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soy throw vs paraffin throw...

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Worked with paraffin for 8 years now. Soy for over 1 year.

Paraffin (with all the additives already added) is definitely the easiest to work with for throw...there are very few oils that will not work. So you have the "pick of the litter" so to speak of the intensely aromatic oils. The zinc core wicks are somewhat standardized for the containers.

Soy is a little more finickey. There are some oils that will not release (notice the stickey in the Vegetable section). Plus with the variety of wicks available (ECO, LX, CD, RRD, Premier, CSN, CDN, HTP). It takes more testing and experimentation to get a final product that throws extremely well.

Personally, IN MY OPINION, if I want a candle that is smack my face strong in a variety of aromas I go paraffin.

But if I want a complex scent that hugs me I go with soy.

In the end - it's a toss up - depends on how I feel that day.

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Doubtless there are plenty of biased opinions, but it's been tested in the lab too. Paraffin did best, veggie wax did worst, a blend of the two scored in the middle. They used both human judges and specialized equipment to assess fragrance throw. The people and the machines agreed. I think the majority who work with both types of wax would come to the same conclusions.

The wax of course is only one variable.

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Paraffin (with all the additives already added) is definitely the easiest to work with for throw...there are very few oils that will not work. So you have the "pick of the litter" so to speak of the intensely aromatic oils. The zinc core wicks are somewhat standardized for the containers.

Soy is a little more finickey. There are some oils that will not release (notice the stickey in the Vegetable section). Plus with the variety of wicks available (ECO, LX, CD, RRD, Premier, CSN, CDN, HTP). It takes more testing and experimentation to get a final product that throws extremely well.

I agree! With paraffin, it was much easier to find FO's that provided the throw I was looking for.

It is much harder with soy but when you do find it.... it's really good!! Just be prepared to test A LOT of FO's to find them!

I guess my point is the best FO's that I've found for soy will throw as well as (if not better, for some) than paraffin. But you may only find 1 or 2 out of 30 FO's that you try. Kind of a bummer but what can you do!

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I have never worked with paraffin but I think it has a much better hot throw than does soy.I like the natural aspects of soy and other veggie waxes but people like a scented candle to be aromatic to the end of the jar and I don't think soy does a very good job of producing a really good hot throw...at least not in the waxes I have tested. So,I started testing palm wax and I am very pleased with that.I use less fo's and still get a much better hot throw with that than I ever did using soy wax.So far,palm wax,for us anyway,is a winner and we will be testing some paraffin waxes also in the near future as well.


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I like them both,,I like the IGI-4786(paraffin) and the GB444 (soy) BOTH awesome Hot AND cold throw!! I also use Just Scents 50/50, its great too as its a blend of Paraffin and soy......

For my Pillars I prefer IGI-4625

Just depends on you really. You have to find the wax that does the best for you,,I have tested a lot of waxes and these I like the best. HTH:D

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It's a personal choice and your marketing strategy, if you are going to sell. I love the benefits of a 50/50 (don't have many wicking issues), great hot and cold throw, one-pour, additives already incorporated into it. I melt, color, scent and pour. Nothing fancy, just great smelling candles in strong, vibrant colors works for me and my customers. I succeeded in what I was trying to achieve...well burning candles that didn't waste wax, soot up my house and smelled fabulous from beginning to end. Make tarts that scent for days, and votive that burn clean down to the wick tab. I'm happy!

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