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Need some quirky help with my quirky fo ideas...


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Is quirky even a word? Anyway, I'm putting a couple of finishing touches on a candle collection I've put together with a southwestern theme. I've got a fragrance or two from just about every category (fruits, bakery, etc) but need help naming a couple and getting them to fit the theme without stretching it too far...

I want to use a tropical Mango Papaya type blend but how to tie into a southwestern theme? Well, the only lame idea I've come up with is something like Tropical Salsa or maybe Tropical Blast Salsa? I don't know if people would by a candle named after salsa...any help there?

My other dilema, I need to work in a floral or two...I thought about Cotton Blossom (cotton is a big industry here) but that's tm'ed by BBW...or maybe Wildflower Meadow...we have some beauties up north, so I guess I'm actually asking for FO suggestiong and name help?

Creative minds unite! TIA

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Well, I tried to search for southwestern 'names or words' and this is what I came up with..


chili pepper

cactus juice (how about that for your mango papaya!)


Dreamweaver (although that might be tm'd by bcn)

Eagle Dancer

Wind Dancer (you could use this for a floral scent)


Coyote Cactus

clay pot


Mesa Verde

Indian paintbrush

Prickly Pear Cactus


Anyway...hope it helps!

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Thanks everyone, great ideas...so-soy how nice of you to seach :) I've got some great names but still strugglin' to tie a tropical fruit in (maybe I could call it Desert Escape, when it's 115 in the shade here I start thinkin Hawaii!)

For the floral, I may go with a soft floral and call it Cotton Flower or Desert in Bloom or, or, or...my head hurts LOL. Anyway, thanks guys!

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Mango Margarita? Desert in Bloom? Sandy Canyon? Cherokee Sunset? Santa Fe Trail? Cactus Salsa? Tropical Fruit Salsa? I keep coming up with Pinata... but don't know what to put with it... Papaya Pinata? LOL

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