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Changing wick types with each scent

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Does it bug anyone else to use different wick types for different scents, when using the same wax? For instance using an LX for one scent then CD's for others? I hope this makes sense.

Do many of you change around like this or not?

Some people I have asked don't mind doing this, but for some reason it bugs me.

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I use different wick sizes but the same wick type in my jar candles. There is an advantage to using different wick types for different scents because they are easier to know the difference. That's why I usually change the clip diameter or length of different sizes of wicks in the same style.

Different scents can need different sizes of wicks and unless you adjust your scent quantity, it is almost impossible to get 1 wick for all your candles. I have found though that I only need two different sizes of wicks to fulfill my needs and prefer atkins pearce cotton wicks which any dist. will id by adding a C at the end of the size..

It wouldn't be fun if you only needed 1 type of wick size...lol...

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How do you decide what fo is going to need a different wick? Do you know after you have tested or is there a way of judging by the way a fo looks?

You can only tell if a wick is going to work if you test it; not by the way an fo looks. That is why it is important to test each fo to make sure you have the right wick size.

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I only use one type of wick (CD) but different sizes. However, sometimes there may be a difficult fragrance that one size is too small (CD10) and the very next size (CD12) is too big. That's pretty much the only time I have to use a different type of of wick. Confusing, I know.

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I only use one type of wick (CD) but different sizes. However, sometimes there may be a difficult fragrance that one size is too small (CD10) and the very next size (CD12) is too big. That's pretty much the only time I have to use a different type of of wick. Confusing, I know.

Hey Jeana! :)

What Candlebuddy said above is exactly why I have to use a different type of wick sometimes than my main ones that I use. If you find yourself in the same bind with some oils, I would not worry too much about having to use different types of wicks at times. For the most part I use RRD's but have a few that I have to use the Hemps. This is for my soy.

I have not really found it too difficult to keep track of. I have a list of all my finalized fragrances, type of wax and jar sizes. I list the type of wick and size next to it. I have found that I have all them memorized. But, I do double check to make sure. A mistake can easily be made even if I only used one type of wick.

I hope everything is going well. :)

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I am now making peace with the fact that I can't stay with one wick series. With the wax formula I am using now LX22 can be too small and LX24 too big. There is such a jump between those sizes. It looks like I can use either an ECO 6 or 8, when I find myself in between with LX wicks. I find that FOs are much easier to wick than EOs. I just don't like the idea of having a different wick series for each scent. I hope I can keep it narrowed down to the two I am working with.

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In my opinion if I have a heavier fragrance oil I try to use RRD's because I think they are made for heavier fragrances. I totally agree with the difference between lx 22 and 24's huge difference. Right now I am kinda stuck on eco wicks, no mushrooming and perfectly self trimming.


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