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First Craft Show

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So I am doing my first craft show in Sep. So I have a little while to prepare. But I was hoping to get some advice first, any helpful information would be appreciated! But really I need to figure out how many candles to have on hand is there a way to figure this out? The craft show said it had over 50,000 people attend last year. I also need info on where to get display stuff.

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Congrats on booking your first show. After fretting for 2 yrs, I finally did my first one this past spring. There is a wealth of info on the internet as well as a great sticky on this forum with tips, etc. I spent many, many hours researching and reading and was so glad I did. There were tons of details that I would have not thought to do.

I recently purchased an ebook with all of this put together plus some more with checklists, etc. I'm in the process of booking a couple of fall shows, so I just don't have the time to go back through all the reading again from searches. Now it's all in one place for my review at any time. It's well worth the $$ I spent www.craftshowebook.com

Good luck!

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I think everybody brings too much to their first craft show! One of the things I learned that has been a huge help to me is to not knock myself out getting ready for a show.

I ended up making a list that I print out everytime I do a show. That helps me remember things like batteries, order forms, register tape, water, drinks, pens, business cards, etc., etc.

It also helps to keep your display(s) simple and easy-- less is more works. Customers tend to not buy if you have too much out or too many fragrances to choose.

Keep selections simple. I used to carry a candle in every fragrance I could pour and now I just do about 10 fragrances and one or two candle sizes.

A clean, organized, and uncluttered booth will attract your customers. And don't forget to make prices easy for customers to find. Put them on stickers on your products and make simple signs with easy to read pricing.

Mostly, try to have fun and it will show when you are selling.


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The 2 biggest things I can suggest are:

- Start making stuff now!! If you have space to store it until your show, it's always good to get started as soon as you can. That way, the days before the show you can relax.

- Take as much as you can make and get into your vehicle. With 50,000 folks, you want to have LOTS, and LOTS, and LOTS of product. If it's a 2 days show, take what you can the first day and bring more the second day.

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It is actually a 4 day show, I know huge for my first time but it's close to home and I figure I need to start somewhere. I am starting to make my stuff now,and it makes sense to only take a few scents, I was thinking I have over 150 scents how am I going to do that!*faint* But Since it's Sep. I think I will stick mostly yo my fall scents and my most popular! Thanks for the tip! The first day is only in the evening from 5-9 the other 3 are 10-9. My Mom is going to come stay with me for the week to help me prepare and watch the kids while I am gone, oh yeah it's on my anniversary which DH is thrilled about:laugh2:

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Good Luck...I've yet to do a 4 day show, only 1 or 2 days. If you take a helper, make sure they know your products as well as you. If you need to run to the restroom you wouldn't want to miss out on a great sale(s) because your helper wants them to "wait until you come back" or they just don't know anything. HTH

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I haven't done a show yet, but wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS! Just remember, don't overload yourself. When I attend as a customer, what attracts me is an uncluttered table/booth, and a friendly smiling seller saying hello and them letting me know to just ask, if I have any questions. Hope this helps. Friend of mine does shows selling cigars, and her tables are so cluttered I saw many people start to look, and then leave after 5 seconds, because she just clutters the tables too much.

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