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Some of my scrubs/butters

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What program are you using for your design? Most illustration programs have a ready library of borders, or aren't difficult to use to create your own custom border. If you're using Word, you can still create simple borders.

What sort of border are you looking at? A simple line or something a little funkier?

If you like, you could let me know what you have in mind and I'll draft something up for you.

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If you are useing publisher you only need to use the circle tool. Then once you place the circle, you can change the color and thickness of the line. Still simple this way and not too fussy to match the rest of your label. Also, you don't need to mess with making it border the entire label. That might be a major PIA if you don't already have a printed template to see were the edges of your labels land.... so guestimate at a 1/8 inch or so give or take, lol..in from the edge and place it there. It would surround your text but leave an additional white border outside the circle border. Just depends if you like the look or not. But if you want it to fully border the label it's self, you might just try to make it a thick line and you will be more likely to get it on the right spot. Make sure your 'view' is set to show the border lines of your text, label and objects.

They look great. Very smooth and very clean:highfive:

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I also love your packaging. The round labels are giving me NIGHTMARES :laugh2:

If I use Print Shop Pro, it won't let me change each label so I have to print a sheet of the same thing. Word won't let me work in a circle, just basically a block print. I would love to see how others are getting around this problem. I would love to be able to put my company name around the inner edge of the circle with the product info centered in the label. It just isn't happening lol

Anyway, thanks for sharing! I love seeing what others are doing.

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They look really lovely!

Just a thought re the labelling... I use the (free) limited version of Design Pro 5 from the Avery Dennison website...

You can use circular text to put your details on the outer edge and also do borders by drawing a circle and setting the line thickness and colour...

Can input custom label details if you're not using standard avery sizes...

Ann-Marie x

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