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Sensitive To FO's


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Anyone sensitive like me? I have allergies of course, but boy this fo I soaped yesterday was a doozy. The feeling reminded of when I have problems breathing from wood products, heavy in my chest when I breathe. Even if the scent lingers a while it bugs me grrrr. I never know how I will react to a fo since you can't find out what the ingredients are in them. I do love the scent, but I just can't soap it again :(

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Bummer! I do not consider myself to be allergic or sensitive, but I do seem to have a slight bad reaction to one. I was pouring a bunch of stuff that day, and i worried that maybe I had just over exposed myself in general. But then when I was heat gunning the tops a few days later, I had that same reaction to just the pink sugar. No wonder I never really liked it, lol.

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Strong scents bother me, and I do react badly to anything with a hydrocarbon base, and I have avoided FOs because of the horror stories about soaps seizeing up here. I have been useing infussed oils quite successfully. I have been useing infused oils for nearly half a century (wow that makes me feel old) in cooking and am finding they translate well to soaping too. Spices and herbs are easy, though florals are new for me and I'm finding a bit difficult. The voliyile oils that make up the scent don't seem to be absorbed as well, or easily as spices and herbs, and I'm haveing trouble getting the iols to smell "true".

At any rate you might consder trying it. You can either just stick the herbs in a jar with a stable oil like olive and wait a week or gently heat if youre in a hurry (I use a double boiler, just barely simmer the water, watch closely as e oil can over heat quickly and fry your herbs).

Good luck.

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I can tell if someone's smoking a cigarette behind closed doors two streets away, and if the bug spray guy came through the office a week before. Some fragrances hit me the same way, but I can't predict which ones. The Passionfruit Rose fo from Brambleberry almost killed me, though - I took my first little sniff when it arrived in the mail, and my eyes swelled shut immediately. Worse yet, once I could see again, I had to try again to verify it was the fo that did it & not something else. Fortunately, the B'by folks kindly made an exception to their policy & let me return it.

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I don't like FOs... especially florals. I've always been very discriminating about smells and they generally have this cloying, artificial quality that I don't like. I get headaches and irritable if a scent is too strong... probably doesn't help that I've gotten used to using my own concoctions that are lightly or un-scented.

Fresh, crisp, blue-ish scents usually go alright with me though, but not too strongly either (Davidoff Cool Water... Mmm!)

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I can't stand florals either, but lavender is the one I just love and it doesn't bother me. That's why I go for more bakery & fruit type scents, because they don't seem to bother me. Anything with cinnamon or spicey I hate too, instant headache.

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