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Those things are TOO perfect. Kinda gives me the creeps. heh I bet those burn like their plastic looking crappy counter part candles. You know, the ones that are shaped awesome, but are poured with the lowest grade (thinking granulated) wax posible. Anyone know what I'm talking about?

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I'm thinking carved, like the drilled candles. Set up a shell like a hurricane and then carve or drill different shapes, then set the shell back into the mold and then pour the internal candle. That design would actually be easy, though time consuming because of the possibility of cracking the shell unless you use either a low-heat wood burning tool, or heat an xacto knife and then taking care not to go too overboard with the heat.

They're beautiful nonetheless. I don't think they're chunks, they're entirely TOO uniform, not to mention that you would have bleeding of the colors. And I've never seen paint that soft before on a candle, not to mention, if you look close, you can see the entire candle is wax, there IS soft bleeding between the colors.

That's my opinion, but I swear that's a drilled/carved pattern.

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i made one once that had the pattern for my sister who has a red and white kitchen.i do not no if they did it like this but i poured a coat of wax in a cookie sheet. cut it into strips and then took the strips and pushed them on the side of the mold. the wax was still soft when i put it in the mold.then like weaved them.you need a heat gun to keep it soft enough.the strips was red.then i did a over pour of white.like doing chunks.but the top i left kinda hanging over till i did my repour.it was neat but i do not think this is what they did but it worked.

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