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yet another rookie!

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Hi everyone- I'm Jen. Just started making soaps and candles this week. My husband often leaves town for work ( he's a stand up comedian) and I wanted to get into something that would keep me busy. Any words of advice would be greatly appreciated. :D

I do have one question though- if you make your own gift baskets- have you found somewhere to buy the baskets/boxes cheap? Either one is fine, but I've been leaning toward paper mache boxes but haven't found any that aren't sold in sets of 3 different sizes.

Hope everyone's weekend went well and I hope to be "talking" with some of you soon!


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My advice is not to buy candle supplies at Craft Stores. THey have low quality product, which isnt all that bad just to learn on. Check out some suppliers that are close by to save on shipping. Kits are a good way to go. Plus stick to one thing at a time until you master it. Good luck and welcome!:)

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thanks for the reply. so far i have ordered things from fillmore containers, wholesale supplies plus, and candles and supplies. I completely agree that the few things i did buy at ac moore (the only craft store by me) tended to not be as nice.

any other websites that people swear by?

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Hi Welcome to the board. I agree do not buy from a craft store. You can gogoogle just about anything.I buy my wax from 2 places NuScent and Candlewic.I generally buy fragrance from Millcreek.I dont know what you want to make so let us know.As far as gift baskets I bought baskets from the dollar store. Filled them with various types of candles and also small odds and ends from the dollar store.( Like tealite holders votive cups etc..) I than shrink wrapped them. They looked great and all went at the Xmas craft show.Hope this helped. Good Luck :D

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I do most of my ordering with Candlescience. They are in NC. I would check around and see who will give the best shipping. I have ordered FOs from Aroma Haven also and they are great. You just have to give stuff a try and see how ya like it. All wax is so different, one person might love it but you may hate it.

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Peak is awesome, but since you're on the other side of the country, it may not be your best choice for shipping wax. I love Nature's Garden for fragrance oils. I've ordered from about 10 different sites so far, and usually out of 10-15 FOs I end up liking just a couple, but I loved all the fragrances I got from NG. Plus they have a huge selection and great service.

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Welcome Jen to a great new addiction and a wealth of information and helpful advice. I agree that a starter kit may be a good investment so that you have everything you need to get going. The hardest thing, I've found, is to stay focused on mastering one skill at a time. I tend to try something and then see something else and want to try that out too. If you're able, decide on whether you want to do pillars or containers then what type of wax to work with: paraffin, soy, palm, etc and limit your fo collection (talk about the pot calling the kettle black) to a few to start with and then just let loose and have fun. Remember to test and document everything so that you can duplicate your successes. Enjoy. Mozz

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Hey Jenrfailla,

I want to start making candles soon so there will be another rookie on here. Did you happen to find any place that sells good beginner kits?

Also can anyone tell me what all goes into "testing"? i want to make sure i am making the candles right.

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I'd do a lot of reading. There's a ton of info on here.

Get a starter's kit somewhere. Decide what you want to make and then work on one type of a candle at a time till you get that down (meaning make more than one or two container candles/pillars/votives/whatevers before moving on).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, I'm a rookie also. I have been ordering from Cajun Candle Co. They have great instructions and suggestions to save money. They also have good starting kits. Their scents are 100% pure & uncut. I am looking for another wax supplier because I live in IN. and the shipping costs are high for the wax.

I will continue to buy the rest of my supplies from them tho.

Hope this helps. I just joined the forum today.


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