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Cantaloupe Lady

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Everything posted by Cantaloupe Lady

  1. I have always used Online Labels with really good success. They will send you a sample for free, I believe.
  2. I like 'Amarah Eve.' It has such a high quality to it. The name looks like it would lend itself well to a logo too. I agree it may be hard to remember when people are searching for you. But, it has a really nice story which is what people want to connect to. I agree that you could use a tag line for your description. Good luck!
  3. When I am asked this question, I let them know that I make every effort to maintain exclusivity especially if it is a small town. As your relationship grows, you can ask them if "so and so's store is too close." Or you can even ask the store that is inquiring. Most owners are very careful not to tread in other peoples territories. (of course, there is always the bad apple) I have refunded a customer back on a few items because I wanted to be in a store near theirs. They hadn't re-ordered in 6 months, so it worked out for both of us. Hope this helps!
  4. One of my big accounts is already requesting Christmas samples. They order in late August or September. I found that I really didn't start selling a mess of Christmas stuff until late October/early November for the smaller accounts.santa razz
  5. I read a thread on here the other day that just got me a little paranoid. Here is a website that you can copy html and paste it to your site to stop right clicking. http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex9/noright.htm This one gives you a tip to protect your source code as well. http://www.hypergurl.com/norightclick.html The right-click code she give doesn't seem to work with my Frontpage like the dynamic drive code did. Hope this helps some of you. Chris:highfive:
  6. I think gmp had a great point...your name should tell a story. No matter what your name is, you will always get asked "So, why is your company named...?" You will sell more product if you have an interesting name. Also, I think it should be easily remembered. The one beginning with a "T"...is difficult to remember. Look at available websites. My girlfriend wanted to name her company something...can't remember at the moment...and the website was taken. Even if you don't plan to have a web right away, it's alway good to get the domain name registered. Also, think about logos. What can you do with each name? Figure 8 lends itself to a definite shape. Mountain Laurel has the floral. Check out www.gotlogos.com if you can't come up with something...$25/logo. Good luck. Chris
  7. Gee after reading all the negativity, I'm afraid to admit that I make these wonderful products. My customers, store clients and friends rave about them. My product is made using 100 % soy products and when they melt are completely safe for the skin. They are made with 100% soy beans. I can't speak for other massage oil candle makers but, I use soap based fragrance oils at much lower concentrations then I would for a normal candle. They are not intended to be used for scent throw. And...what is there to get...The fun with these candles is that you use them for massages. They are warm, and provide ambiance that "lotions" don't give. The temperature is warm, not hot since soy wax melts at such a low temperature. I would just Google soy massage oil candle to get results. Good luck in finding what your looking for.
  8. I just designed a candle using the 1/2 pint. I get them through http://www.sks-bottle.com/340c/fin20a.html They sell them by the case, but the price is decent. 86 cents for 1/2 pints. I don't know how they sell yet. I think it really depends on the labeling.
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