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FTAO DONITA! What do you think??

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Well this was my first try at your tide pool candles Donita! What do you think of them? Truthfully now :grin2: if they're crap, say they are crap LOL. I know the surface of the first one is a bit ropey :P

I aim to improve on these anyway and OMG they are such fun to make!!




I think this one is muchly improved. Its still in the 'pot' setting up :grin2:


Don't be gentle, I want the truth now :grin2:


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:laugh2: It pays to pay attention to what I am reading!!! The second one doesn't look too bad but I would bring it out a little bit more. If I can find one of mine(I cleaned up & threw everything into the den, boy that's a mess!) I'll post a pic!!
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Here is one I did, it had more things on it, lobsters & things but I need them for another candle so I took them off!! At least you can see where I put the tealight. Hope this helps. Maybe Donita will have more to say, hers are soooo beautiful!! I hate the lighthouse on it by the way!!! I need to find bigger ones.


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Thanks! I see what you mean now :grin2: LOL @ taking stuff off :laugh2:

To get that tealight in there did you light the original wick until there was room, then put a tealight in? Or did you make it with the tealight in to start with??

What is that underneath your candle, is that another tide pool candle?


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I put a glass plate underneath it, poured some wax on it, put the top candle on then stuck some more shells around it! These are lots of fun to play with. Forgot to answer your other ? (I'm also cooking dinner, trying to sweep floors so I can wash them, company & family coming at 4. Oh I think I need a shower too!!) Since I had taken halp the stuff off, I used this one for a tester, I did burn enough of it to put the tealight in. I think I will do the next ones with the tealight holder already in it.

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Angie, I was going to mention the position of wick / shells but you beat me to it. LOL They look good for your 1st attempts but do be careful about shell placement. You can do a test by pouring a small amount of wax in a votive holder you have wicked. Place the shells, light the wick and watch. When I did this test with tiny shells they turned a nasty charred black.

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Busy busy busy :grin2: I've none sweet F A today except have fun with candles LOL.

Thanks for the advice Sharyl - exactly what I was looking for. I've just made another one and the shells are much much further away from the wick. I'll post some pics later.


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:D Thanks :grin2: . Hmmmmm to burn or not to burn? LOL I don't think I will burn these ones that I made today, for a start the first one is dangerous 'cause the shells are way too clase to the wick but... they are just for me for 'decoration' at the minute. :D


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Anjie.....so cool. You have to watch the placement of the wick...other than that....YOU GO GIRL.....it takes practice to get anything in life perfect (or close) and you did a fantastic job. Sharyl is right....don't want to burn the shells. (smile)...As you make some more...they will become so easy you will wonder why you ever had a problem. They are so easy. Donita Louise

PS....if you have any questions.....let me know.

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YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY THE CANDLE QUEEN! SHE LIKE MY CANDLE YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! :yay: :highfive: :whoohoo: :bliss::laugh2::yes: *faint* *getdown* :thumbsup::rockon::eek::cool: :party:

Thanks Donita :grin2: I will keep at it! Off to the beach at some point this week so the kids can find me some shells.


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I don't think anyone burned my tidepool candles. Just used them for decoration. I don't usually scent them either and sold them for $30.00.

I put a little tuna or cat food can (washed well :rolleyes2 ) in so if someone does burn it....it doesn't burn through to the bottom. That makes it very safe. Then of course a tea light can be placed in the burned hole. Donita Louise

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I didn't have any jar lids to put in the bottom of mine so i cut down some metal tea light holders and stuck the wick to that. They sit straight and don't need levelling off at the bottom. Mine are just for me though, and I won't be burning them :D


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The only thing that I would change is the outside should have some sand stuck to it. I have several kinds of sand and it looks like the kind you have is very very fine. That's not the best for making that kind of candle, the sand just stops the wax from going into it. You have to either pour hotter or use another kind of sand to get a sand crust. I'm guessing your trying to go for the same look as Donitas pool candles or most other sand candles. I have an old book on making sand candles that's quite interesting to read. BTW I use the lids from baby food jars to keep the wicks set where I want them. I also pour out the wax after it has set up some like you would for a hurricane candle and when its all set up I repour it with scented one pour wax. Can be refilled that way with votives depending on the wick you use. This way you can use scrap wax to make the shell and save the good wax for the part that can be burned.


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Thanks for that Bruce, you said exactly what I was thinking! I was sure donitas had sand stuck on the bottom! Donitas instructions said pour at 290F but (now this may sound really stupid!) i can't get my wax much above 200F!!! I haven't got a scientifical mind but something is telling me that the wax is only going to go as hot as the boiling water outside the melt pot is going to let it, and seeing as water boils at 100C (212F) and won't go any hotter! Do you get me? Am I making sense? How do I get my wax to 290F???


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Anjie, do you have a Presto Pot or an electric dutch oven? You can use that to get your wax hotter and it is much safer than setting your pour pot directly on a stove burner. If you do set you pour pot on a burner, you can NOT leave it for a second. Not to answer the phone, go to the bathroom, nothing! Sorry to always sound like the safety cops but safety is a big deal for me.

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