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Which Lavender for Soap?


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Another newbie question. :o

I want to buy some lavender for use in soaps (and candles too). Is there any particular kind that is what is normally used? Here are the different ones I've heard about:

Lavender 40/42

Lavender Australian

Lavender Barreme

Lavender Bulgarian

Lavender Croatian

Lavender French

Lavender Mont Blanc

Lavender Population

This is too confusing! Help!!! :confused:

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Lavenders vary *tremendously* in scent and in their chemical makeup. Even from year to year. Bulgarian smells sweeter to me. 40/45 is blended specifically to have standardized components.

I use Bulgarian or Provence. In candles I use a blend of FO and EO, and sometimes use Lavendin hybrid instead of a lavender variety (more medicinal but sticks better)

You really have to try different suppliers until you find something you like, since there's such a range. Bulgarian from one supplier can smell completely different than Bulgarian from another.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I use the 40/42 from Lebermuth and it is awesome!!! I only use .5 oz ppo and it practically runs me out of the house. Great stuff, I highly recommend it!

Edited to add: Oh, what a nitwit! I just realized I posted twice to the same thread! Well, 40/42 is THAT GOOD!! heehee

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Hey asheebeans, since you posted perhaps you can help me out. Does your scent last? I made some cute li'l m&p with lavender eo and the scent has faded considerably...I don't even think it's been a week yet! :( That's why I was asking about the "anchor scent." How does yours hold up? If your's lasts, perhaps I need to give your supplier a try (must be good since you posted twice!! ;):D )

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Hey asheebeans, since you posted perhaps you can help me out. Does your scent last? I made some cute li'l m&p with lavender eo and the scent has faded considerably...I don't even think it's been a week yet! :( That's why I was asking about the "anchor scent." How does yours hold up? If your's lasts, perhaps I need to give your supplier a try (must be good since you posted twice!! ;):D )

I use the 40/42 and I made some in cp a month ago and it is still strong.

What kind of Mp are you using?

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I used SFIC goat's milk and SFIC clear (it was layered), both scented with 1tsp pp of Lavender 40/42. It was extremely strong when I mixed it and for a day or two after...but I sniffed it today and could barely smell anything! :(

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EmpressC, 1 tsp works out to be less than 0.2 oz pp, so that is why it was too weak after your soap was cured. I usually use about 3 times that much and the scent stays strong for a long time.

OK. I used such a small amount because I read that you need far less than fo equivalent....like only a tsp...maybe it should have been a tbsp. Not sure now. I didn't want to make it too strong and end up irritating the skin. I'll try again at 1tbsp to see how that works out. Thanks.

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I would use 1-2 tbs pp. 1 tbs weighs approximately 0.3-0.4 oz depending on how full to the brim you fill it. I would say that 0.5 oz pp is a good starting point, which is still less than what you would use for an FO normally.

Really? :embarasse I've been using .5 oz per pound of FO, which is why I thought I should be using so much less EO. LOL!

I thought typical usage rates for FO in soap was 3%. That's .48oz. Are people really going higher than that?? I'm afraid that would melt my skin off! LOL!

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Hey asheebeans, since you posted perhaps you can help me out. Does your scent last? I made some cute li'l m&p with lavender eo and the scent has faded considerably...I don't even think it's been a week yet! :( That's why I was asking about the "anchor scent." How does yours hold up? If your's lasts, perhaps I need to give your supplier a try (must be good since you posted twice!! ;):D )

Hi there! I use the 40/42 Lavender EO from Lebermuth. It's great stuff! I use 0.5 oz. ppo and it is super strong! I highly recommend it. The scent sticks wonderfully in CP. Maybe you can get someone who is ordering from there to order the essential oil for you, to beat the minimum order, then they can ship it you. I haven't made CP since December and the batch of lavender that I made still smells as strong as the day I made it!!

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