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** What's in your pot for the week/end? **

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Yeah, we've got power back! The storm that hit us dumped 8 inches of snow (that's a lot for us) and knocked out the power Wed night. The sound of power is *so* lovely


So I'm taking today off of work as well - no way am I going to go skidding into work. I think I'll work on peppermint stuff this weekend - a foot soak, a lip balm, a peppermint fizzie..

What's up with you - what are you all working on?

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I finally found some time after going back to work to play this weekend, so I'm going to make some "clean" scented candles, mix up some carpet sprinkle (silly dogs thinks it's funny to play in the mud then track it in) and while not "in my pot" related, I am determined to organize my work space :yay:

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Well for today this is what I'm doing

Candles, and Tarts

Mango Papaya

Macintosh Apple

Apple Dumplings

Lavander Vanilla

Cool Citrus Basil

Hot Apple Pie

Downey April Fresh

Island Kola Nut

Banana Nut Muffin

Ginger Lime


Strawberry Jam

Cherry Mist

Birthday Cake

Toasted Marshmallow


Coconut Cream pie

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Organizing candle area.Take pics and put on website for my new addition of potpourri,jar/tart warmers and candle shades.Give the finishing touches to my 2 candle baskets for 2 charities.Making 150 potpourri favors for a charity auction and gotta go to AWE to get "more" FO's by tomorrow.I hurried there last Saturday thinking Monday was the last day but tomorrow is.So gotta have more "scents".That is something you can't have enough of. More to do but for now this is all I can think of.LynnS

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Well for today this is what I'm doing

Candles, and Tarts

Mango Papaya

Macintosh Apple

Apple Dumplings

Lavander Vanilla

Cool Citrus Basil

Hot Apple Pie

Downey April Fresh

Island Kola Nut

Banana Nut Muffin

Ginger Lime


Strawberry Jam

Cherry Mist

Birthday Cake

Toasted Marshmallow


Coconut Cream pie

I bet your house smells AWESOME! :)

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Hmmm. Cleaning and priming the new turkey fryer my hubby bought me... then pouring whatever I can!!! I have some FO's I need to use up and a craft fair in mid-May to prepare for (hey - it's only two and a half months away!). So.... probably Lilac, Victorian Rose, Asian Sandalwood and StormWatch.

My house is going to smell..... weird, I think, with that combination! LOL!

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