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Pricing candle warmers


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Hi all,

What prices do you put on the candle warmers you get at Michaels,Hobby Lobby etc? We have bought those and they work just fine. In fact I love mine. But what would you sell them to ppl for? I get them on sale when they go on sale. We have a pkg deal and we were putting 5$ on them and have now gone up to 7$.

Is this too much? Considering they can go get their own at Wal Mart, etc?

I know us having them is a convience for them to and we have sold them..but only for 5. Should we stay at 5 or raise them?

HELP? We are making a pricing sheet..I really want it to be economical to with a pkg. deal..



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What did you pay for the item when it was on sale and what is the price when it's not on sale? How often does it go on sale?

I'd price it near the regular price when it's not on sale. However, if it goes on sale often, I wouldn't expect to sell as many.

If I had a retail license, I'd be looking to buy wholesale from someone such as jackel. Then I would see if I could double my cost. http://www.jackelus.com/

Last year I bought some votive holders from michaels that were on sale at 3 for $1 (they were regular priced at .69 cents each. Last week I saw that the same votive holders have had a price increase and are now priced at .99 cents each. If I were to sell mine at my candle stand (imaginary, since I don't have one :)) , I'd price them at $1.

The market would let me know if that price was too much. IMO..it's easier to start a little high and come down than to start too low and come up.

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Anything like candle warmers etc. that I don't make I charge what I paid for it. If I had a shop I may charge a bit more but I don't have one so it's just what I paid for it.

By doing that, don't you lose money on packaging and shipping? Just wondering out loud.

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I used to sell them when on sale at Micheal's. Lots of talk on the Board they were on sale. I only charged $5.00. Since people can go to the store and get one themselves. Don't see how I could be much higher.

Once a lady did came to me and asked what I charged for mine. I said $5.00 and she said not bad but another lady close to your booth is selling them for $8.00-$10.00. She said it was what I have and she knew they were from Michaels. So I am not out to charge alot.That has been awhile and gas prices are higher but I can also tell them to go to Wal Mart(everyone shops there ) and get the same one for $4.99. Kinda decided not to sell them when they can go down the road for the same price. Michaels is 25 miles from me so a distance.

What I would do is make a basket with those candlewarmers(when on sale),tarts, candles and other things and sell. That would be the only way now.

I do have some of Jackel's and love those warmers but this area they won't sell. I was told I am cheaper on them than shop near me. She gets them wholesale from there too but she has a overhead with a store.


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Hi LynnS,

That's exactly what we figured..so we are offering a basket/pkg. with a warmer, a 6 oz. wickless, a tart(one in a solo cup) and a tart tin we got at Bed N Bath for.59

We were offering it for $12, and some are saying that is way to low and you only need to offer a 10% discount.

Our 6 oz's were going for $6 and the warmer, 5$ and the tart 1.50, and tart tin 1.50...I thought it was pretty fair...but don't wanna go too low either,but want folks to come back. We are making a small profit but if we can make more I'd like to.

A savings of 2.00..maybe we should raise the candle to 7, and try to figure it at a 1$ savings instead of 2.

They can go right down the street here and get the warmers themselves. My sis lives out in the country and their Walmart is about 25 miles away to.

Here though, we live right down the street from all of it and hubby works in the Nasa area and could sell for more probably.

Any ideas on this is greatful:):) And I've appreciated all the info!!

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When we did our open houses last year, we sold the warmers that we bought at Michaels for $1.00 more than we purchased them for. I really only wanted them so that people may be more encouraged to buy what went with them. Surprisingly, alot of people didn't realize what to do with a melt...so having the "tart" warmers and tea lights available helped with the explanation, and they could leave with everything they needed to use the melts. Same with the jar warmers...we were pushing the wickless, and even tho we had the cachepots from Levines for the wickless jars, we also had the plate warmers from Michaels as a less expensive choice.

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The basic rule of thumb is anything you purchase for resale you should charge double. You can vary the price a bit but use the rule or you will start losing money. Ask me how I know..

So try an item out first to see if it sells for you and if it does get it at a wholesale price so you can charge correctly for it. I wouldn't bother selling any item I could not charge at least twice what I paid for it-- no matter how adorable it was!

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Thanks Candybee and all,

We have gone up to double on those and if we can't get them on sale we won't get them..but they are always on sale..so shouldn't be a problem.

We haven't sold anything else either until we get our prices down..and I think we have..can't keep changing them.

I think it'll work out and thanks for all the advice! it has really helped us out!!

We were close..but not close enough. Just don't wanna sell so high they don't come back but wanna make a profit that we're entitled to as well!

We have a great product, so they should!!

Thanks bunches:)

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TX AngelI am so reasonable. Have to be in my area. I though(if I were you) would raise my basket price with what you have in it. The warmer alone is almost $5 if they get it in stores. Then candle, tarts, basket etc. I am not sure I could sell baskets but like I mentioned with the warmers that would be the way. When I carried the warmers I was just starting to make tarts and people wanted tarts BUT most either had a warmer or else didn't know what a tart was and didn't need a warmer. The main reason also was to sell themn to save a trip to the store. So I stayed within reason. Even $6.00 (if I get it on sale) I don't see why I shouldn't sell them. They would have to go to the store and get one anyway for $5.00 at Wal Mart. That was my way of thinking in the beginning. Oh like I mentioned there will be someone to catch it(to high). That lady informed me I was fair but the other wasn't. I want to be known that way. So far I am. LynnS

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What did you pay for the item when it was on sale and what is the price when it's not on sale? How often does it go on sale?

I'd price it near the regular price when it's not on sale. However, if it goes on sale often, I wouldn't expect to sell as many.

If I had a retail license, I'd be looking to buy wholesale from someone such as jackel. Then I would see if I could double my cost. http://www.jackelus.com/

Last year I bought some votive holders from michaels that were on sale at 3 for $1 (they were regular priced at .69 cents each. Last week I saw that the same votive holders have had a price increase and are now priced at .99 cents each. If I were to sell mine at my candle stand (imaginary, since I don't have one :)) , I'd price them at $1.

The market would let me know if that price was too much. IMO..it's easier to start a little high and come down than to start too low and come up.

There he goes reading my mind again! lol

Do not assume that the next time you go to buy them, especially if you run out, that they will be on sale. Always go by the regular price. The fact that you got them on sale is not in play, it's a feather in your cap. Your price is fine.

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When we first started out, we were buying the melt warmers at Michaels and AC Moore...I did not feel comfortable charging double since I knew they would probably see them in the store themselves. Now that we order from Levines, I have no problem charging more - they aren't likely to see these warmers. Am I way off base not wanting to look like I am "ripping" them off??? I wanted them to compliment what I sell - but I am wondering if I should not be looking at it that way. :confused:

The other question I have is: When we were putting our baskets together for the holidays last year, I surfed around the net to see how most stores (Yankee, Bath and Body, etc.) priced their baskets. At that time, it looked like they were not charging any more for the basket, filling, etc. - just the cost of the items in the basket. I thought their reasoning would have been that they wanted you to buy MORE at one time, rather than just buy one item.

I think the time has come for me to take a class in MARKETING!!!

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By doing that, don't you lose money on packaging and shipping? Just wondering out loud.

I break even on them. If it's something that I have to order online I add the shipping into the price. But if I buy it local I don't up the price. I did that the frist year I started selling and got people telling me all the time that "those same things are like a $$$ at Wal-mart...etc..."

So I just charge enough to be even on those things....If I get something on a good sale or good price through a co-op I'll keep the price regular so that affords me a little bit more on the sale but other then that....even.

Over the last couple of years there have been several stores here in the mall that sold Jackel warmers and other things like that...they uped the price 3.5 to 4 times what we can get them and went out of business. People either said those were too expensive or they could get similar online blah blah blah. So learning from them I just try and keep things low cost.

Maybe it's living in suckass MI....:lipsrseal LOL

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I think it is reasonable to get the on sale for $3.33, and sell them alongside your products adding on: the regular cost, the tax, the time-energy-and gas, for your going to get the things. $7.00 is a good price. It wasn't all that long ago that you couldn't touch them for under $10.

If they want to drive to Michael's and walk around and shop for them - be my guest. Use your gas and energy to save two bucks on a warmer, when the gas will equal that at least...it's silly.

My Walmart does not have them any longer. Most ppl do not go to Michael's to shop, unless they're crafters. They don't know what they cost-for the most part.

I've had more ppl tell me that they've never seen them before. Wide-eyed awe as if I invented the thing!

I sell them along-side my wickless and sell as a set.

As a matter of convenience, they should not bawk all that much.

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