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Thanks Alan-my new pine tree


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;) Thanks Alan....I can finally sleep. Things are going along. Slowly....but I am learning along the way. This embed worked great. I made my own "rubber stamp" and it came out fine. It is a deep etch. I still have a long way to go to get it perfect. I have to order some special scissors (Kai) to cut rubber. Next will be a bear. Finally I feel like this is fun......it sure didn't a week ago. I have been ordering supplies like crazy and experimenting with ideas. This candle in real life looks great. It is a sell-able candle. It is scented Winter Woodlands Whisper. Off to farmer's market!!!!!!!! Donita


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So what isn't fun about it?

Thanks everyone. This has been so interesting. The kitchen table is full of stuff........hardly room to eat..:embarasse Scented......what isn't fun is when I unmolded some and they didn't want to come out. So decided to use a little pam on the mold and on the magnet. I didn't wick this one....used a rod. I think that if you use a wick it gives you something to pull on. I did have to use my industrial pliers to pull it out. Donita

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Looks great Donita!

The one thing that got me on the pics on his website was the dual color. How do you think he did that?

The outside of the candle is rustic and lighter in color, and you can see the indented imbed goes into a much darker color. Looks fantastic that way.

How did he do that?

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My first one turned out like that. The rustic stayed on the outside and the indentation is dark. I was just using magnet material....then the next one is magnet and rubber. Must be the temp that I poured but I also was using a different material :confused: I have other things to play with. And the person who makes the candles is Kristi....a woman. I still am not doing them exactly as she does, but figuring out a way that works for me. I will post pictures as I go for those who are interested. I hope others will too. Donita

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;) Thanks Alan....I can finally sleep. Things are going along. Slowly....but I am learning along the way. This embed worked great. I made my own "rubber stamp" and it came out fine. It is a deep etch. I still have a long way to go to get it perfect. I have to order some special scissors (Kai) to cut rubber. Next will be a bear. Finally I feel like this is fun......it sure didn't a week ago. I have been ordering supplies like crazy and experimenting with ideas. This candle in real life looks great. It is a sell-able candle. It is scented Winter Woodlands Whisper. Off to farmer's market!!!!!!!! Donita

That turned out great. I did some research after reading all the post and I found something very interesting that I am going to try. It's from brandingirons.com this is a reply to an email I sent them.

A regular branding iron (such as one meant for branding wood) can be used for branding candles. We have made quite a few in the past. The key is LOTS of experimentation.

So I am going to get a quote and order a few.

This has been a lot of fun to see what everyone is coming up with.


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Thanks for that tip Cindy. I just saved their website in my favorites. I looked at their products. They do have a bear (smile)....but with this technique I can see that it would work best on a square candle. Hard to do on a round or oval. But none the less.....might be a very pretty candle and easy to do. Please post a pic if you do one. This is interesting....there can be many ways to decorate a candle. That is what is fun about a large forum board like Candletech......many creative minds.:yay: Donita

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