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Going to a Business Seminar??


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Hey guys :)

I know everyone has their opinions, but I just can't make up my mind on this and thought I might get some helpful insight from the knowledgeable crafters that post here. I've given myself two years to get my own business up and running (time to finish testing and get the logistics down). There's a company here that is offering a business seminar geared toward those who want to run a small home-based business. They advertsise that they'll guide you through what is needed (licenses, registrations, etc). It sounds very informational, BUT it's $75.....is it worth it? Here's what part of the ad says:

"From dream to reality; we'll explore which gear (registrations, licenses, permits, trade names, office equipment, etc.) you need to gather; how to set up an efficient working area (aka: your workshop, studio and/or home office); how to manage the mix of marketing, advertising, publicity, and cost analysis; while taking a close look at how to navigate through the pitfalls and rough spots along the way."

Did any of you attend something similar? Did it help? I know everyone has different opinions, and ultimately I have to decide, I'm just hoping for some insight to help me make up my wishy washy mind :) Thanks guys!


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If it were me, I'd rather go to the SBA, Small Business Association. They give free seminars I believe and teach you everything you need to know for a business. I hope I gave the right initials. Others on here know way more than I do, but this is where I would go first.

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Yes, check with your local university to see of there is a SBDC there or nearby. ITs free and they have tons of seminars and you can meet with them. I meet with them every other week, trying to utilize all their resources and such and find out where I can cut costs.

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I would probably go to the seminar. Any knowledge has to help. We have a small biz association here, but they always meet on weekday mornings. I have a day job and can't make it.

Also check with if you have adult learning classes in your area. They are usually alot cheaper.

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I guess you would have to evaluate how you learn best. Some people can go to a site and read to get all the information they need. Others do better in a classroom environment with someone to answer and explain their questions. Personally I think it is ALL good.(if it is a reputable company) Can't get too informed, right?

The $75.00 is tax deductible.

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I use the SBDC and would go through them. They usually run through local community colleges and you can find them just by doing a google on SBDC. I have used them frequently and they just charge for the materials. They covered everything for me from licensing, taxes (sales--local and state) plus federal and even marketing strategies.

I will give a word to the wise, some of these small business seminars are nothing but a ruse to get you to sign up for their business. I know there is one being done by Fran Tarkenton (sp?) and it is for prepaid legal. They told me it was a business networking meeting and I went and it was basically a sales pitch about prepaid legal. Beware of these because initially they don't mention anything about who it is sponsoring or what it is about and it will be a waste of your time and money if they are charging you as well. The only one I attended was free so I don't feel cheated.

I again, recommend the SBDC--they fall under the SBA and teach you alot.

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