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Just Scent is AWESOME!!


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ok, for those of you "users" of Just Scent, i read the differences on their website of buttercream frosting, silky "v" vanilla and vanilla buttercream crunch. if you HAD to pick just one, which would you pick?

and the lavenders-how strong and true is her lavender? most i've tried smell pretty "fake" but so far her oils have been awesome as far as "right on" for the smell. -i thought about lavender vanilla but thing i will just experiment mixing with a vanilla scent.

i've got about 42 on my wish list-can order 20-if i don't tell my hubby!! lol at least i'm not at the bar drinking, or spending my $$ on cigarretes. so, i can justify spending $$ on my candles/b&b stuff, right? thought so.

btw, are there any "tini" reccommendations that i just can't live without-well, i already know i can't live without any of them they are so awesome, but can't afford to order 1 of each oil she has...

will put 3 on my "wish list" for the samples so that will help.

thanks. Heather

Ok, I LOVE JS & have tons of her oils, but honestly: the Lavender is no big deal. VERY light & not very lavendery as compared to others. I would pass.

Vanilla Buttercream Crunch is really good, but DOES have the scent of nuts in it. Someone told me it smells like Butter Pecan Ice Cream in lotion. It's great. You will love it. I have never tried Silky V Vanilla, but my alltime favorite Vanilla of all suppliers is JS's "Becky't Ultimate Vanilla". As for JS's Buttercream Frosting: another winner, but a tad different from other suppliers ButtFrosting. Most others have a sweet, buttery, sugary smell. JS's has this faint hint of a lemon note to it & another very faint kind of a spice note to it. I love it & have people who love it(but I hate to say it but Daystars is the ULTIMATE Buttercream Frosting!Once you've tried that, it's hard to use anyone elses. Although, JS's IS a bit different than most suppliers Buttercream Frosting, which is a GREAT reason to try it! It IS yummy!). I recently tried Berry Lemonade Yahoo, & it is SO VERY GOOD!!!!!!!

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Ok, I LOVE JS & have tons of her oils, but honestly: the Lavender is no big deal. VERY light & not very lavendery as compared to others. I would pass.

Vanilla Buttercream Crunch is really good, but DOES have the scent of nuts in it. Someone told me it smells like Butter Pecan Ice Cream in lotion. It's great. You will love it. I have never tried Silky V Vanilla, but my alltime favorite Vanilla of all suppliers is JS's "Becky't Ultimate Vanilla". As for JS's Buttercream Frosting: another winner, but a tad different from other suppliers ButtFrosting. Most others have a sweet, buttery, sugary smell. JS's has this faint hint of a lemon note to it & another very faint kind of a spice note to it. I love it & have people who love it(but I hate to say it but Daystars is the ULTIMATE Buttercream Frosting!Once you've tried that, it's hard to use anyone elses. Although, JS's IS a bit different than most suppliers Buttercream Frosting, which is a GREAT reason to try it! It IS yummy!). I recently tried Berry Lemonade Yahoo, & it is SO VERY GOOD!!!!!!!

Thank you so much, lavender is not my fav. scent anyway, just seems like it is popular-i hate pouring it too. makes me want to gag.

i had the ultimate vanilla on my list and i think i will try that one. i do have the daystar buttercream-i hate to say it, but i guess when i'm out i'll have to break down and order from them again. it's not that there oils aren't good, they are just too spendy for my taste.

may add the berry lemonade to my sample.

now, to explain to hubby why there are more oils coming in the mail and where we're going to find the $$ to pay for them. does this mean i have a problem? trying to hide my addictions from my hubby? lol!!

if i could quit my full time job, i'd just be a tester for JS and make candles and lotions for her. wouldn't that be a horrible job-well, if there was too much floral it might be for me. hmm. cours i live too far away from anyone to do anything like that. i live in rural SD and am glad to have my internet cause it's my main form of entertainment!!!! i'd probably have more $$ if i didn't have it though cause i hear all these recomendations for all these oils and you know you have to listen to the voices saying "try me"...

now, it's time to figure out how to start making more $$ while still spending it on fo's.

thanks to becky for being such a great supplier!!


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Sorry NewOrleansLady, but that was a cheap shot. First off ... Sliver has just as much right to voice her opinion here as anyone else. Secondly ... JS is pretty much hit or miss with me too ... nothing personal against Becky, that's just the way it is with my wax.

Sliver said nothing out of line about JS ... yet you accuse her of stuff and tell her she doesn't fit in ... that just aint right. Who as a vendetta against whom?

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ok, back to what's important here-what are the must haves for JS. we all realize that not every supplier can be everything to everyone, that's why there are so many of them!!

some of the other ones i'm on the fence about is the sugar cookie-i haven't gotten a sugar cookie yet that is as strong as the ones i used to buy from the store. also the sassy sweet tarts-would probably more of a kid scent? snickers coffee-does this have enough different scent? and their jlo dupe-i tried one from somewhere else that was good, but don't need anything else from them right now-was a place where their oils were ok, but not "wow". and one other one-the macadamia nut cake is this "wow" or just ok? i love macadamia nut cookies and have daystar for that, but this sounds yummy!! and the starbucks coffee? is this different than regular coffee scents?

thanks for all the advice-i really appreciate it. trying to narrow it down to 20 more scents is hard. they really shouldn't have so many good smelling/sounding oils. it makes it hard to pick.


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Okay camoflauge, I think what I said was important (at least to me), but now I'll get back to what's important to you ... Pumpkin Pie Spice, Chestnuts & Brown Sugar, and Christmas Splendor were top sellers for me last fall/Christmas. Out of all the scents I tested, these were the ones that worked awesome in my wax. Hope this helps. :highfive:

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yes, and thanks for understanding-i've just seen way too many posts here lately that go south and the whole topic is forgotten about, just didn't want this to be one of them-wasn't directed at any certain person!!

i just tried cinnamon crunch cake in my lotion-and yummy, i want to eat my arms now!!!

keep the suggestions coming!!! they are very helpful!!! i appreciate ALL the responses i've gotten!!!


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1st of all...if you give Sliver an inch on JS she'll run with it...I have a history with her about this and didn't want some new people to get turned off JS because of something she wrote. She'll write anything as long as it's against JS. Believe me, her feelings aren't hurt by any means...especially by anything I say. Right, Happy?????

I poured JS's Southern Vanilla and it's very very very luscious. Someone told me it's a dead on for Ms. Randy's Vanilla. I never used it so can't give my 2¢ about that. I haven't had a chance to burn it tho so can't speak for the throw just yet, but I can't imagine it having this good cold throw and not be good hot. Another good one that is floral and light but great throw is Cactus flower. It also makes great bath products...especially body spray and perfume. Sweet orange & pomegrante is strong and great thrower. Totally scrumptious is a great chocolate scent. Decadant pound cake is another heavy thrower. Hot baked apple pie is one of my top sellers...it beats out WSP's apple struedel. Hyacinth chula orchid is another great floral that makes gorgeous b&b. Her Lemon Magnolia is the best I've ever smelt...true magnolia. Mulled Wine is great around fall. Have fun ordering!

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instead of weeding out scents, i'm adding to my wish list. aackk...

maybe the better question would have been to ask what scents from JS don't you like, lol!!!!

:tiptoe: heading off to write/rewrite my wish list.... on the upside i got a drop in kid for daycare for 2 days this week that will pay for my new samplers. i should use it to pay something else, but nah. what fun would that be? after this set of samples there will be no more nuthin for a while until i make some more $$ back. i've got a craft show in june so we'll see how that goes, then i have a HUGE one in august, one in sept, then who knows how many. but i don't want to spend my busy season "testing" fo's in wax, b&b, etc.


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maybe the better question would have been to ask what scents from JS don't you like, lol!!!!

Ok, I have one of these....Aveeda's Shampure....yuck it's gross but according to Becky and a bunch of her customers it's a dead on dupe and it sells like crazy. It stinks to me!!!!!

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Just wanted to let y'all know I lit the Southern Vanilla and it's very very creamy...great throw...I've got it in my den and in under 30 min. it's gone from the den (12'x20') thru the kitchen and working it's way into the living room. I never had MS. Randy's but I know people raved about it...to me it's even cremier than LS's Creamy Vanilla. This is my new basic vanilla. This was poured in JS 50/50 with 44-24-18z and cured 1.5 days.

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Just wanted to let y'all know I lit the Southern Vanilla and it's very very creamy...great throw...I've got it in my den and in under 30 min. it's gone from the den (12'x20') thru the kitchen and working it's way into the living room. I never had MS. Randy's but I know people raved about it...to me it's even cremier than LS's Creamy Vanilla. This is my new basic vanilla. This was poured in JS 50/50 with 44-24-18z and cured 1.5 days.

can you describe it-besides being creamy? the description doesn't really give me much to go on, is it really different than a regular vanilla? too many choices makes my head spin, lol!!!! it sounds yummy!!!



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I find JS to be hit or miss WITH WAX as well. The CS is outstanding! I did get a detailed email from the owner with CP test results that were not posted on the site after an inquiry. I've soaped (CP) a bunch with great success and use some in creams, etc.

Since I make candles and B&B products, I'd prefer FO's that excel in both, and sadly, that was not the case with JS. I have FO's from other suppliers that fit the bill, and I will stick with them. OOB sniffs are without meaning when talking wax, as any chandler knows.

I tend to do all my ordering online after hours, and never chat with suppliers, I don't consider them to be my friends. Even if I did, all that would accomplish would be sales to me, and not the end user, who could give a whit about where I get my supplies.

Step away from the wax, New Orleans Lady! We are all entitled to our opinions, whether they echo yours or not.


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OH come on Sliver you and I both know you didn't test all that much. At least that's not what you've always said on your board. And most of the stuff was free samples she sent you anyway so you weren't out much. Plus we know you've just got to complain about JS...with your personal vendetta against her! Sheeze Louise...go back to your own board where you fit in!

Hmmm, I'm thinking you don't read too well. Becs sent me over 100 freebie 1 ounce samples in the first box she sent. I tested every single one of them in a wicked product. Only 3 threw over a 2 or 3 on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the best. And those 3 weren't good enough to buy (or pour and sell).

I test everything. Thoroughly. Nobody hates wasting wax and wicks more than I, but I gave it my best shot. I'm not sure where you got the idea that I've said I don't test much. Must be a brain fart.

I don't believe I have ever posted anything before about Just Scent here. Whatever vendetta you think I have is a figment of your imagination. My post only serves to warn people to never, ever buy anything more than a sample based on a review. Especially an out of bottle review.

Sorry to disappoint you. Your attempt to discredit me fails miserably. If anyone wants my thorough test results, they can pm me on a scent they are considering. I'll check my test results and let them know what the result was. Happily. I really hate to see people waste their money. The amount of wax I wasted was huge. I would love to have it back. :cry2:

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can you describe it-besides being creamy? the description doesn't really give me much to go on, is it really different than a regular vanilla? too many choices makes my head spin, lol!!!! it sounds yummy!!!



I think it is a nice creamy vanilla bean type scent. Definitely one of the best vanillas I have burned. She has a few great ones that I have had good success with, I don't carry all in my line, but I like these:

Victorian Vanilla Lace

Vanilla of Pearl

Whipped Vanilla Creme

Creme Vanille---this one is more buttery to me, like KY southern vanilla

Becky's Ultimate Vanilla is great, too.

I have to say, I order from several companies including WYW (BCN) Scent Works, KY, Millcreek, DS, Snowtop (ICS), Backwoods, JBN, GL, etc and I find JS oils to be right up there with them. I use her waxes and have had great experiences with her oils. It is hard to beat JS's CS, same day shipping, no backorders, and sales. All this is why I keep coming back, they are good people to do business with.

If you place another order, maybe ask for the vanillas as your freebies and she will throw them in for you. :wink2:

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Hmmm, I'm thinking you don't read too well. Becs sent me over 100 freebie 1 ounce samples in the first box she sent. I tested every single one of them in a wicked product. Only 3 threw over a 2 or 3 on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the best. And those 3 weren't good enough to buy (or pour and sell).

I am not trying to create an argument but you poured 100 1 oz samples and only 3 threw in a minimal capacity???``Sorry but this blows my mind.

I have several that I bought from JS over the past 2 1/2 months and tested. I have only found 2 out of 20 that didn't throw well but worked great in body products.

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Here are my favorites:

Plum crazee was AWESOME. Sweet and fruity. VERY strong in a candle.

Flip flops is stronger on the coconut than vanilla. I just wish my nose got along better with coconut scents lol. My daughter loved it and said it smells like hawaiian tropic suntan lotion. It was a great as a mixer with pineapple and mango!

Apple Cinnamon - VERY strong in my soy.

Becky's ultimate vanilla - This is my new favorite vanilla. I didn't smell the light buttery undertones until it cured in my soy for a week.

Lollipops - Should be named Smarties or Sweet tarts because that is exactly what it smells like in a candle.

Dewdrops - A GREAT all around fruity blend in both 100% soy and my parasoy blend.

Orange Dreamsicle - WOW is all I can say, reminds me of a cross between orange sherbert and the dreamsicles. Used parasoy with this one in case of fuel smell but then poured it with 415 with 3% beeswax after testing the parasoy. No fuel smell with either blend.

Mangoberry - Took alot longer to cure in soy. After a week it was faint so I put the lid back on it and after 2 weeks has a strong cold and hot throw.

Pink Sugar - Awesome throw in my parasoy. Filled up my 400 sq foot workshop after 48 hours cure.

Passionate Purple - Blow you out of the house STRONG but my nose sure doesn't pick up the sweet sugared grape or citrus, just more of a flower blossom/musk type scent.


Strawberry super strong would not burn. It drowned out 2 different wicks but is great in tarts, shower gel and body butter.

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I am not trying to create an argument but you poured 100 1 oz samples and only 3 threw in a minimal capacity???``Sorry but this blows my mind.

I have several that I bought from JS over the past 2 1/2 months and tested. I have only found 2 out of 20 that didn't throw well but worked great in body products.

That is correct, Jami. The first box she sent me contained approximately 100 samples and the second box of freebies she sent contained approximately 75 samples. I withheld my test results on the first box for months. This was back when her prices were much cheaper than they are these days, and I desperately wanted them to throw. Since I have a good reputation for knowing my scents and being honest and vocal about my results, Becky also wanted them to throw well for me. Unfortunately, that didn't happen. I will certainly give her credit for working with me, and I appreciated it at the time.

Once I realized it wasn't going to work, I poured most of the 2nd box in my infamous Happy Butter (B&B). Truthfully, most of them were so light in B&B that I will never use her oils for that, either. It was never a personal vendetta. I don't know Becky, and don't pretend to be friends with any supplier, anywhere, ever. That is not my style. And freebies will never sway me. They are either good or they aren't, regardless of how free they were, lol.

This has all been a couple of years or so ago, so my memory on the ones I thought might be ok are hazy. I can dig out my results if anybody wants to see them. The only one I remember as throwing at all was Hot Apple Pie. There were a couple of other OK ones, but I don't recall what they were. I determined long ago that JS was not going to be one of my suppliers so there has been no reason for me to remember them in any particular order.

My wax blend at that time was 75% comfort blend, 25% soy. I've noticed over time that people who use her wax blend seem to get better results. Becky offered me free wax to test, also, but I declined, knowing that I would never order wax from her due to the distance and cost of shipping. I was perfectly happy with my own wax blend, and Comfort Blend is still my wax of choice.

It pains me to see rave reviews on any scents out of bottle, and then a few weeks later, see those same scents for sale in classifieds. It's one of those "it ain't rocket science" moments, kwim? If they work for you or someone else, great! As several have said, my opinion is valid, and I will always caution people about trusting oob reviews.

Unfortunately, some people just can't handle the truth. :2cents:


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Yes, Jordan you're right it's a creamy vanilla bean...very intense.

I will not continue to battle with the likes of some people...they're not worth my time. However, E you better make sure and wash your hair this morning...you went a lot further up this time!

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at the risk of stirring the pot yet again, why is it that a simple post on my great experience with JS and the smell of the oils oob has taken such a twist? it seems like every other thread i open up on this board has been taken over by rude comments-i realize we are all entitled to our own opinions and that's fine. i did try the cinnamon crunch cake in lotion last night and yum, smells great-can't believe it's skin safe.

i also tried the glamor girl in lotion. i loved this oob, but haven't made up my mind in lotion yet. this was a free sample so wasn't something i picked.

i'm sorry, but i also have a hard time believing you ordered 100 samples and they didn't throw well, but you ordered 75 more? did you have to pay for these samples or were they free? i'm not trying to upset anyone, but if i ordered 100 samples and not one of them threw well, i sure wouldn't spend the $$ to order 75 more of them. :2cents:

i realize every wax, body product etc. gives each scent a different smell, so what works for you may not work for me and vice versa. but oob reviews have been given on this board many times-you take it for what it's worth-i only gave my oob reviews so that people would know what they smelled like to me. besides, if i gave a review for every application, you'd have to say how it smelled in wax, how it smelled in lotion, how it smelled in soap, etc. i have had some awesome scents in wax that i expected to smell the same in my lotion-unfortunately it was not to be.

i started this thread to "thank" JS for being such a great supplier -and i still feel that way, and that i was excited with the oils and CS i received. then, i decided i wanted more so i asked for some reviews of scents i was "on the fence about". i've tried a few JS in different things-from oils i got through the classies-so i'm not new to JS-just was new to ordering from them.

thanks to everyone who has helped me-i really have listened and appreciate your reviews.



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I just wanted to say thanks publicly for those of you who sent me pm's. I appreciate all the help finding some AWESOME scents that i am placing on my wish list

:tiptoe: off to see what i could sell around here- that noone would miss (lol) so i can buy more fo's from JS!!! hmm. who needs the tv-do you think my hubby would notice?

My experience with JS has been awesome-loved their customer service, the quick shipping, the free sample fo's, and their awesome scents. You rock becky!!!!!


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Ignore the negativity and bantering, it's the way some get attention or something!

If you are happy with JS, that's all that matters for you!

I have had good luck with JS and her CS is top notch.

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"Ignore" is a great feature on this board. That way you don't have to hear, see, read....the same thing over and over again from certain individuals. It's great.....Just like that...they disappear ~ :yay:

I couldn't have said it better myself!!! Thanks for making me realize it is just that easy.

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