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Bath Salts Help


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I've made some great Salts scented with EO's, but I can't decide how much to package for sale and what to package them in?

Personally I think it takes at least a whole cup of salts for one bath, maybe more if someone needs to soak sore muscles.

Those salt tubes I see for packaging are so small I can't imagine selling such a small amount of salt.

If I were going to buy bath salts I'd want to at least get a few baths out of it.

I found some large glass jars but they're too expensive.

I thought of using coated, tin tie coffee bags but I'm afraid that a bag it wont keep the scent in.

AARGH! I even paid $17 online for an ebook about making/selling bath salts hoping to find my answer and I'm no closer. Anyone have ideas?

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Hmm... I do think that a lot of people use those tin tie bags with no issues at all.

But, I like the idea of having my salts pretty much measured out for me- I don't like having to dig into a thick bag with a scoop and hope I can keep moisture out of them if I don't use it up soon enough...

Sooooo - I don't know if this would work but I don't see why not.... What if you pre measured out the right amount for one bath into either the RIGHT kind of zip lock, or small cello bags, folding the top over on the cello... do this to two or three bags and staple a hanger card over the top of them. So it is like a 2 or 3 pk deal. ? You would want to secure each bag closed individually if you go with the cello, so when they pull one 'serving' off they won't both be open. And like I said, IF that will even work.

The tubes can be bought in 6oz sizes... that's almost a cup right? I think I have even seen 8 oz sizes. If that's feasable cost wise, you could bundle up a few 2 or three and sell it as one 'package'. This way you could sell a selection/ or sampler in a bundle or just all the same if they have a favorite.

If you come up with something clever, be sure to share, lol. Good luck.:cheesy2:

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Hey I don't know why I didn't think of selling them as "single servings"

When I think too hard I guess I start to miss the obvious! :cheesy2:

Sooooo bags might work like you said. Or even going back to the tube idea would work then and selling in 3/packs or something.

This might work better because people never know how much to use and this way it will be measured out for them.

Does a cup seem like the right amount for one bath? It seems right to me but I just wanted to know what other people think.

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JMHO but a cup seems like a lot to me. Especially if you are using any kind of a course salt that would take a long time to "melt" so that it wouldn't feel like you were sitting on a bunch of rocks :grin2:

I agree with this also. I think the norm is 1/4 to 1/2 cup per bath. Even the ones that you buy with the scoops only say to use 2 or 3 scoops per bath and I think most of them only hold 1 tbsp. I really love the idea of the single packaging idea and putting them in a decorative container. Hmmmmmmmmm got my old wheels turning.

Just out of curiosity what would you pay for a little package of say 3 6 ounce tubes of salts?

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I use tin tie bags, with a lb in the smaller ones, and 2 lbs in the larger ones. The scents will last for months. I have a problem with "single serving" packaging; I have a 6-ft tub, and I like a lot of water, and would need more salt than a smaller tub. Also, some people like more salt, and some people like less. I usually tell people to try out different amounts, and remember what works for them.

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well, the e-book is very nicely done. But after spending hours of research here and on the web there wasn't anything that the ebook told me that I didn't already know. For somebody who doesn't know their way around the web themselves enough to research, it might be a good investment though.

Thanks everyone. I was thinking you'd tell me that 8 oz might be a lot of salt for one bath for most people.

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You package them up in a cello bag and tie them with a fold tag and some pretty ribbon or raffia. This way, if you color your salts too, you can see them. You can buy scoops at MMS for pretty cheap and put 1 in each bag. Then maybe you can eventually work up the jars you want?

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well, the e-book is very nicely done. But after spending hours of research here and on the web there wasn't anything that the ebook told me that I didn't already know. For somebody who doesn't know their way around the web themselves enough to research, it might be a good investment though.

Thanks everyone. I was thinking you'd tell me that 8 oz might be a lot of salt for one bath for most people.

I thought the ebook is pretty handy. It certainly has alot of information in one place. I've learned so much from this ebook in such a short time that I thought it was worth the investment than spending hours on the internet for the same info if not some of it.:D

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