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I'm fuming


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I don't know what to do!!!

this evening my site has been visited from a lot of people, they belong to a forum where they xchnge links of sites offering freebies.

I don't offer freebies, anyway I got the first email without knowing anything about this forum, so I offered the lady to have two free tarts, since I have a promotion going on for the members of my newsletter.

Then the second arrives... asking the same.. I think "oh what's happing" but I answer in the same way.

Then I check my visit tracking site, and I find the forum. I sign in (with a fake name) and find the discussion about my website, the first lady pasted my email so everyone is asking for freebies and signing up for the newsletter (I offer freebies but not every month).

Well, I go on reading the discussion, and one lady says my site is full of viruses and dialer... it's not!!! I suspect my hosting company put ads on it, so people who don't have pop up blockers see a lot of ads.. then I get a harsh email always from the first lady who wrote, saying my site loaded tons of virus in her PC.. and that i can keep my tarts because she doesn't even want them now (uh maybe viruses can infect tarts??)

I answered I am a serious person, I paid for my domain and for my hosting, because I care for every aspect of my business.

In the meanwhile I searched for a phone number to call but guess what, my hosting company doesn't offer assistance by phone for domains.. I should fill an online form, but there is no exact reference to the problem I'm having.

What do I do?????

I have a group of crazy people wanting freebies, then suddenly turning in angry people because they think I distribute viruses, and my hosting company... how can I stop this madness????


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Oh no...I'm sorry this happened to you. I agree with Wick'n'Wax that you should contact the forum administrator and have them take appropriate action e.g. to delete that topic. You should also contact you web hosting provider (by filling out their online form) and explain to them what happened and have them look into it. The form may not have a menu selection for your exact problem, so just pick the closest one and then explain the problem. I've been to your site before, and never had any pop ups or anything weird happen, so I don't know what it is those people are trying to do.

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Do you know what gets me mad????

They are talking about my viruses but request are still arriving!!!

I filled that form on the hosting company site. I saw the ads turning off the popup blocker. So I wrote them to stop immediately because I padi for their service. Or I'll drop the contract with the help of an attorney to have the money back, because they're causing problems to my business.

I just got another email from another girl who wnated to tell me my site carries viruses, but she asked for sample anyway.

I'm going to answer her in a kind manner, telling her that now I know about that forum, and I will send freebies only to people who sign to mailing list, and advise her to spred the word that I don't give freebies every month.

I could sign up with my real name, but that forum requires 3 posts before entering that section.

I'm really mad, thanks for offering support and help!!

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I'm going to answer her in a kind manner, telling her that now I know about that forum, and I will send freebies only to people who sign to mailing list, and advise her to spred the word that I don't give freebies every month.

I would write a message about this (i.e. about freebie only given to those who sign up for the mailing list at particular times of the year), and upload it to the main page of your site right away. Who knows if people would pay attention, but it might at least cut down on some of the emails requesting for a freebie.
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I agree with SnW, but also mention maybe a limit on freebies and that limit has been reached? Just an idea, but to keep giving them away will keep leading to more people looking just for freebies and not really wanting anything else.

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I don't state a single word about freebies!!!!

I just put a link to sign to the ML and that's it.

My mistake was not to check before answering to the first email. The site that hosts that forum is called something as GIFT LAND.

It's the first girl who started the hell, she found me on a MSN search, wrote me, and published my email there.

I answred to the last email I got asking to publish it, and wrote that I'm happy my products raise so much interest, but I will give freebies only to people who will regularly sign up to the mailing list and give me the promotional code that's in the newsletter. i also said to remember that the promotion ends on the end of this month, and it's just "one shot".

Geez I got 9 request in an hour!!!

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I don't state a single word about freebies!!!!

I just put a link to sign to the ML and that's it.

In that case, I would post a notice something like what MissMary said. Either tell them they need a promotional code to redeem the free sample (ha! they can keep guessing on that one) or say the number of free samples has already been reached.
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I may consider putting a limit, anyway for now I intend to honor regular requests, and so i stated in my email, I hope this girl will tell everyone.. infact she said on the forum that she will report my answer once she gets it...

I never thought it could happen to me.. I hate this people looking just for something free, not even caring if they get tarts or toilet paper!!!

ohhh and now I can't get on that forum because in some way they determined I'm a spider or a crawler.. maybe too many refresh of that page....

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That stinks!!! Sorry to hear of all your troubles..

You always can say "With every ORDER you will get a free sample, virus not included!!!" LOL

Or .. Tell them they need to pay for shipping for the free sample.:wink2:

Or post on your site that your free sample limit has been reached as other have said...

Hope you get it worked out..

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Well the damage is done for now, I can't refuse to send samples to ML members.. and for what I know someone could have signed up without emailing me first.. to all the emails I got saying "freebies request" I answered they need to give me a code that's available only for members, so maybe not evryone signed up ...

I mean, it's all advertising and free (I got more visits today thanks to that forum than from Google ads), but I really hate this way of thinking (and living). So until october no more freebies for ML members. If they want they can unsubscribe...


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On my site I offer a free gift if they purchase over a certain amount..this stops people from just signing up for the newsletter to get free products...HTH"S

I am sorry this is happening to you....I hope you can get his resolved...quickly...

Hugs Maggie

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Cybersix I would halt the freebies real quick if you can tell which ones are from the freebie hunter sites even if they sign for the newsletter. Those things have a way of snowballing and those forums are frequented by people who belong to more than one freebie hunter forum and they may post your offer on other sites and you will be inundated with freebie requests. Believe me you could spend months trying to catch up on the free offers and they will never return & buy from you.


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It's the first girl who started the hell, she found me on a MSN search, wrote me, and published my email there.

I would contact a moderator of the forum and ask them to pull the thread. Reason - you never gave her permission to publish YOUR e-mail to her. I don't know if technically it is illegal, but it is definitely against all netique rules to take an e-mail and publish it elsewhere (kind of like taking info from this forum and posting it elsewhere).

And honestly, I would stop honoring requests. I understand some may be legitimate, but chances are, most of them won't be right now.

But your best bet to stop this is going to be pleading your case with the moderators on this group. If you don't state anywhere on your site that you offer freebies, then you don't have to honor this at all. Sorry you got hit. I never offer free samples unless they're purchasing. But that's also why I offer sample boxes. They can try smaller before making bigger purchases.

Good luck with whatever you decide to do...

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Who cares if their getting pop-ups! Maybe they'll think twice about advertising your site all over the net explaining "Freebies To All". I think it's funny that it back fired on them.:D Once you give 1 freebie, the whole world will be on your doorstep.

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Good morning (for me) and a little update:

Only 7 people really signed up for the ML, and only one ordered the tarts for now.

The discussiono on that forum has been deleted but I don't know why, because tonight at midnight I turned off my pc and went to bed.

This morning I can't find it.

I hope this is the end of the madness.

I love internet but it can be a dangerous place!

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Glad to see it's getting resolved! I was just thinking that if they are getting pop-ups, it's probably a problem on their end. I don't get very many because I have a pop-up blocker. Anyway, hope the thread was removed once and for all and that it is all behind you.

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Glad to see it's getting resolved! I was just thinking that if they are getting pop-ups, it's probably a problem on their end. I don't get very many because I have a pop-up blocker. Anyway, hope the thread was removed once and for all and that it is all behind you.

yes it seems things are going back to normality.

But popups are a real problem if the internet nowadays. we are forced to use antivirus and popup blockers and so on just because someone out there has a lot of fun putting people in troubles, and because the software we use it's not good software. A good pc program should be safe and untouchable!

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I offer a free sample, but the customer must add it to the shopping cart and pay shipping for it. I have never had anyone add only a free sample to the shopping cart and pay shipping. My customers usually add the free sample to their order.


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Hey Sabrina,

I don't know if this is the same person wanting your freebies, but I just received this in my email this morning. I don't think she's going to like the response. :)

We are interested in sampling your candles and have question re; burn time, prices, etc. Can we get a sample of your candles/but a sample set? Also we are in the process of registering our business....can we still get some info. re: wholesale pricing please?

Please reply

Ev Crasto


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Hey Sabrina,

I don't know if this is the same person wanting your freebies, but I just received this in my email this morning. I don't think she's going to like the response. :)

We are interested in sampling your candles and have question re; burn time, prices, etc. Can we get a sample of your candles/but a sample set? Also we are in the process of registering our business....can we still get some info. re: wholesale pricing please?

Please reply

Ev Crasto


:grin2: I don't think so, because I'm in the far Italy, but yes I got similar emails!!!

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Hey Sabrina,

I don't know if this is the same person wanting your freebies, but I just received this in my email this morning. I don't think she's going to like the response. :)

We are interested in sampling your candles and have question re; burn time, prices, etc. Can we get a sample of your candles/but a sample set? Also we are in the process of registering our business....can we still get some info. re: wholesale pricing please?

Please reply

Ev Crasto


Here's my take on requests like this....

One, I don't work with them until they have their registration. I'll pass on info, but no products, at least discounted products, until I have a copy (photocopy, or an e-mailed scanned copy) of their business license. Anyone can say they're registering. But until they are, I'll only give them information. Sharing my wholesale policies isn't difficult, complicated, or even a great big secret. I usually have it posted on my website (I'm waiting to work on most of that until after our move this weekend...I'm supposed to be packing....:embarasse ).

So I will send the wholesale info, which is 50% off my retail, and the details on my minimums, and all our other policies.

If they ask for samples, once I have a copy of their business license, they can purchase whatever 'samples' they want for 30% off the retail price. They get full sized products this way, which they can thoroughly test, and also plan displays around if need be. If they want stuff before they can/will provide a business license, then they pay full price, just like a regular retail customer, since they can't/won't prove they are anything more than that. I'm obviously polite about how I express all this to them, never make it sound like I'm accusing them of trying to scam me, but I protect myself in the meantime. ;)

If you want to ask me any other questions about this on how you should proceed, PM me. I need to get myself off these boards and packing boxes (I hate packing).

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I was very professional in my response, but like you, I do not provide any wholesale information till I receive proof of being a registered business. I also let them know that they do not have to meet my minimum to try our products. They will receive wholesale on the item plus they have to pay the shipping.

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mine were private customers (ops maybe customers) requests.

Anyway for today I ended up having ten requests for my sample tarts. It's not so big thing, but the promotion ends on the end of june, so I have to wait some day again to have a clue about this..

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