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A Few Old and New

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I've been busy trying to get fall show stuff stocked up and ready. I also got a chance to play with Soap Silly's extreme red. I likey. A few new fragrance oils too. These are all done in the doright molds. Notice the crisp edges. ;) Water discount, I'm tellin' ya I swear by it.

From left top corner, brown soap... pink sugar of course, patchouli, gee your hair smells terrific, Tolu, Joop for Men, Summer Strawberry restock and peaking the corner and almost cut off, woodland breeze.


Orange Patchouli EO.

Left to right.. stargazer lily & channel number 5 mix, amazing grace, pink sugar, patchouli, gee your hair smells terrific, Tolu, Joop for Men, summer strawberry and woodland breeze.


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EmpressC, there is no TD in any of these soaps. It's a combination of the oils I use that make it so white. I SHOULD have used it in the Woodland Breeze but forgot to.

And thanks but I'm so far from being the queen of anything soap related it isn't funny. I just like making them. :D

These are all cut now, but I can't get photos till the weekend, sorry. I'll add them into a post when I do. You guys know me, I'm a slacker when it comes to posting cut photos but I'll do my best to get to them as soon as I can.

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