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Knitting help


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My almost wife (lol) just found out she is going to be a grandma! :D She wants to start knitting but knows nothing about it. ANyone know a good website she can check out to help learn?


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Believe it or not I bought a kids knitting book and that is what helped me get started knitting and then I took some classes at Michaels and a yarn shop. I really liked this book b/c it explains things so plainly, I highly recommend it.


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First, congrats to her! She might want to check out the childrens section of your local library, depending on how big your library is. Gotta love free.

Thank you everyone! :) lol... she is soooooooooo cute, she goes back and forth between 'I'm gonna be a grandma' with a huge smile to, 'I'm gonna be a grandma' I'm so old... lol...

Thanks again for the info! :yay:

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Have you checked out the Knifty Knitter Looms by Provocraft? I have just about every one of them and also have the mitten loom from In The Attic Looms. Loom knitting is addictive and SO easy! A book I highly recommend is the Loom Knitting Primer by Isela Phelps. People think you can only make hats on these things but they are so wrong! You can make baby blankets, sweaters, scarves, dishcloths, felted bags, slippers, etc...etc...Some of the girls on the Knifty Knitter yahoo group were even making loom knit eggs at Easter and loom-knit pumpkins around Halloween! Good luck, and I'm glad to be a Knifty Knitter enabler! :grin2:

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I also have caught the "knitting bug" lately! A few days ago, I went to Walmart with the intention of getting either a Knifty Knitter or regular knitting needles. Ive have completely forgotten how to knit (I liked to crochet better), so I was going to need alot of instructions. I decided to get a $12 "I taught myself to knit" set. It has really good instructions, for both left and right hands, and about 16 easy and beginner projects.

I got so bored with how slow I was at knitting with regular needles, that my fiancee took me to Michaels to get the Knifty Knitter. I LOVE THIS THING!!! In 24 hours Ive made a baby hat, baby booties, 2 fancy diaper covers, and a knitted stuffed ball. I would recommend getting a $1 extra Knifty Knitter pamphlet; the directions are MUCH clearer. In fact, Im pretty sure I couldnt have figured it out if I only used the instructions that came in the set. The patterns arent great, though.I did alot of internet seraches to get more patterns, and saved them to a folder on my computer.

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I love the Kniffty Knitter Looms. My grandma tried to teach me when I was young and gave up because I'm left-handed. I felt so happy when I was able to make something with the looms. Our local yarn shop also offers free classes with the purchase of yarn for their shop, so yours might offer the same type of thing.

Congrats on soon to be grandparents!

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I'm a compulsive knitter and have been for years, with jugs full of needles of all sizes and lengths and shapes, and a ton of yarn and binders and bookshelves full of patterns and books, so I won't give you my opinion of the knifty knitter, it would not be suitable for most people's ears. But before anyone decides on what to use depending on the price of a knifty knitter versus the price of a set of needles, decide what you want to knit. If you are looking for something simple to fill in some time and don't really care what you do, then a knifty knitter is probably fine. If at some point you want to go beyond round things, for example, and make lace shawls, patterned socks, cabled sweaters, baby booties of all shapes, mittens, shrugs...a friend of mine found a pattern for a "little nekkid man"...then go for needles right away. Starting with a knifty knitter and planning to go on to needles makes as much sense as starting with a sewing machine and working your way up to a loom...they are 2 totally different things.

There are tons of yarn shops these days, many of them have classes or are willing to help you learn. And supporting your local yarn shop instead of Michaels or whatever is good anyway.

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Doris, what you said makes a lot of sense. I use needles myself because when I first learned, I was not aware of the knifty knitter's existence. But if I were to start all over again, and only want to try a scarf or two, I might go for the knifty knitter.

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Kids books!! Best thing ever, if you want a knitting book, in my opinion. Pick up a bunch of different ones from the library. Some for adults and some for kids. The kids ones are very basic, helpful for beginners and the adult ones give you a little more complexity. Good balance.

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After reading this thread I just had to try knitting. I went to knittinghelp.com. Boy do I want to pull my hair out...lol. I guess I'm just not coordinated enough!

It's a physcial thing; it is unlikely that your knitting will be perfect or fast from the very beginning. You have to get used to it. It is, however, a very rewarding past-time, and one that can bring you a lot of enjoyment for the rest of your life. Try not to give up on it too soon.

It can take years to learn to do anything well, whether it is drive, play piano, or knit. If you persevere, you will improve quickly. One of my first knitting projects after a lapse that started in my early teens was a cable knit sweater, and I still have it.

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I needle knit as well as have a variety of looms. Knifty Knitter Looms and other looms are great for those who can't get the hang of needle knitting. I started with the looms and it taught me the terminology that I didn't understand to needle knit so it was a great start for me. In addition to knittinghelp.com videos, this link was neat to watch to help get the hang of it

The only down fall to the knifty knitter is the pegs are so far apart, it takes using 2 strands of yarn at the same time or a bulky yarn. They are perfect for hats, scarves, purses and things like that. I can make anything on my variety of looms (at least 30 different looms) that I have that can be made on needles. Some things I can make ALOT faster on a loom than on needles. Looms come in several gauges (space of distance between pegs) just like changing the size of the needles used. A good friend of mine makes purses, scarves, hats, etc on the looms to sell. She does quite well with selling these items too.

I know MANY people who use looms because I am on several loom knitting groups. I would never tell someone needles are better than looms and vice versa. I would say try each and whatever works for you, go for it!

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