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Italian palm pillar


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Hi all, this is a pillar I mad with my "italian" palm wax. This wax acts different everytime I pour it, but I like it very much.

Scented Amish Harvest.

The shot was taken while testing my new home made light box.

Thanks for looking!


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You're Home Made Light Box took a great picture! I have to make one for myself. I have a friend in graphic design who can touch up the pics for me and will work for candles...lol...

Your pillar looks aweosme. Palm wax is soo cool. I really gotta try it one of these days...

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Thanks for your kind words!

This wax is "italian" because it's the first palm wax available here. But it's not a straight palm wax.

Supplier can't give me details (as usual) but form what I see it should be palm mixed with paraffin or other additives. because it doesn't have the typycal feel to the touch of the palm wax I buy in US and is hard as a rock.

It always makes a different pattern, sometimes very visible and other very soft.

It also throw a bit well of the other palm waxes I have.


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Hi Sabrina. I really like the look of the candle and it is a great colour too - I love orange! Great photo as well. Did you find the instructions on how to make a light box on this forum? I did a search for it, but nothing came up. Thanks. Sarah

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Hi Sabrina....I love your palm wax candle. The supplier can't tell you how much palm is in the wax? It has a great looking finish. How does it burn compared to your regular pillar wax. And.....thanks for the link for the light box. I am going to make one.....I also have to buy another camera....mine is shot. Bis Sister, Donita

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Hi Sabrina....I love your palm wax candle. The supplier can't tell you how much palm is in the wax? It has a great looking finish. How does it burn compared to your regular pillar wax. And.....thanks for the link for the light box. I am going to make one.....I also have to buy another camera....mine is shot. Bis Sister, Donita

Hi big Sis,

you know that italy it's not a candlemaker place. The supplier says it's palm wax. He doesn't even know it makes crystals. He told me that is the same as paraffin but it's less expensive.

True, it's less expensive but it does crystalize.. ! I'll keep this secret for me.

Have fun with your light box, it's really useful, especially if you have a dark house with no nice corners in whic to take pics as mine!

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I have researched palm wax tirelessly and discovered via one manufacturer's site that there are several formulas of palm wax for different purposes and effects. Like soy and paraffin, all palm wax is not the same...

Here is a link to general information about malaysian palm wax...


...and here is a link to their specific products. I think many of our suppliers purchase from them...:wink2:


Wish we could talk more of our suppliers into making more of these different formulas of palm wax available to us...:undecided

THANKS for the link to the light box instructions - I think that will resolve my photo issues!

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Hi Stella, thanks for the links, I will look at those when I have a bit of time, I have to pour like a mad now!

I can only guess what a wax is here.

For example time ago I ordered plain paraffin and I got what I used to call "nevermelting wax". It was white as milk and I had to heat it at about 300 F to melt it.

The supplier kept on saying it was just regular, plain, paraffin with no additive.

Go figure!

Glad you liked the light box, HTH!!

I have researched palm wax tirelessly and discovered via one manufacturer's site that there are several formulas of palm wax for different purposes and effects. Like soy and paraffin, all palm wax is not the same...

Here is a link to general information about malaysian palm wax...


...and here is a link to their specific products. I think many of our suppliers purchase from them...:wink2:


Wish we could talk more of our suppliers into making more of these different formulas of palm wax available to us...:undecided

THANKS for the link to the light box instructions - I think that will resolve my photo issues!

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