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Check out a company first!

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Well i did things backwards here...I ordered from a company I never used before and got ripped off...then went and checked the BB. SoapandCandleMolds has been turned over to the BB 6 times just this year! Thats over once a month! And Im turning them in today so thats 7. Obviously this lady is a scam artist and has no intention of sending me my product or refunding my money. I paid out of my checking account...and im not sure what I can do about it?

NOte to self: Check BB before using a company and ALWAYS use paypal!!

I sure wish I knew how this lady stays in business!

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Thanks for confirming for me to take this company off my list. I had been seriously thinking about a couple of their molds. However, I emailed twice with questions and never got a response. That along was enough for me to write them off.

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She has yet to refund my money and I am turning her in to the BB. I suggest you do the same. I m also filing charges with my bank against her...at least I think i can do that. She obviously doesnt care about her customers or being turned in, as she has been turned in several times and ignores the bb. All we can do is spread the word about her and her company. Its pitiful. And 40 dollars may not be much to some, but it was MINE and she stole it in my opinion. All i can say is that Karma is a b@@@. What an aweful business person.

BUYERS BEWARE OF THIS COMPANY!!! Use fleximold and jags and unlimitedmolds...they are wonderful. Stay far away from this gal.

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This is the letter i just sent to her...

I know that 40 dollars doesnt seem like much, but I contacted my lawyer today and you are in violation. I have contacted the BB against you as well as others that I know that you have done the same thing to. According to my lawyer, you have taken money for a service you did not provide. You have taken money from my personal account under false pretenses. I am turning over all evidence to him and the BB. I suggest you answer my emails. Obviously you do not care about your reputation as a business as i have spoken with countless others who have used you and had the same problems. I want my money back or we will be filing a suit against you immediatly. Most people would not care about 40 dollars, but i think you should be made accountable for what you are doing to people who are TRUE business women. This is pathetic. Time as of now is July 15 315pm. If I have not recieved my money or my product as of Monday I will continue with my course of action.

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letter says july 15, should be june hope its a typo on our side only good luck with her, sorry for your inconvienience but thx for the headsup. take her to couort forty dollers from you and how many adds up to some seriuse money.

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If you know what town she is in, also, contact the police in her area. All police depts now have an internet fraud department. One person I knew was taken for about 300 bucks by someone for a car part, no part, no refund... he contacted the persons local police department and they actually went to his house. He had the part by next day mail. Just something to consider.

I hope this resloves in your favor :/ I hate this kind of thing.

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I had placed an order with them too for a mold, then done a search of this company. After reading many bad things on them, I emailed them and cancelled my order. The next day I got an email from them saying my order was cancelled.

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I never deal with a company that doesn't provide a phone # and a street address on their website. That's an immediate red flag to me.

Unless I'm just not looking in the right place, I can only find a phone # on her website. No street address.

there is a place on the net, that if you put the phone number down

it'll give you the address to that phone number.

yeah scary, cause it happened to me once. I placed an ad in paper for car i had for sale, he used the phone number on the ad and found my address and there stood the man at my door inquiring about the car, i was like WTF how ya find my place, he told me, Internet.

anyhow, you can find her addy by typing in her phone number.



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I got her addy from the bb. I will be calling the police department there, probl not much they can do...and turning her into the BB, which she knows well and again, does very little...and i am filing fraud charges with my bank...other than that, its my mistake and she will walk with my money just like she did countless others...how sad. I never thought about contacting her domain host...how do I find that out?

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OH she just said she refunded my money too already on the 13th and that I should have it by monday. I kept the email she sent and will be sending it to the bb and my bank by Monday. I hate this company with a passion. This was my first experience at dealing with a person who doesnt care about CS..to me, this is stealing. To take someones money and not provide a product. Just makes me wonder how many people she has ripped off.

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on the phone number thing you can just go to google.com type in the number if it's a landline & not unlisted & the person has had it for awhile you can then get their address. it's pretty cool, but very scary too.

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We had the same issue once while ordering a computer printer. Didn't check into a business before buying and the same thing happened. We enede up turning the investigation over to the credit card company and canceled the card because we worried that it would be used by the web owner for something fraudulent.

I found the link below to be helpful too. I found the company we purchased from on that site after the fact with nothing but bad reviews.

Good luck, hope you all get your money back. It's an awful feeling to be taken advantage of!

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I'm really excited about this new venture too - now if my silicone would just get here :grin2:


I was actually refered to your site to search for the mold that I tried to order from this site. I cant wait to see your molds and am even happier to know you are member of this site!

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Can anyone call the police in her area and have them investigate her???

Internet fraud or something.

I really hope everyone get their money back...

hearing this about this company is so sad.


I agree Dani, anyone stealing through the internet needs to be arrested

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