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Does anyone have a product that can help and or fix severly cracked and chapped hands? I don't want to know how to make it, I want to buy it from you. Bakery scents only please, flowers make me gag.

I have tried EVERYTHING from Bath and Body Works and I own just about every product that says it "heals dry skin" from the drug store.

If I make a fist my knuckles crack and bleed:o Any recommendations would be appreciated. Thanks, Funky

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For a quicker fix, get some Bag Balm!! This stuff heals anything, and fast. Put it on your hands before bed, cover up with some thin cotton or latex gloves (cuz it's pretty greasy) and you'll be amazed in the morning.

Winter up here wreaks havoc on your hands, dry, split and bleeding, finger splits, etc. Bag Balm is the only thing I've found that works overnight. HTH.

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I've got a cream base that I make that is wonderful. A lady my mom works with has the same problems, and my mom passed on her tester jar to her. She is hording the stuff, even though we've told her she doesn't have to! But she dabs it on all the cracks and dry spots on her hands, and according to my mom, it's working miracles. I know it's been working beautifully with my own dry skin this winter. If you're interested in trying some, PM me. I'm more than willing to send you a good sized sample (at least 2 ounces - I'll have to check what jar sizes I have!), for the cost of shipping.

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It's not a "homemade" product, but have you tried the cracked heel cream, from AVON? I used to sell Avon, and sold alot of this stuff. I wondered what all the fuss was about and bought some, and it is wonderful. It is for the feet, but I have used it for hands as well and it works wonders.

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Also if you don't mind it not being homemade, Mary Kay has the Extra Emollient cream. You can put it on in a thin layer and wear it all day, or slather it on and bag your hands overnight

I have tried that and liked it also.:)

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Cascade Carrie's foot/hand goo works great and fast. It's loaded w/ glycerin. I think her site is www.raindancesoaps.com

Have you tried whipped shea butters? I've got those. DH gets cracked, dry, bleeding skin in the winter if he forgets to use it, and he swears by it. Citrus-Ginger is my best-selling scent. Here's a link: http://www.ajscountrycottage.com/bath_body.html

Hope you find SOMETHING that helps. Cracked skin is nasty to have to deal with. :( Good luck!

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I gave a friend from work some shea for her mom who had severely cracked hands. After applying the shea daily for a few weeks her hands have cleared up completely! I am so happy for her. I guess from what my friend said, her hands were so bad that they were like cuts. Even the prescription stuff the dermatologist gave her didn't work!! She used my lavender-chamomile soap to wash her hands and then applied shea...and her hands are crack-free now! Yay!

So I would suggest some shea butter for those cracked, chapped hands! :D

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