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Gas Torch Wax Painted Candles

Jojo T.

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That sounds like fun using a torch! I wanna try!

...not I, using silicone glue darn near did me in, I can imagine what ole Lucy here could get into with a torch.

How 'bout a bic, could I do it with a bic? I've pretty much got that mastered. lol

I'd love to take a pic of DH if I mention torch!

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... well, it's such a SMALL torch...

...how much trouble could a person get into with a mini-torch?...



Yeah, right, that's what they said about the silicone glue.

I ain't fallin' for that again! lol :tiptoe:

...I didn't read anything about a small torch, I'm thinking, hmmm, how can I sneak that propane thingy into my craft room without DH knowing I took it? See, that's where it starts!

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I use my heat gun. I have a reducer that fits on the end so that the opening is only about 1/2" so I can direct the heat exactly where I want it. I also have a small butane torch that I got for "smoking" seam lines. I bought it from Pourette years ago but I am sure that they are to be found in many places. It's only about 8" tall. Very small flame that works very well. It is upstairs in the kitchen now.....hoping to "torch" some creme brulee one of these days.....the real stuff....not wax...;) Donita

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My torch is BIG - but I'm careful. Of course, if you bought one of those smaller ones, and said it was for the kitchen, to flambe food, how could your DH complain then? That would be a lot easier to use as it isn't as heavy.

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alright Jo big kuddos...I was feeling brave and wanted to try it (with a heatgun though) and sad to say it was a big diaster lol not very pretty at all:laugh2: . now my concern is becuase iy was so globby and not looking well I finished it out by just smearing it with my fingers (gloves on of course) How safe is it to burn now that my color dye is smeared all over oh geese I crack myself up with the things I attempt but yours were just so pretty

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alright Jo big kuddos...I was feeling brave and wanted to try it (with a heatgun though) and sad to say it was a big diaster lol not very pretty at all:laugh2: . now my concern is becuase iy was so globby and not looking well I finished it out by just smearing it with my fingers (gloves on of course) How safe is it to burn now that my color dye is smeared all over oh geese I crack myself up with the things I attempt but yours were just so pretty
It's so good to have a go. The heat gun doesn't give the effect that a gas torch does so don't despair. The beauty of the gas torch is that there is no "blowing" going on, just melting. Keep at it, and in no time at all, you'll find that yours are great.
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