of a liability issue.

I do have some concerns about them getting to hot on the warmer but you just need to test to make sure they don't. I would stick to jars 10 oz or less so they melt fully pretty quickly.

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Ok everyone let's figure what they are made of.Hard Plastic.it has to withstand heat.Not that the wickless get hotter than the wick. Is it no more than the fish in a bag?Will someone search this and let us all know.We are all over the area and not in one state mostly.I just started wickless and kinda slow around here so far.Would like to know for future candlemaking.


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Hi LynnS,

I am not sure exactly what your question is.

The embeds in any candle being lit or heated with a warmer should always be glass....was that what you were asking? If you are interested, I can direct you to some of the suppliers I used.

I have tons of glass embeds, and I have some little fishbowls that I just picked up at Wally World, I am definitely going to try this.



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Hi Daniedb,

Please help, I think I did something wrong...

Ok, so the hubby came home and I asked him about the silicone. He told me that I had some in my crate of home stuff...it's a big caulking thing, ya know to do around the doors and windows. He says, yes, that acts as a glue.

So, I got it, handed it to him to open..he sliced it with a knife and handed it to me. I brought it back to my kitchen, held out a wick tab, and squeezed.

The freakin' bottom popped off, not knowing what to do, and not wanting to look like an idiot, as if that were going to be avoidable, I dabbed a bit on the wick tab, and stuck it in a jar...the proceeded to try to wash it off...everything. I practically had to stand on the stupid bottom to get it back in the tube. Handed back to the hubby and thanked him.

I tried to quietly walk away, like I knew what I was doing...:tiptoe: ...no go.

Then, he showed me where the caulking gun was. Yeah, this would have helped. I thought it was just a biiiig squeezy tube of glue.

Is this the stuff you meant? and does it come in a smaller size? and how long does it take for this stuff to set if ppl use it for wick tabs? Thought I would practice with wick tabs before I turned myself loose on some poor glass fishies.

Thanks for helping me out with the info. Sorry I screwed it up. :)

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Yeah silicone usually comes in a caulk tube. Make sure you get 100% silicone. Not a silicone/latex mix. The silicone will add the adhesion and will withstand the heat. If you have a local building supply you could also get a tri polymer witch is the best adhesion. nomatter what you get I think you want to get clear in case it oozes.

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OMG, you just cracked me up! :laugh2: That is the funniest thing I've read in a loooong while.

Good ol' Murray helped you out, I see. So, sorry to leave out the details of the caulking gun if you had the big ol' silicone tube! I feel responsible, but I am absolutely LMAO about you walking away as if you knew what you were doing...ha!

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There you are! Thought you were trying to duck me!

I should warn you, I am one of those ppl who gets into trouble just standing still...it runs in the family.

A caulking gun, is he kidding!

He really thinks that I can work that thing, I have news for him.

I am probably going to have to pop the bottom off the stupid tube to get the glue out...IF, I can figure out how to detatch the stupid gun! I'm not doing it with him home - that's for sure! ;)

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I know, right? I used my husband's in the caulking gun one time - until I realized that he cut off a giant hole in the end, and when I squeezed, it went everywhere, too. It was awful.

I went back to wick stickums after that traumatizing experience.

The funniest part of your post was your little guy walking away...:tiptoe: Absolutely hysterical. Can't wait to hear more stories!

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Ya know the worst thing, I vaguely remembered trying to use White Caulking one time...but I couldn't rememer what it was that went wrong and I couldn't do it.....well, after the bottom popped off and glue went everywhere,

All at once....I kinda remembered...like, oh yeah, that was it.

I'm sure there'll be more stories...I can't seem to help myself.

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Thank you that is what I meant.I didn't think it was plastic but with me seeing these for the first time I wondered.I am just starting wickless and have sold very few.In fact people ask what they are and how they work.So maybe next year it will pick up.This is new to my friend and she is coming over tomorrow to get a couple for gifts.She likes the idea.

If you don't mind would you give the suppliers for these(embeds).I am doing a few more shows this year and if I made a couple I will have people asking more questions.I am determined to let people know a safer way to use a candle but just like everything else it is preference.

I am doing a craft show in an exclusive area and sure some will want to know.I have been making candles for only 2 years and learn something new all the time.



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