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Protecting your website

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I read a thread on here the other day that just got me a little paranoid. Here is a website that you can copy html and paste it to your site to stop right clicking. http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex9/noright.htm

This one gives you a tip to protect your source code as well.

http://www.hypergurl.com/norightclick.html The right-click code she give doesn't seem to work with my Frontpage like the dynamic drive code did.

Hope this helps some of you.


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I have always loved this with one exception. It would be nice for legitimate buyers to be able to save the pictures of the things they like or are interested in purchasing. I do that from time to time and I'm sure others do as well. Just to bad you can't seperate the good from the bad.

I'm fairly sure that's why you see many of the big sites or bigger manufacturers not using this type of script.

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I'd have to want something really, really bad to buy from a site that disables right clicking. Yes, it annoys me so much that I usually choose to take my business elsewhere.

There are much more professional and convenient (for the consumer) solutions if you want to make sure no one else uses your pics as their own. Digital watermarking will not deter someone from saving the photo, but it would let people know exactly where it came from if the thief was stupid enough to use it on their site.

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My web guy told me how he protects his pictures. He allows right clicking, but if they then load his pictures on their website, it produces an error code. He's a fun (and sometimes crass) guy, so he usually puts something like "hey, this idiot (or something crasser) stole my picture", then makes the picture link back to HIS website.

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My web guy told me how he protects his pictures. He allows right clicking, but if they then load his pictures on their website, it produces an error code. He's a fun (and sometimes crass) guy, so he usually puts something like "hey, this idiot (or something crasser) stole my picture", then makes the picture link back to HIS website.

Care to share?

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My web guy told me how he protects his pictures. He allows right clicking, but if they then load his pictures on their website, it produces an error code. He's a fun (and sometimes crass) guy, so he usually puts something like "hey, this idiot (or something crasser) stole my picture", then makes the picture link back to HIS website.

I could be wrong, but I think that only works if people hotlink to your pics. If they save them to their own computer and then upload them somewhere else, they can still be 'stolen'.

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Bella Luna, you may be right.

I know when I set the hot link option on my site to active, I am not able or anyone for that matter, cannot access my pictures by using the URL to the pic. As for right clicking, a person is still able to do that. At least that was my experience with hot linking.

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I could be wrong, but I think that only works if people hotlink to your pics. If they save them to their own computer and then upload them somewhere else, they can still be 'stolen'.

That's exactly right Bella Luna. It only works for hotlinked photos.

And as others have said, No right click has slowed down a few lazy photo thieves, but for someone determined to get your photo, unfortunately no script like those are going to keep them from it.

It IS really fun to do what Soapersworkshop's web guy (my hubby) does though~ if you know someone is hotlinking simply change the photo at that url. <insert evil laugh here> I could tell you some VERY funny stories...


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That's exactly right Bella Luna. It only works for hotlinked photos.

And as others have said, No right click has slowed down a few lazy photo thieves, but for someone determined to get your photo, unfortunately no script like those are going to keep them from it.

It IS really fun to do what Soapersworkshop's web guy (my hubby) does though~ if you know someone is hotlinking simply change the photo at that url. <insert evil laugh here> I could tell you some VERY funny stories...


Care to share how? And share some, at least 1 story?


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Care to share how? And share some, at least 1 story?


LOL, okay! The way hotlinking works is folks use the url where your photo is located, so not only are they stealing your photo, they are stealing your bandwidth! To do this, you would right click on a photo, and go to properties. When the box pops up you would highlight the URL that it shows and copy it. Paste it to your message board, or letter, or website, and TADA, you've ripped someone off.. their photo AND their bandwidth.. SHAME ON YOU! So..... here's what we do...

We have discovered this on many more than one occasion. Here's the funniest story I can remember. We have been avid ebayers for years. Amazing how many people on ebay LOVE to hotlink photos. If they see your photo and it looks like something they have for sale, they'll snag it. They love to just leave it where it is too, right on YOUR server. So, this guy hotlinks a photo of a laptop computer. Because his photo is on our server, all we have to do is replace that photo and his photo will be whatever we replace it with.

Sooooo..... we replaced it. With a photo of a cowboy. I think he was wearing boots and a hat.. and that's it. I think his hat may have been strategically placed.. I believe he had a sash that said something like.. A hard cowboy is good to find... or some such :D

I remember another photo of a really scary looking guy.. braids, a beard, lipstick and makeup on.. and text added to the photo that said something like the winner of this auction gets a date with my sister...

Anyway.. you get the picture.. :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:

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Sooooo..... we replaced it. With a photo of a cowboy. I think he was wearing boots and a hat.. and that's it. I think his hat may have been strategically placed.. I believe he had a sash that said something like.. A hard cowboy is good to find... or some such :D


Sharon, I know I've told you this over and over again, but I love your husband!!! LOL! He never fails to make me laugh whenever we chat. I needed a good laugh tonight! Thank you Frank and Sharon!!!

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Sooooo..... we replaced it. With a photo of a cowboy. I think he was wearing boots and a hat

:laugh2: :laugh2:Now there is an item I would bid on!:grin2:

I don't understand why not being able to save a product photo would deter someone from purchasing? If I am going to buy a candle from someone's site I don't need to save the photo to know if I want it or not.

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You don't have to steal a picture that way. All you have to do is right click and "save picture as" on your own computer. So you are not using the URL. I doubt many people steal pictures that way. Well maybe if they are exceptionally stupid thieves.

Using that code is worthless as others have said. Anyone wanting to steal a photo knows how to do it.

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:laugh2: :laugh2:Now there is an item I would bid on!:grin2:

I don't understand why not being able to save a product photo would deter someone from purchasing? If I am going to buy a candle from someone's site I don't need to save the photo to know if I want it or not.

If you're referring to my post, it's not that I like to save the photos of what I purchase... it's just that the no right click is such a pet peeve of mine that if I'm on someone site and they have that 'feature' I won't buy anything from them.

It could just be a weird quirk of mine. I have a lot of those :laugh2:

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I'd have to want something really, really bad to buy from a site that disables right clicking. Yes, it annoys me so much that I usually choose to take my business elsewhere.

I feel the same way, and not because I have any interest in saving copies of anybody's photos. Right-click has many uses besides viewing/saving photos. I use it all the time to open a linked page in a new tab, and sites that try to stop me from doing that are very irritating. Especially since anyone who knows much about browsers will have no problem saving copies of photos regardless of whether right-click is disabled.

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I certainly didn't want our site to seem unfriendly but we had right click disable. The reason why was because of the ebay issue. It is a PIA to contact them and then complain to ebay. I hate having to waste my time to fight for what is mine in the first place! We all put so much time and effort into making our products, photos, trying to come up with something new or creative. Then some jerk without one ounce of creativity steals our property!:mad: You guys are right, someone can always figure out a way if they have the knowledge. It just made me feel better that I was making it a little less easy for them. I didn't want to seem unfriendly but as the saying goes, the good have to suffer for the bad.

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I'd have to want something really, really bad to buy from a site that disables right clicking. Yes, it annoys me so much that I usually choose to take my business elsewhere.

Same here. I think it's just plain silly. (I guess some people don't know about the PrintScreen button!) I like to save all kinds of pictures to my computer, especially around Christmas time, to help me decide on gifts and such for friends and family. It's much easier to save a picture, and use the website's name as the title, than it is to bookmark a bunch of websites that I may or may not remember why I even bookmarked in the first place. Not to mention I e-mail my Mom all the time with pictures of cool things I've found online!

One thing I don't understand... Why would someone even want to use someone else's pictures of craft products and such?? When the customer got their merchandise in the mail, wouldn't it look totally different from the picture?? :confused:

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One thing I don't understand... Why would someone even want to use someone else's pictures of craft products and such?? When the customer got their merchandise in the mail, wouldn't it look totally different from the picture?? :confused:

I've wondered that too. But maybe their product looks similar to yours? Or maybe they just want it as a photo to 'decorate' their site? Either way, there seems to be a lot of picture stealers out there, sigh.
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