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I made my first candles

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Thanks. I was wondering where I could get another one. I'll be sure to stop at Kroger and pick one up. I had fun. :yay: I am bummed cause I wanted to make more. Now I can't wait to burn one. I am giving one to my mom and my sister (it's her birthday this month so she gets a candle while she's home visiting. How much are the candy thermometers anyway?

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Congrats on your candle making! I use to break my thermometers all the time and ended up geting the digital metal one, I think I paid maybe 10-12 bucks for it at Walmart but in the long run you'll save money because you won't be constantly replacing it like the glass candy thermometers. Just a thought for ya!

Wishing you the best of burns and the smellest candles :yay:


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I have one for myself to test burn. I figure my tomorrow morning they should be ready to go. I will be burning it in the morning before I go see my brothers new house. But the other two are test candles for my sister and my mom.

I may just fork out the extra bucks for that digital thermometer. Thanks for the tips.

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I just bought a creme brulee fragrance, it smells divine OOTB, can't wait to put it in a candle. I too am a very newbie to candles but because I also do soap 7 lotions I just bought an infrared thermometer, what luxury! Am only up to making candle number 4, so much to learn...

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I got up this morning and checked on my new "babies" and I see one that is kinda separated from the jar. I warmed them in the oven before pouring and they were still kinda warm when I poured so not sure what could have caused just one to do this. Any Ideas?

I am using the EZ Soy container kit from BCN.

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Thanks. I can't wait to get me a new thermometer and get the rest of them made. I am hoping that DH's horoscope for next week is correct. It said he will come into a money windfall late friday night. That's when they draw the Mega Millions numbers, and the JP is at $26 Million. Now that would make A LOT of candles. :grin2:

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I got up this morning and checked on my new "babies" and I see one that is kinda separated from the jar. I warmed them in the oven before pouring and they were still kinda warm when I poured so not sure what could have caused just one to do this. Any Ideas?

I am using the EZ Soy container kit from BCN.

I use to use EZ and never warmed my jars before pouring - I think it is a waste of time. I wouldn't worry too much about the wet spots - even the "Big guys" get them. It can happen regardless of what you do. Folks just want a candle that smells good and burns well. I can't imagine that your candles won't smell since you picked one strong FO to start out with. This one in EZ soy will blow the doors out of your house. You don't even need to light a candle with this FO to be able to smell it.

BTW - congratulations on your first candle! A candle virgin no more. Now the addiction really begins....

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Congrats!! Doesn't it feel great to look at them and know you made it? Your family will love being your testers...mine does!! After breaking several glass therms, I moved on to metal! I drop them all the time. I think mine cost approx $8.00 and it has a screw to calibrate it when it gets dropped and may need adjustments. I got mine at Sur la Table, but I saw the same one at Wal Mart!!! Have fun with your new venture.

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Congrats on your first candles!!! Its feels great to know you created it doesnt it? Creme Brulee is wonderful!! I use the candle thermometers still and I use them like nuts,,,I have a digital one but hardly use it,,,Old habits are hard to stop<:laugh2: Anyway I wanted to put my 2 cents in too...:highfive:

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