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Orbs, ready to decorate...


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well after a terrible week of trying to find suitable containers/melting pots, I finally got something rigged up and working. Still can't make them as deep as I'd like, some are more bowls and orbs.

A problem I had with one, was I was using a metal round bowl but it was double thickness, so the inside wasn't getting or staying hot enough, hence as I was dipping the balloon, it was setting up with a skin, making a frosted effect on the finished orb.

So I decided to make a smaller orb and try for a frosted snowball effect, worked a bit round the top but not too sure I like the effect. Don't know if it looks cool or looks like an accident rofl.

btw, this is the melting situation I have 'going on' at the moment!



close up of frosting (best piccie I could get) cool or accident!?


btw, the small one has gone back in the pot, after testing them all with a t-light till it had finished, the smaller one, had a slight melt inside top lip and a bit of melting on the bottom.

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Why are you making the shells so thick? It shouldn't be necessary. The candles will glow better if they are thinner. You are on the right track...it is just finding the correct size pot to dip the baloons into. I like the idea of the floating candles. Donita

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something like this?

I've tried votive wicks' date=' will see how they burn. Would these be an initial 2hour burn, or do you just light these and leave them?


I like this idea...I have a wedding I am doing (again...lol) and need to come up with some ideas. What would you use for a bowl mold would you use and what kind of wax....??

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I love making orbs. Persoanlly, I like a thinner orb. Once you find the right method it will be easy. I also like to decopage on my orbs. You can find tons of holiday paper. Once they are good and dry I dip them back into the wax. They look awesome.The tealite inside shows up great. I had tons of them at my last 2 craft shows.essed florals decoupag and hand painted. Also had some bowls. They did not sell well at all I was bummed b/c I love making them.

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can I ask did you cover them completely in fancy paper, or cut pieces out?

Donita, they are 6mins thick ;) should I leave them in less you think?

tbh, as my set up, pots etc is at the moment, they are a pita to make, but so worth it, I absolutely love the idea of orbs and canes.

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