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Has anyone seen these cute 16oz Platinum Jars?

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These are too cute! I already use the 8oz ones..but I found these 16oz jars at my Super Wal-Mart today....They have 11 more cases sitting there Im thinkin Im going back to buy them ALL.

Incase anyone is interested...these jars are smooth on 3 sides



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Wonder where to start with wicking. Square jars are always so difficult for me. They really are cute, I looked at my Wal-Mart and they did not have them yet. I use zinc wicks and 6006 wax, would probably need to double wick. I am keeping mu eyes open for these. I love the 8oz. fo the burners, but would like to wick this one. Thanks for the heads up.

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Now those are CUTE!!! I will have to check out my Walmart this week and see if they have gotten any in so I can see them up close and personal! We use the fat squatty 8oz for wickless already. Wish Wally would carry them year round!

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Hi all~ Where are these jars (or any jars) located in the store? I need to run their this afternoon to pick up something else and I dont have time to browse, I have a yucky bridal shower to go to, UGH. I'd rather be pouring, in fact I would rather cut off my foot than go to this shower (LOVE the groom, HHHHAAAATTTEEE the bride)

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At $1.19 + tax that's to high for a canning jar. I can get smooth canning jars for less than a $1 and that includes shipping. Also I would have to buy a 1 piece lid to go with those so the price would be higher.

Yep you can. But we are talking the CUTE factor here. These are just the cutest little things and maybe not something you would want to change your entire line to......but a CUTE addition to add as a seasonal choice? I certainly wouldn't take every scent I make and test in these....I would take a few scents that fit the style and do them instead. Maybe just a summertime thing? I myself would would work with the lid that it comes with and see if there isn't some way that I can make it work........lots of ideas for it right now. Some of the creativity in candlemaking is definately in the packaging. My particular customer & wholesale base would go nuts over this new look if done right. Variety is the spice of life! But you are right....if you were going to make these in any kind of huge bulk....well then no, probably wouldn't be real cost effective.

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I actually bought some of these jars at Target. They were $3.57 and I found them underneath the kitchen utensils. My daughter was shopping for a bridal shower present and I just happened to come across them. My walmart had them for $4.87 and had plenty in stock just in case I wanted more to make for personal gifts.

My Target only had 3 packs but I bought them just because they were different.

So now for the big question, how to wick them. The biggest part of the jar is close to 4 inches across and the mouth of the jar is 3 inches.

Since I have had great success with cd 16's on my wide mouths, I am thinking of going up to a cd 20 for the bigger part of the jar. I have no clue if this is going to work but its worth a shot lol. I also have some HTP 1212's. I am using the GB 415 100% soy.

What size wick is everyone using and have you tested it to see if it will clean the jar or not?


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At $1.19 + tax that's to high for a canning jar. I can get smooth canning jars for less than a $1 and that includes shipping. Also I would have to buy a 1 piece lid to go with those so the price would be higher.

If this were any old canning jar you'd be right. But it's not. Kymber is right, we're talking cute factor here! :)

I pay about .50 and no shipping on my regular half pints for candles, so this is indeed pricey in the grand scheme of what *I* am willing to pay. However, this is my chance to do over the top cute and not have to pay shipping! For those of us who love that country look it's a steal!

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I might be wrong but I think they carry those at Fillmore. I think for 4.55/12. with lids, It'd come out to about 6.35/12 (but that depends on which lids you choose)

I haven't ordered them myself, but from your description it looks like what is on their pic... with some smooth sides.


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