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another newbie seeking advice

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Hello everyone! Let me start by saying sorry for the length of this(my first) post. I am seeking some professional advice, and feel I should explain my current situation. I am new to this board, but have been watching it for days and have been impressed with the amount of help and suggestions given to everyone. So, here it goes!

My wife and I are restaurant managers. You can probably imagine how hectic of a lifestyle this makes. About 8 years ago, we got involved in the candle industry. We started out buying wholesale from a small business, and reselling for a small profit. Of course, we decided to try and develope our own product. After several months of research, we began pouring our container candles. As it always goes, we poured alot more mistakes than good candles. However, we eventually found the right formula to make a great quality product. We started giving them away. We received raves about them, and even managed to sell a few.

Next thing you know, reality knocked at the door, and candle makinig got put on the back burner(and eventually off of the stove all together). However, we manage to pour a batch every once in a while for gifts or for our own use.(mainly because I still have shelves of product.) Every time we make some, we get the itch(no, it's not a rash)lol.

Last year, a death in the family forced us to take stock in life, and think about what we are doing. Over the past few months, we have been discussing a 3 (maybe 2) year plan to begin our own candle business. Because of our work history, we are going into this eyes wide open. We are not afraid of working long hours, and are fully aware of the timeline to turn a new business into profit. Our plan is for me to continue working while my wife operates the business. The length of time before we begin will allow us to take down most of our personal debts, and give us some breathing room to get started.

With that said,(sorry for the rambling) we would like to hear from some business owners. The biggest fear we are facing is can this become a successful venture? We are not looking to get rich. That's what the lottery is for. We just want to try somethig that will allow us to be creative, work together, and be able to call it our own!

In closing, thanks in advance for any responses(positive and negative). Again, sorry for the book. Promise to keep future posts short!

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Although there is a definite difference between hobbyists and business owners, there is also different levels of businesses. Some here only do a couple of craft fairs a year. Others are in local store fronts and do wholesale and fund raisers. Some have opened E-tail stores that offer retail, wholesale, fundraisers and other lines of home fragrance (diffusers, for example). Then there are the big boys that manufacture for the larger retail stores.

If you are looking to stay locally the key, IMHO, is the store location.

If you are looking for E-tail - web site design must be a focus.

Then, there's also the combination of running an e-tail out of a store front.

Either way you go, aggressive Marketing is the biggest focus. Designing sales strategies to get your name out there...and having the quality product to back it up...will help build a successful business.

Best of luck to ya'!

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Here is are a couple of post I located using the search that might be of some help to you.




You are going to get a lot different responses here and with what has been posted on previous topics covering candles as a business if you read the post using the search. However, I would just like to suggest that you really look into the market for candles in your area. Yes, many state that you can always find a niche but if your area is over crowded it can make it more difficult. Good luck to you.

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Ok, First of all...You are crackn' me up over here. I think you are very funny. Also congratz to you and your wife for being restaurant managers, my husband is and wow what a ride...You and your wife will make a great living together and I wish you all the best of luck! "Sorry this had pretty much nothing to do with your question being answered":D But I have just joined this board and your message was the first one I read. Best of luck to you both, and thanks for the laugh!

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I wish you all the luck in venturing into the candlemaking business. But one thing you have to realize is candles are a seasonal thing. The warmer months are very slim on making sales. I do get sales but nothing like the fall and winter months. The best advice is to really produce a great product and pound the pavement until you make sales. Believe me no one will be knocking down your door to buy candles. It takes alot of promoting to get the candles sold. The biggest competition is with Yankee and Made in China candles. Very tough market.

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Love your post!! This is what I would love to do also. I worked for a candle company and sold candles now for 6 years. I have recently started to make my own and of course, I just love it. I have always loved crafting. I have been in other businesses before too. For me I will have to wait until funds permit a larger situation. But for now I am just selling to people and clients that I have already in my day job. I have done craft shows in the past, but so would prefer a store someday but I also wonder about my age I am 53:undecided and wonder still if its too late in life to do this.

But I have always taken chances and life wouldn't be fun with out that. So I am saying to you GO FOR IT!! If you have the funds and all is positive, why not? You will have clients for all seasons too because I do. They buy just for an air freshner effect too. True its all about marketing and lots of advertising. I am sure you are aware of keeping your over head as low as possible when looking for sq. footage.

Good Luck and keep us posted how it will go. :D

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I have no sage advice about starting a candle business, but I'll throw my :2cents: in anyway.

I started as a hobby a few years ago. I got seriously hooked on the creativity and amazed by the science of candlemaking. I decided I needed to actually turn it into a business - just to be able to finance the addiction. I'm small..I do a few shows, I have a website, I have a few loyal customers. Now, I think how cool would it be to have a store - a real brick and mortor business. Oh, yes, lots of hard work, long hours, stress...hey, I have that now working for someone else! Since it is just me paying the mortgage, I can't afford to try that dream now. If you have a solid plan and can afford to attempt the dream, do it. Tomorrow is promised to no one.

Many people on this board would love to make their living doing what they love.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello again all.....

Just wanted to thank everyone for the responses to my post. Sorry for not responding sooner, but the day after I posted, my computer caught a cold. Now, after a few vitamin shots, and a swift kick in the power supply(and my wallet), we are back on line.

During the down time, we have decided to proceed with our venture. We are probably going to start up a little sooner than 2 years from now. I just have to do some remodeling to the house.( any excuse to use a power tool)

So, I will be bombarding this forum with a ton of questions. Our previous venture included only container candles. obviously, we will need to increase our product list to keep up with the big guns.

Again, thanks for all the help, and "chat" with ya soon! Ray

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