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A newbie to Palm Pillars


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I have only made one set of pillars and had so much fun that I wanted to learn more. Here is what I made last night. I also gave making forever pillars a shot. I ended up with a jump line because I was trying to "set" the votive glass before I poured the rest. Apparently, I waited too long but didn't think I had *sigh*

Forever Palm using 1/2 Starburst and 1/2 Feather Palm:



"Plum Crazee" Octagon Palm Pillar using Starburst Palm Wax:


"Perfect Pear" Spiral Palm Pillar - not a great choice of molds for palm. You can't see a pattern but in person it looks like frost on a window in the winter time.


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Thanks everyone :grin2: I can't believe I have had this wax sitting here for over a month but was intimidated by making pillars since I had never made them lol

I am really having fun trying something new. I will be making more in the next day or two. Hopefully practice will make perfect :yay:

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Jami - those are great ! If you want, you can always remelt the one (though I think its kind of neat the way it is) and repour - it will still "repattern".

Whose palms are you using? Guessing those the candlescience palms?

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Jami - those are great ! If you want, you can always remelt the one (though I think its kind of neat the way it is) and repour - it will still "repattern".

Whose palms are you using? Guessing those the candlescience palms?

It is the palm from CS. I actually have had it for a while but haven't been brave enough to try pillars. I think they indimidated me after seeing so many gorgeous pictures. I finally said heck with it one night and tried them (Thanks to Jakalex).

The pink one has grown on me. I kind of like how it has the different effect. I might even try to do a "line" at the top and bottom to match with a different pattern in the middle just to cover up any boo boo's I make lol

Thanks for looking :grin2:

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