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Welcome, what they told me was test test and test some more but your probably looking for somewhere to start. I started with Joy wax from NG (there is a page on here with abbr.) then i moved to j50 i use bcn for a lot of my scents jars lids etc. NG also has a lot of nice scents. I use zinc wicks. not sure what else to let you know. But welcome and happy testing.

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Hello to you both! This place is a wealth of information and talent as well. Starting out with kits is a great way to go, but if you have passed that point, the forum (and dont forget the archives) is a great place to learn. I haven't had a question yet that someone here hasn't been able to answer for me if I couldnt find it by searching the board. Happy candle making, it's addictive :cheesy2:

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I thank you all for the information and the welcome. I have been reading and reading. With the few I have made, I really enjoy making. I'm a stay at home mom with a child with a lot of health issue. So I had to find something to do. I think I'm really going to enjoy this and I also enjoy this website.

Thank you all,


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I thank you all for the information and the welcome. I have been reading and reading. With the few I have made, I really enjoy making. I'm a stay at home mom with a child with a lot of health issue. So I had to find something to do. I think I'm really going to enjoy this and I also enjoy this website.

Thank you all,


Cynthia, I am with you. I am new too. I have a little boy with health issues too, so I stay home also. I am a full time online student, and took up candle making from my neighbor. She only does containers with paraffin. I got hooked at Christmas time, and now all my friends and family is continously asking for more. So as I continue my testing and learning, my goal is to have a home based business. Only through word of mouth. I don't want to do craft fairs or home shows. Just too much for me. Maybe a few years later. Right now I am getting insured first. I am experimenting with pillars now. I am so addicted. Seems to get in the way of my homework, but nice to see I can so something beyond motherhood.

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