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Scent Works- no it doesn't ROCK!!!


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I know at that other big forum you're not allowed to say SW sucks- only SW rocks posts are really only ever tolerated. IMHO, the company has an obvious conflict of interest and ulterior business motives at lots of forum fund raisers, etc like no other supplier has and that's a disservice and dishonest to soapers around the country when information is closely censored, edited, and complaints need to be read, and then consequently very often denied before any posts are allowed. And yes, to make matters worse, a moderator at that other forum actually PM'd me to tell me that I'd be asked to leave that forum if I continued my gripes about the SW company. icon_rolleyes.gif That's how cozy SW is in this business. Friends in the right places I guess you could call it. icon_wink.gif It all makes perfect sense now. No wonder SW business is booming I see- when only raves not complaints are ever read or tolerated. icon_wink.gif But has anyone else experienced horrible customer service?

I stated on another thread in the Up the Nose fragrance/EO section that when I initially placed my very first order at the SW web site I then called on the phone and asked Mrs SW (like I ask all my suppliers) to simply add a special delivery instruction ( 2 words) on the outside of my box, since my home is set back in a remote location. It makes all the difference. Instead of accomodating the request, I could actually hear huffing and puffing like I was inconveniencing the woman and just trying to give her busy work. ...Okay, I kind of forgot about that rude incident...sort of.

I then placed another order 3 months later and my $54 FO was not included in my box with my other items. I called on the phone and was instructed to send my query via email, which I then did. I promptly got an email back from Mr SW who told me to please read the disclaimer on the SW web site that the company is not responsible to customers once they ship out boxes from their warehouse. I even told my husband about this who is in the commercial mailing business and he said SW can't tell you that. I then had to act on my own behalf ( SW didn't care or show any interest since they figured they tell customers they're not responsible) and I had to contact Fed Ex myself. I spoke to a rep who said that the protocol for something like this is that SW needs to contact Fed Ex, not me the customer and a claim for a missing package is then initiated. It's really not supposed to be that big a deal and not that complicated and Fed Ex takes care of it from there. The rep didn't know why SW was haggling, hassling me, and accusing me with my "claim of nondelivery."

Plus to rub more salt in the wound, I forgot to click on the button that confirmed -yes, I would like to receive my complimentary 3 lbs of SB, since I qualified with the amount I spent. When I called on the phone about that issue, before my order even arrived with the missing FO, I was told , "Oh, no -that promotion ended." Period. Yes, I admit that it was ultimately my mistake for not clicking on the button as my option, but what I really didn't appreciate was the nasty (as usual) and unapologetic curt tone.

I think SW customer service is deplorable and I don't care how nice the some of the FOs and supplies are. Thankfully I've discovered lots of other companies around with products just as nice and nice owners that actually appreciate the business they get and know how to treat their customers right. You're regarded by SW, IMHO, as someone who's been honored and privileged to actually be able to spend your $ with this grossly overrated company.

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Hi RedRosie, sorry to hear of your bad experience with SW-I've only ordered from them ONCE, and that was only b/c I had a GC for them, but found them to be very overpriced.

I totally understand your frustration and I too believe that bad reviews should be allowed to be given, yes it's great to hear the good reviews, but we all need to hear the bad also, so we can make informed decisions, and also if it happens to anyone else, they will know it was NOT an isolated incident.

I think though that this post should have been made in the fragrance section or even the business section of this board where more people will see it. ;)

Did you ever receive your $54 worth of FO? I would NOT let that die, no way no how, I work very hard for my money, as I'm sure you do also, and that is unacceptable, them telling you that it's not their responsibility-HELLO it was NOT in the package (I'm assuming the pkg. was not bunged up??), so where the HELL is it?

I hope you get some type of resolution from them.

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I have ordered from them over and over again and have no complaints at all. I love all of their fragrances. I do believe shipping sometimes takes a bit longer, but that is always stated on their site and I know that going in.

Sorry you have had a bad experience.

Ann M

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Yes, I finally did get my FO, but it arrived 2 weeks after the first box showed up and with no help from SW, you could be sure. Sorry Lisajo that you don't agree with what I'm saying. I know that we only ever see SW rocks post, so it must come as a bit of a major shock here. Just today I saw the very same moderator that PM'd me with the little warning- making literally a "Woot! Woot!" post about SW, so how honest do you think they really are over there with honest reviews and critiques of this company? SW has ingratiated themselves deeply whether you'd like to admit to it or not. It's not good, IMHO, for soapers not to be allowed to tell about bad experiences. Sounds like lots of fairy tales to me. Sorry you find it rather offensive, but I actually think it's being quite truthful and beneficial to the soaping community. Why shouldn't companies be expected to raise the bar as far their customer service and when they fail to do so we just quietly sweep it under the carpet and be all hush hush? What's so special about SW? Are they a big public company with stock holders or something? What's the big fear here?

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I think it's too bad that you had a bad experience and you should be able to let others know your frustration. Yet, there are so many positive experiences with this company too. I find it hard to hear you ripping another forum that doesn't allow you to say what you want. 100% satisfied customer service is hard to find these days. Yet, companies have policies to follow. They can't and won't make exceptions just because you asked them too.

I love Scent Works and will order from them over and over again. I can't imagine not making soaps or lotions without their fragrances.

Ann M

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RedRosie i totally understand your disappointment towards both SW and the other forum. I've ordered from SW a few times without problems but i like to know about other soaper's experience, bad or good! I like the fact that you didn't remain silent or be intimidated by the other forum's mod and decided to speak up here! You go girl. Those things need to be told. At that other forum they like to gang up and intimidate people to silence:lipsrseal them... Ask me how i know :mad:

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I am fairly new to this forum, but I have been posting on various candle forums for about 10 years. I don't know what other forum you are speaking of, but I am on your side Rosie. I have never ordered from SW, although I may order from them in the future, but appreciate hearing your story. People should be able to vent on these public boards and share problems that we have with suppliers. The way you stated your problem was not offensive in the least. If I was talked to in the manner you were, I would tell them to shove it where the sun doesn't shine. Sounds like some people (and businesses) are too big for their britches. Customer service is top priority for every one of us. If it weren't for our customers, we wouldn't have a business.

You go girl, I admire your tenacity!:yay:

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Wow! I'm so sorry you had such a bad experience with SW. I order from them all the time and will continue to order from them seeing as how I have had nothing but excellent service with them (and I love their F/O's). They are actually one of my favorite suppliers.


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Sorry about your unpleasant experience with SW. :undecided

I use their fragrance oils all the time in many of my soaps and they are of high quality. The one time I had to call about an order that was very slow in arriving was during their very busy season. The person I dealt with was "all business", but answered my query efficiently and quickly, promising shipment that day. My order did arrive in good time and was complete.

You should be able to post your opinion about supplier service on any forum without censorship. People are free to agree or disagree, but the opportunity should exist for both positive and negative reviews.

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You should be able to post your opinion about supplier service on any forum without censorship. People are free to agree or disagree, but the opportunity should exist for both positive and negative reviews.

This is the real point of the post to me. I know for a fact that language, etc. is not a mitigator for censorship on the board of which you write, but certain suppliers cannot be mentioned unless in a positive light.


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I've had fabulous experiences with SW, but I understand your frustration. And I understand your frustration with the other board, but I'm not sure your "discussion" of them belongs here. Though I will say that the fact that this board allows discussions about the good, bad, and ugly of any vendor - including Peak who owns this one - is something that makes this board special.

I've found SW extremely responsive and very nice - in fact they've been kind enough to donate to this board, which is run by the competition! And the people there have been extremely patient with my badgering. And their FOs DO rock!

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I'm not wishing problems on anyone here who orders from this company, but only complimentary things are ever really allowed to ever be said about them. It needs to be highlighted that some of us have indeed had nasty and bad experiences. This will come with it's fair share of wrath, I'm sure, but I don't care what it costs me. And to be further threatened by a cozy moderator has made the situation for me far worse and is very wrong and unfair to me and others alike, IMHO. The only one who benefits from that kind of protection is the company itself. No good whatsoever comes out of it for soapers, chandlers, and those who make B&B items. And that is the honest truth.

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I put My first Order in with them...And I can't get them to answer an email..

I called yesterday..They said they were having some work redone on the system and Someone would Be in touch last night!

Well..No word yet! I really wanted to try these smells!! And I am very sad..That No one cares to get incontact with me...

This is the really bad part! I ordered from BCN the same day..And they are wayyy Father away and i have had My oils for 2 days already!!!

:cry2: :undecided :cry2:

I was really excited..Now i am just waiting to find out if I am getting anything or not!!

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Peak who owns this one - is something that makes this board special.

I have to give Peaks big props for allowing us to even mention other suppliers. I have been a few places that make you feel like you are saying Voldemorts name from Harry Potter..."Those other suppliers that should not be named".
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I think everyone that orders from any website will incur problems now and than. I have been purchasing from quite of few places over the past 8 years and have 4 favs. because they all carry different items. My biggest complaint is the shipping and the cost of FO's from all the suppliers. I doubt anything will be done until we ALL stop buying to make a statement, but that will never happen because we love our scents too much. I have never purchased from SW and hearing any bad service from any place just makes me think twice about spending my money there.

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I buy from them quite often and love them. I'm really sad to hear about your situation and also sad that you had to come to one forum to say things about another forum :undecided

This isn't the only forum where she's posted that exact same thing. If you don't like the way they run that "other" board, may I suggest you quit frequenting it.

Yeah, a bad experience is a bad experience. I've had bad experiences with suppliers but I didn't go out of my way to make them out to be monsters who don't care. IMO, you are going a little overboard.

Did your discussion with Olivia about SW have anything to do with your posting this story here and on the whisk?

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That other board has a supplier complaint form that you need to fill out, if you choose to complain about any supplier.

As for a moderator posting that they are excited about a particular supplier.. Did she post that as a moderator or as a member of the board?

If you have specific instructions about a package delivery, it would be the smart thing to include it in the notes section of your order

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This isn't the only forum where she's posted that exact same thing. If you don't like the way they run that "other" board, may I suggest you quit frequenting it.

Yeah, a bad experience is a bad experience. I've had bad experiences with suppliers but I didn't go out of my way to make them out to be monsters who don't care. IMO, you are going a little overboard.

Did your discussion with Olivia about SW have anything to do with your posting this story here and on the whisk?

yeah, it's over at latherings too. I find this whole thing pretty bizarre, to tell you the truth. Legitimate complaints about service are one thing, and all companies have bad days once in a while. But, complaining about a fragrance that contains vanilla turning soap brown? Come on...

For the record, I have ordered from SW several times, and have found both their products and service to be absolutely top-notch. I will order from them again, without hesitation. As soon as I have some spare $$. :laugh2:

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