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candle coloring

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Hi all. You have all been a fantastic help. Here is another stupid question from this newbie! I know that everywhere it says what to use to color your candle. I would like to know..in an emergency..can food coloring be used,,and if so..anyone know how much??? Thank you for not treating me like the idiot I feel like.

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According to different forums I have visited, food coloring can not be used. It is water based and will not mix with wax. You can use Crayola Crayons, there are a lot of colors and it is the almost the same as color chips.

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According to different forums I have visited, food coloring can not be used. It is water based and will not mix with wax. You can use Crayola Crayons, there are a lot of colors and it is the almost the same as color chips.

Not sure about Crayola in particular but I'm sure that I've read somewhere not to use wax crayons as they clog up the wick. I know that this doesn't help answer your original question but thought I'd better put in my two bob's worth.

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I would not suggest the crayons either. Food coloring is water based I believe which will not blend well with your wax. I know of people who use it in soaps, but not candles. If you have an "emergency" don't color at all. LOL! Sometimes white can be the perfect color.

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I would not suggest the crayons either. Food coloring is water based I believe which will not blend well with your wax. I know of people who use it in soaps, but not candles. If you have an "emergency" don't color at all. LOL! Sometimes white can be the perfect color.


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I tried a soy crayon to color a candle, beautiful blue. Wick burned like coals, just a glow of this same blue just oozing up the wick. Never had any soot but then again it really never got a nice flame. Guess that's what they mean when they say it clogs the wick. Worked great in HP soap though....

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Again you all are a great help!! Thank you. I am making my first scented container today. I decided that the best way is the way that works for everyone..good old fashion preplanning and listening to the pros. Went out and bought some dye chips. Thank you soooo much! :highfive:

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