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Everything posted by Candlelishous

  1. I Am Very New Any Thing You Want To Tell Me I Would Like To Hear, I Want To Make Soy Candles In Containers I Don't Know What Kind Of Soy Where To Get It What Wick To Use What To Do . . . Please Help Me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Hello there, I am interested in making soy candles in containers first, I alway have wanted to learn and now I am really getting excited about it! I have no idea what to do. I am really at your mercy here. I know this may be alot to ask, but I just joined yesterday and this is all I know how to do is ask. Please help me learn to make a wonderful candle that I can be really proud of. Also is it more costly to make them then to buy them? Thank you all for you replys, -Candlelishous
  3. Ok, First of all...You are crackn' me up over here. I think you are very funny. Also congratz to you and your wife for being restaurant managers, my husband is and wow what a ride...You and your wife will make a great living together and I wish you all the best of luck! "Sorry this had pretty much nothing to do with your question being answered":D But I have just joined this board and your message was the first one I read. Best of luck to you both, and thanks for the laugh!
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