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CP Recipe: Does it look OK?


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Well, I'm gonna do it! I'm gonna attempt to make CP soap! :yay: :embarasse I am wondering if any experienced soapers can tell me if this is a good recipe. I want the soap to be luxurious and conditioning and lathery and clean and....perfect! I know it won't be perfect, but I want to know if it's a good start. And any advice on what I could/should change to make it more _____.

18.24 oz water

6.80 oz lye

6.24 oz babassu

8.16 oz coconut oil (76 degree)

4.80 oz avocado oil

1.44 oz stearic

12.00 oz peach kernal oil

12.00 oz sweet almond oil

3.36 oz shea butter

I did run these numbers through soapcalc, but since this is my first time, I don't really know what to look for. TIA!

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Personally, if this is your first batch, I'd save the expensive luxury oils for when you feel more experienced. I'd make a couple batches with simpler, less expensive ingredients until you get the hang of soapmaking. There is nothing worse than throwing away soap that doesn't turn out - especially when you've used really expensive ingredients.

That's also a pretty big batch for a first timer.

I would start with a smaller batch and use simpler ingredients. Expensive ingredients don't necessarily mean a more luxurious soap. It's the combo of oils that makes for a luscious soap.

How about doing a search of some tried and true recipes and practice with those before jumping in with a big batch using really expensive oils?

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Personally, if this is your first batch, I'd save the expensive luxury oils for when you feel more experienced. I'd make a couple batches with simpler, less expensive ingredients until you get the hang of soapmaking. There is nothing worse than throwing away soap that doesn't turn out - especially when you've used really expensive ingredients.

That's also a pretty big batch for a first timer.

I would start with a smaller batch and use simpler ingredients. Expensive ingredients don't necessarily mean a more luxurious soap. It's the combo of oils that makes for a luscious soap.

How about doing a search of some tried and true recipes and practice with those before jumping in with a big batch using really expensive oils?

DITTO that!!

You have a pretty luxurious sounding bar there. Start with something simple like one of the easy recipes in the recipes section on this board. Also you have way too many soft oils. You need to balance out the soft oils with more hard oils, not just steric. Try adding Palm Oil. Your bar will be too soft and unstable and probably form DOS.

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I think your first batch will turn out just fine. As was suggested, do a search and use maybe 3 or 4 oils. I'm telling you this because if my first batch came out great, there is no reason yours should not :) as long as you follow "the rules." Good luck. Daria

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I totally agree - your first batch could turn out perfect! And I hope it does but, if it doesn't, it would stink to have wasted all those expensive ingredients.

Also, I think starting out with just a few ingredients helps you understand what properties those ingredients bring to soap so as you get more and more experienced, you can start substituting or adding other oils to get just the perfect bar.

Happy soaping!

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Thanx for all the great advice and info. I purchased the cp kit from BCN which comes with canola, palm and coconut oils. So that should be a good way to start.

Now I just wish I didn't have to wait so long for soap to cure. I'm gonna go nuts waiting to try out my batches! :embarasse

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Well, I'll tell you a secret. You can use CP as soon as you cut it. It's soap. I wouldn't sell it until it's cured for at least a few weeks but for personal use, I use it straight away. The longer it cures, the harder and more mild it becomes but once it's soap, it's soap and I personally have never been able to wait to try a new batch so as soon as it's hard enough to cut, I slice myself a sliver and enjoy :D

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Really??? Thanx WildflowerMama!!! :yay: I was thinking if I even touch it too long before it cures, my fingers might burn off. LOL! :rolleyes2

Can't wait to soap this weekend! :highfive:

It's an individual thing. Lots of soapers use a sliver right away, but I can't. Dries my skin out something fierce. So I have to wait a bit.

Even cutting up my soap slabs into bars (about 12 hours after molding) dries my hands out terribly.

You'll just have to experiment to see what your skin can tolerate. :)

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