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Things to go into hurricane/luminare...

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I've really enjoyed making the 2 hurricanes I have. One was a piccie but went wonky :) other is setting at the moment and is shells (all I had to hand).

Anyone any suggestions as to what else I could put in? I was thinking of dried flowers but wondered if they would crumble, whether you'd literally have to stuff the gap full of them, or be able to place them in some kind of pattern on inside of mould.

btw, is a hurricane candle/shell the same as a luminaire?

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good one Donita! But good question....do you stuff the gap pretty full or use the chunks? I tried with the chunks and the flowers still do not stay close enough to the outside of shell. I bought the insert for my size mold (5x6) I guess I have to start the practice route again. And I will!

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Hi wick n wax

nice to see a another fellow U.K candle maker on here, theres getting to be quite a few of us on here now.

As for the hurricane how about trying it with some nice paper instead of a photo, i did not with a sort of old fashioned scrolly handwriting paper embedded all the way round.

OH and i just wondered i saw another one of your posts ( I AM SURE IT WAS YOU) were you said you were using straight paffafin from a hobby shop, do you done that you have to use high melt point wax for hurricanes- i havent been able to find any here in the U.K, so i add an addative to raise the melt point. Otherwise the walls of the hurricane would melt/clapse in after it had been on a bit. But if you have found some high melt point wax in the U.K i would love to know where you found it

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you definately need a high melt point wax or addatives added to the regular wax- other wise after it has been lit for a bit the walls will start to melt and cave in, even if the candles in a holder. I did try it and after it had been lit for a few hours the inside wall started to run, and then one side caved in. Even with addative it does raise the melt point as much as the hurricane wax would be, so i only use the small sort of tea light in them. But am sure there will be someone along here soon that will know a lot more about it than me

Have to tried burning one for a good few hours at a time to see if it will hold up?

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You definitely want to use a high melt point wax or use additives to raise the melt point of the wax you have. For your Auntie's 'cane just give with a tea light in a glass holder. Also put something under the glass holder like a piece of cork, ceramic tile, that kind of thing.

You will want to burn for several hours before giving to you Aunt. You might also want to give it to her on a candle plate just in case there is a problem with it melting.

As far as what you can put in the 'cane walls you are only limited by your imagination. Cinnamon sticks, coffee beans, buttons, anything that will fit between the wall of your mold and the insert. Since the wall doesn't burn you don't have to worry about flammability of the item. But you must make sure your wall isn't going to melt. Just have fun.

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thanks sharyl

If i burn my aunties to test it, is she going to 'know' its been tested, will it look any different inside?

Can;t really do anymore at moment then as I only have parrafin and can only other other wax online. That's going to have to wait for now, as need to buy quite a bit to make it cost effective, bout £25 worth and haven't got that just yet.

So.......... whats paraffin best for :)

chunks candles, rustic when I get my mould.

Actually I've got some gell wax, and gell colouring, but haven't used that yet, bit nervy tbh lol

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